Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 270 The Final Competition

Chapter 270 The Final Competition

Finally ushered in the last day of the competition. After a night of rest and adjustment, everyone has recovered and is heading to the final assembly point.

After two days of challenges, there are only 8 teams left, and the rest can be said to be strong.

When they walked through the forest to the final assembly point, they found three cylinders in the open space with a space button inside.

Several teams glanced at each other, and went straight to snatch the space button, and a big scuffle began.

Everyone knew the strength of Jiang Yuxuan and Leng Ran, so they concentrated their firepower on these two people.

Jiang Yuxuan and Leng Ran avoided all kinds of supernatural attacks, while looking for opportunities to fight back. Guo Yiming and Jiang He were not idle, and took the opportunity to grab the space button.

When Guo Yiming was about to grab the space button, a gust of wind swept the space button away.

Turning his head, he saw that it was Bai Genghuai. He didn't expect that this brat would dare to grab something from his hand, so he activated mind control, and Bai Genghuai couldn't move in an instant.

Jiang Chen wanted to stop him but was stopped by Jiang He, and the two quickly fought.

Jiang He looked at Jiang Chen's agility and admired him inwardly. He was the lieutenant general's younger brother, and his strength was not weak.

Since Jiang Chen narrowly escaped death last time, he has been training every day, and his strength has increased a lot, so he can deal with the Jagged Legion who has experienced many battles.

But there is still a gap between a person who sits in the laboratory and a person who has been training in the military camp for many years. Soon he felt that his movements slowed down and his physical strength gradually declined.

And Wen Yan, who hid aside and watched everyone fighting vigorously, had a smirk on his face, "Xingchen, it's time for you to play your best."

Lu Xingchen remained expressionless, silently took out the medicine powder from his bosom, and gently blew the medicine powder towards everyone.

After a while, Jiang Chen, who is a pharmacist, immediately reacted and shouted: "Hold your breath!"

The others also quickly noticed the strangeness, they all stopped holding their breath and retreated immediately, but they had already inhaled some.

"Damn it, Leng Zongmen is too despicable! He actually took medicine!" Guo Yiming thought resentfully, seeing the space button he just snatched was taken away, Guo Yiming jumped angrily, but he didn't dare to open his mouth for fear of inhaling it. powder.

Bai Genghuai was the first to inhale the powder because he was restrained, and he passed out not long after.

Jiang Chen hurriedly stepped forward to check, only to be relieved when he found that he just fainted, so he quickly took out the medicine from his bag. Fortunately, he prepared some antidote just in case, and now it can be used.

He drank it himself and then fed it to Bai Genghuai. At this moment, Jiang Yuxuan came to him and indicated with his eyes if there was any potion left.

Because the medicinal herbs were limited and the time was urgent, he only prepared three. At this time, Tian Bin also came over, saying that it would be a waste for Jiang Yuxuan to give the medicine to himself, and he couldn't beat it.

So Jiang Chen gave the potion to Jiang Yuxuan, Jiang Yuxuan drank it quickly, and the healers of other teams used their healing power to remove the effect of the potion.

Leng Ran took the opportunity to surround everyone with ice powers. He had already taken the antidote, so it was not affected at all.

Wen Yan stepped forward and took the space button in his hand, "Our stars are still the best, look! We're going to get No.1!"

When Wen Yan was excited, a voice calmed him down instantly.

"Are you sure this is No.1?" At this moment Artis' voice came.

Everyone immediately looked in the direction of the sound, and found a mecha. This mecha seemed to be the lowest basic mecha, and it was what everyone used for simulation training.

"Damn, mecha? No way! Could it be that they will be compared to mechas in the end! It's not fair! We haven't touched mechas before, how can we compare?" Wen Yan shouted.

When the other soldiers heard that it was better than mechs, they immediately became excited. You have never been in contact with it, but we are trained every day!This is good, they also have a chance to win.

He held Wen Yan coldly, "The big deal is to compare it directly with the mecha. This mecha doesn't seem to be of high level, so we might not be able to beat it."

Wen Yan calmed down after hearing this, silently observing the mecha, thinking about how to defeat it.

At this time, Jiang Yuxuan had rushed over, snatched the space button from Lu Xingchen's hand, and then opened it directly, and a mecha similar to the one on the opposite side appeared.

"Hey, you guys don't know how to drive mechas, so hurry up and hand over the mechas to us!"

"That's right! No matter how good you are! It's hard to win against mechs, so give up!"

Leng Ran directly froze these people for thousands of miles, and could no longer speak.

At this time, Jiang Yuxuan had already entered the mecha, and quickly figured out the operation inside. Although it was a little different from the mecha he usually trained, it was similar.

After operating a few times, he immediately attacked Leng Ran and the others. Although the mech was huge, he didn't expect it to move super fast, and he was in front of them in an instant.

With a punch, a hole was made in the ground immediately, and the three of them dispersed immediately.

"Damn it, you guys are too despicable, if you want the Jagged Army to win, just say so!" Wen Yan said angrily.

Leng Ran tried to receive the mecha's attack, but he was sent flying a few meters instantly.

Just when Wen Yan was in a hurry, Lu Xingchen ran over and asked him for the space button.

"Xingchen, why do you need the space button? Can you know how to open it?" Wen Yan asked in surprise.

Lu Xingchen nodded, took the space button, released the mecha and quickly got in.

Wen Yan was very surprised, how could this kid use armor?There was no chance to touch mechas at Blue Star, so he sneaked to the base to learn mechas.

It didn't take long for Lu Xingchen to move the mecha, and quickly stood in front of Leng Ran, caught Jiang Yuxuan's attack, and quickly counterattacked.

"Hoo~" Wen Yan whistled, "I underestimated you, little Xingchen, this body is fine!"

Just when Wen Yankai was about to turn defeat into victory, another mecha on the other side also attacked them.

Leng Ran pulled Wen Yan to avoid the attack, "Hey! This is too much!" Wen Yan shouted, then looked at the only sober Jiang Chen at the scene, gestured to Leng Ran, and then Leng Ran threw the space button to him.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, looked at them with doubts, and Wen Yan explained to him, "You must know how to drive a mecha! Go beat up that mecha, anyway, our team already has one, and it's okay to get another one." Useless."

Jiang Chen looked at Bai Genghuai who was still in a coma, and said softly, "Don't worry! Leave this kid to us, let's go! It's best to beat that mecha to pieces!"

So Jiang Chen put down Bai Genghuai, took out the mecha, and quickly entered the mecha.

Their family has always had a mecha training room, and after coming to Blue Star, they also used the mecha training room of the military department for training, so driving a mecha was no problem for him at all.

Wen Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief watching the fight between the two mechas, dragged Bai Genghuai to a corner to sit down, and acted as a spectator, while the frozen people kept beckoning them to remove the ice with their eyes.

But Leng Ran didn't intend to let them go at all, causing them to keep winking there, glaring at times, shivering at times, and showing lovelessness at times made Wen Yan laugh.

"Okay, of course, let people out! Anyway, we can only be spectators." Wen Yan said with a smile.

He looked at them coldly and expressionlessly, as if saying, if you dare to say one more word, I will continue to let you be popsicles!

Where did the others dare to speak, all they wanted was to let them go quickly, they were almost frozen to death.

The people who were unblocked immediately fell to the ground and shivered. With the effect of the medicine, they felt that they were about to faint. They quickly drank the recovery potion and warmed up their bodies with the help of the fire ability.

(End of this chapter)

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