Chapter 34
"I'll go back right away!" Ji Zhixi said, not even caring about cleaning up.

Squeak!Xiao Jin couldn't sit still when he heard that Xiao Shen was injured, and immediately ran back without waiting for Ji Zhixi and the others, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Jin!" Li Huai shouted anxiously, "Master, Xiao Jin!"

"It's okay, Xiao Jin knows the way, let's go back quickly!" Ji Zhixi said, "Unfortunately, we will see you in the next live broadcast." After speaking, the live broadcast was turned off

People on were talking about it. Everyone knew that there was a small ginseng tree beside Ji Zhixi. Seeing her anxious appearance, something must have happened.

Ji Zhixi asked Xiao Hei to roll up Li Huai, she hugged Xiao Bai and sat on it, and quickly moved towards the base.

When Ji Zhixi returned to the base, she saw that Xiao Jin had entered a berserk state. Her entire body had grown several times larger, her claws and fangs had become sharp and long, and she was attacking one person. Others did not dare to make a move for fear of hurting Xiao Jin.

This person is a metal-type supernatural being, and his whole body is tempered to resist Xiao Jin's attack, but Xiao Jin who has entered a berserk state, both his strength and speed have risen to a terrifying level.

Even the steel body couldn't withstand Xiao Jin's attack, the steel skin was torn, and a claw flew flying, and the body was dented, and some timid girls couldn't help screaming when they saw it.

Ji Zhixi was worried that Xiaojin would lose control if this continued, so she immediately rushed to Xiaojin and jumped on its back. Obviously Xiaojin had lost her mind and wanted to throw Ji Zhixi off, but Artis immediately bit Xiaojin.

Xiao Hei immediately entangled Xiao Hei with vines, and Ji Zhixi injected the spiritual power into Xiao Jin's body. At first, Xiao Jin's spiritual power resisted, and Ji Zhixi kept calling for it.

"Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin, calm down, have you forgotten about Xiao Shen? Xiao Shen is still waiting for us!" Ji Zhixi said loudly, using her healing power to soothe Xiao Jin's emotions.

Ji Zhixi's mental power was very soft and completely non-aggressive, and Xiao Jin slowly calmed down, and Ji Zhixi breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Zhixi jumped in front of Xiao Jin, touched it and said, "Xiao Jin, it's all right, with me here, Xiao Shen will be fine."

Xiaojin's eyes became clear again, and his body gradually began to shrink to normal size. At this moment, his eyes were actually filled with tears, and Ji Zhixi's heart ached when he saw it.

Xiao Jin is such an arrogant beast. He never shed a tear when he was injured so badly before, but now he is crying. Xiao Shen's situation is probably not optimistic, and Li Huai felt uncomfortable watching it.

The person who was attacked was seriously injured and unconscious, but he was not dead yet, and was dragged down by the Iron Blood Legion.

Ji Zhixi picked up Xiao Jin and asked, "Where is Xiao Shen?"

"In the laboratory, President Zhan and the others are rescuing them," Jiang Yuxuan said.

"What's going on?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"It's my problem. We didn't screen out good people. One of the ancient earthlings who came to help was a supernatural person who wanted to steal medicinal herbs. He was discovered by the pharmacist and Xiao Shen. Xiao Shen was seriously injured by him in order to save people, and almost crystallized. The core has been dug out." Leng Ran said with her brows furrowed.

Ji Zhixi's heart stopped when she heard that, and she quickly prepared various treatment plans in her mind.

"Show me that person, don't let him die!" Ji Zhixi said with a ruthless look in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll give you an explanation." Said coldly.

When I came to the laboratory, I saw that Zhan Bei was constantly using healing power on Xiao Shen, but it had no effect at all.The little ginseng has wounds all over its body, its roots are almost broken, and there is a big hole in its chest. You can see the shining crystal nucleus in its body. Its small body is almost split in half, and the leaves on its head are all withered. up.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help crying too. Her little ginseng was alive and kicking when she left in the morning, but now she is lying there lifeless. No wonder Xiao Jin is going crazy. The family she has been taking care of has become like this now .

Ji Zhixi handed Xiao Jin over to Li Huai, and immediately went over to take over, while Zhan Bei retreated to the side a little bit exhausted.

Ji Zhixi immediately used her healing power to heal the little ginseng, maybe because Ji Zhixi and the little ginseng formed a blood contract, so her power slowly flowed into the little ginseng and played a role, and the wound began to heal.

