Chapter 35 Regret
Ji Zhixi brought them to the ancient tree, Xiao Jin climbed up immediately when he saw the ancient tree, and spoke in a tone of urgency, anger and helplessness.

At the beginning, Artis guessed that Ji Zhixi would bring them here, because Ji Zhixi took the little ginseng and them away from here, and this was the original home of little ginseng and Xiaojin.

The ancient tree hugged the little ginseng in Ji Zhixi's arms with its branches and leaves, and planted the little ginseng under the root of the tree. Ji Zhixi felt the power of the ancient tree began to flow into the little ginseng's body continuously.

The body of the small ginseng slowly emits a green light, wrapping it inside, and the small ginseng seems to be contained inside, falling asleep.

After a while, the roots of the small ginseng slowly grew out, the withered leaves on the head of the small ginseng fell off, and new leaves grew out, tender and green, like a newborn.

Even Artis couldn't help sighing, what a powerful vitality, they all felt very comfortable beside them, and bursts of strength surged up in their bodies.

No wonder it can breed ginseng for thousands of years. This ancient tree can also control plants. This power should not be underestimated.

Originally, I thought that returning the ginseng to the place where it grew would be beneficial for recovery, but I didn't expect this ancient tree to have such a powerful force. Why would such a powerful ancient tree easily recognize Xixi as its master?Could it be that Xixi is still hiding a power that he doesn't know?
After a long time, the light dissipated, and the little ginseng still didn't move, but the leaves on his head moved. Xiao Jin jumped up excitedly when he saw it, and the little ginseng was fine.

When Ji Zhixi saw it, she finally couldn't hold back her tears. She was panicked at the beginning, and she had exhausted all the methods she could use. At that moment, she felt that she had nothing to rely on, no one to turn to for help.

Behind her was Grandpa Gu Shu who summoned her. Grandpa Gu Shu felt the change in her heart, so she immediately came back with Xiao Shen.

Fortunately, there was Grandpa Gu Shu, otherwise she didn't know what to do, at this moment she really felt a little devastated.

Seeing that she was distressed, Artis stretched out his paws to wipe her tears, but the tears kept falling like pearls with broken strings, wetting Artis's hair.

Squeak, squeak, Xiaojin hurried over to comfort him when he saw this, the ancient tree shook its branches at this time, making a rustling sound.

In the silent forest, Ji Zhixi's unbearable sobs were infinitely amplified, and Artis' heart throbbed when he heard it.

"Grandpa Gu Shu, I regret it." Ji Zhixi raised her head and said, her eyes were red from crying, and her face was full of tears.

"I always thought that the ancient earth was my home, so when I came here, I just wanted to change it back to what it was before. I wanted to see the blue sea and blue sky, full of people, peaceful, quiet, pollution-free and beautiful. planet."

"However, that was a long time ago, and now this place is your home! Human beings already have a new home." Ji Zhixi said.

"My arrival has destroyed your tranquility, destroyed your home, and even put you in danger. I still think I am self-righteous and feel that I have done a good deed.

"I thought I could protect you all, but now I realize that I am too weak to do anything." Ji Zhixi said guiltily.

"Actually, what qualifications do I have to do this? I'm not a savior, I'm just an ordinary person, no matter how strong I am, I can't change my life against the sky. After seeing Xiao Shen injured, I really regretted it." Ji Zhixi at this time I just feel that I am incompetent, weak and hesitant.

"I'm so afraid to see you get hurt again, but I can't do anything about it. I finally have family and friends, and I'm so afraid of losing everything." Ji Zhixi said while covering her face.

Seeing Ji Zhixi like this, Artis felt anxious.He has always seen the cheerful and confident Ji Zhixi, he has never seen such a vulnerable side of her, and now she takes all the faults on herself.

"Xiaobai, you actually don't want to leave here, do you? You are just forced to do nothing, but you don't actually like me, do you?" Ji Zhixi said dejectedly.

Seeing Ji Zhixi's complete loss of self-confidence, Artis couldn't help it. He snatched Ji Zhixi's communicator. At this moment, he didn't care about concealing his identity, so he started typing.

[Xixi, you are right, this is your home, the home of all creatures on the ancient earth, and the home of all human beings. 】

Ji Zhixi was stunned when she saw it, and her tears stopped.

[Before you came, there were poachers every day in the Hopeless Zone, and Xiao Jin and the others lived a dangerous life every day. Many mutant plants and beasts that were stolen were sacrificed in vain. Most of the mutant plants and beasts were still alive. He was sent to the laboratory for hell-like experimental research, and many terrible things were researched. 】

[The problem of the mutated genes of the ancient earth has not been resolved. Sooner or later, the federal empire will rely on its powerful military power to raze the ancient earth to the ground.The danger that cannot be solved, the best way is to exterminate. 】

[Because of you, you solved the problem of mutated viruses, re-given value to the ancient earth, let everyone re-understand the ancient earth, and let it change from an abandoned planet to a precious planet. 】

[Because of you, everyone knows that mutated plants and mutated beasts are also like humans, with thoughts and feelings, kindness, and loyalty. It turns out that humans, mutated plants and mutated beasts can also coexist peacefully. 】

【You see how Xiaojin and Xiaocan get along with everyone. They are also very happy. If they can talk, they will definitely tell you that they like you very much and the home you built for them. 】

【You can also feel their hearts, you can't be instigated by momentary emotions and become extreme. 】

[Because of you, the ancient earth has been sheltered now, and it will develop well in the future, because you are not the only one who is working hard, but also me, your family and friends, we are all working hard. 】

[You said that the ancient earth is not only your home, but also our home. You don’t need to bear everything alone, you don’t need to be a savior, and you don’t need to shoulder the responsibility. You just need to be yourself.Be that confident and happy Ji Zhixi. 】

【What you can't do, we will do it, what you don't want to do, we will help you do it, we have everything.As long as you are here, we can rest assured to do what we want to do. Everything here is because of you. 】

[You can always bring hope to those around you, you are like the sun, where you are, we can feel the warmth.We will work with you to restore the ancient earth, and we will definitely make it the strongest planet, and you will never regret your decision. 】

【I swear!I will definitely be by your side and will never leave you no matter what. 】

It is estimated that this is the most words that Artis has said in 30 years. Although it is through typing, seeing Ji Zhixi's sad look, he can't help but rack his brains to express himself, hoping to cheer her up again.

Ji Zhixi couldn't calm down after reading it for a long time, she looked at Xiao Bai who felt familiar yet strange to her and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Artis was silent for a while, and decided to tell the truth. Lies will eventually become sharp knives and hurt each other's feelings. It is better to confess as soon as possible.

[I am Artis Tang, and my mother is from the White Tiger family, so I was born with the White Tiger gene, which allows me to transform into a White Tiger form. I was temporarily transferred to the ancient Earth in an alien battle before.The injury was too serious and atavism appeared, directly returning to childhood, because the power core was broken, so there was no way to restore the human body, I didn't mean to lie to you. 】

[When I met you, I thought I was doomed. I never thought that I would be rescued, let alone that my abilities would be restored one day. Meeting you is fate, and it can be said that it is the greatest luck in my life. 】

【I didn't intend to get close to you, nor did I intend to use you. 】

【It was only after you brought me home that I found out that you had cooperated with the Iron Blood Legion. It was because of you that I agreed to cooperate and the development of the ancient earth.Although I was selfish at the beginning, knowing your ability, I let them station troops on the ancient earth for the sake of the Iron Blood Legion. 】

[But in the future, after getting along with you, I know that you are kind and upright. You really want to restore the ancient earth and treat the people around you sincerely. From then on, I also really want to help you. 】

【Hee Hee, after I met you, I realized what the feeling of heartbeat is. I have lived for 30 years, and I have never been nervous or sad for anyone other than my family. Every word and deed touches my heart. 】

[Seeing you in danger, I only have one thought, which is to protect you. Seeing you sad makes my heart ache. I just want to see you happy every day. 】

【Originally, I thought, even if I can only be a strange beast for the rest of my life, I will admit it, but when I see you in danger, when I see you sad and sad, and I can't do anything, I really hate my incompetence, So I understand how you feel right now. 】

[Because I, like you, want to protect my family and the people I like. 】

[Everyone has weaknesses, I don't mind making you my weakness, so I will make myself stronger and try my best to protect you. 】

【Xixi, I like you, I want to be by your side all the time, is that okay? 】

Artis's pair of azure blue eyes focused on Ji Zhixi, the gentle eyes seemed to suck Ji Zhixi in, so Ji Zhixi couldn't move her eyes.

The Jagged Legion has always acted swiftly and resolutely, and this marshal confessed so directly, Ji Zhixi was stunned.

At this time, Ji Zhixi had calmed down, and she seemed to understand everything, why the Iron Blood Legion suddenly came to the ancient earth, why the Marshal would give so much money to support the ancient earth unconditionally, why Jiang Yuxuan showed a strange expression from time to time, It turned out that it was all because of him, Marshal Artis Tang.

But, what did he just say, he likes her?
 Ask for fans!Work hard!Rack your brains!tired~
(End of this chapter)

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