Everyone else couldn't help but sigh, the fourth-level plant-type superpowers have been healing the wounds that could not be healed, and Ji Zhixi made the wounds start to heal as soon as she came. It seems that her ability is not only slightly stronger than the president.

Little Ginseng's body kept absorbing Ji Zhixi's power, like a bottomless pit, Ji Zhixi began to struggle a little, sweating profusely.She can only transmit power while absorbing crystal nuclei to replenish power.

Finally, when the crystal nuclei almost absorbed the light, the wound of the little ginseng was completely healed, but there was still no movement, like a dead object, without the vitality it had before.

Xiao Jin immediately ran to the side of the little ginseng, creaking it softly, wanting to touch it but dare not touch it, for fear that if its wound is still not healed, and wanting to get it up again, the helpless look makes everyone feel sad .

Ji Zhixi expended too much energy, she was a little unsteady, her figure swayed, Li Huai who was next to her immediately supported her, Artis ripped off her clothes, and could only look at her paws with hatred .

"Zhixi, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I selected that person, and I didn't expect him to do such a thing." Wen Yan said guiltily.

"What happened? Why did Xiao Shen suffer such a serious injury?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"It, Little Ginseng is here to save me." Jiang Hong said with tears in her eyes, she was also in a mess with injuries all over her body.

"Originally, we were all serious about planting medicinal herbs. I found that person sneaking around in the corner and avoided everyone on purpose. I kept paying attention to him. I didn't expect that he was quietly collecting medicinal herbs and recording data. I wanted to stop him. Unexpectedly He is actually a dual-element ability user, in addition to the plant-type and gold-type." Jiang Hong said through gritted teeth.

"He grabbed me and wanted to take me away quietly to get rid of me, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Xiao Shen. He also wanted to take the opportunity to take Xiao Shen away and use medicine on Xiao Shen, but he didn't expect that the medicine was useless to Xiao Shen. He was worried about being discovered by others, so he used me to threaten Xiao Shen." Jiang Hong continued.

Small ginseng is a mutated plant of tens of thousands of years. It has a special physique. Although it has no attack power, it is considered the top plant, and medicine will not have any effect on it.

"Little Cannon didn't dare to resist because of me. Seeing Xiaocan was caught in his hand and his roots were torn off by him, I couldn't bear it anymore and decided to fight to the death, but I was not his opponent at all."

"That person was going to kill me with a knife, but he was blocked by Xiao Shen. The knife cut open Xiao Shen's body and exposed the crystal nucleus. That scum still wanted to dig out Xiao Shen's crystal nucleus." Jiang Hong thought of this Couldn't help crying.

"Fortunately, 007 found that the little ginseng was missing, so he came to look for it, and was rescued at a critical moment. If the crystal nucleus is dug out, I'm afraid..." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"This is the root of the small ginseng, I, I snatched it back." Jiang Hong opened her hand tremblingly.

Ji Zhixi took it, and she looked at the lying little ginseng, it must have been terrified and painful at that time, she shouldn't have let it stay here alone, Ji Zhixi felt very sad.

"I'm going to take Xiaosan back to the forest to recuperate, and I'll leave the matter of the base to you first. You don't have to blame yourself, we can't even predict this kind of thing." Ji Zhixi said.

"Xiao Shen treats you as friends, that's why he saved you. If you want to repay it, let's make yourself stronger! Xiao Shen likes the forest very much. You can work hard to plant plants here, so that it will feel like home in the future. Hurry up and go to heal your injuries first, Xiao Shen will be very happy to see that you are fine." Ji Zhixi comforted Jiang Hong.

Jiang Hong nodded vigorously, she will definitely become stronger.

"Xiao Huai, you have been training with Lieutenant General Jiang at the base recently, and deal with the system first, and we will continue training when I come back." Ji Zhixi said to Li Huai, and Li Huai had no choice but to nod.

"Miss Zhixi!" Liu Jianwei looked at her, "You don't need to follow me from now on, Xiao Shen needs to rest, let's take care of ourselves, don't worry, don't forget that the forest is my domain." Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Zhixi looked at Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, crystal nucleus."

Artis rubbed his head against her leg to show that he understood, needless to say, his eyes were full of pity.

"Let's go first, and I'll leave this place to you." Ji Zhixi looked at the crowd who were hesitant to speak, then hugged Xiao Shen, and led Xiao Bai, Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei to the depths of the forest.

After Ji Zhixi and the others walked away, they turned coldly and said to Wen Yan, "Go and gather the people from the ancient earth for me."

The storm is coming, and there will be a bloodbath.

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(End of this chapter)

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