Chapter 41
After a while, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, and several small aircraft came over. Jiang Yuxuan brought Liu Jianwei's team, the cooking team, Leng Ran and Wen Yan brought the people from the ancient earth who came to help in the morning, and people from various guilds all came together up.

Because there were too many people, there was nothing they could do, so the members of the Jagged Legion stayed at the base. They said that watching Miss Zhixi's live broadcast was the same, and they would have opportunities to go there in the future.

After getting off the aircraft, Li Huai and Jiang Hong rushed over immediately, Xiao Shen was so frightened that he habitually hid behind Ji Zhixi.

"Xiao Shen, it's great that you're fine!" Jiang Hong couldn't help shedding tears again.

Seeing the shape, although it was a bit shy, it still stretched out its beard and gently wiped away Jiang Hong's tears. Jiang Hong was very moved.

"Xiao Shen, you are my savior. I will follow you wherever you go in the future. I will definitely make myself stronger to protect you!" Jiang Hong clenched her fists and said.

"Sister Zhixi said that you like plants. We have planted a lot of various plants in the base these two days. You will definitely like them when you see them when you go back. Also, the herbs you taught us to grow are growing very well now. .” Jiang Hong said.

After hearing this, Xiao Shen nodded happily. Hearing what Jiang Hong said, it also wanted to go back to the base to have a look.

"Master, it's great that you and Xiao Shen are fine, we are all very worried." Li Huai said anxiously.

Xiao Jin jumped on Li Huai's shoulder and patted his head, expressing that there was no need to worry.

Li Huai felt the familiar weight on his shoulders. To be honest, he was not used to being stepped on for the past two days.

"Zhixi, it's great that Xiaocan is fine, Xiaocan, I'm sorry, but we didn't pick a good person." Wen Yan apologized to Xiaocan guiltily.

Xiao Shen waved his hand, saying that there is no need to apologize. In fact, in the past, he would encounter various dangers in the forest every day. Even if it is not human, there will be various mutant animals and plants wanting to eat it. At least this time it has protected other people. , it is very happy.

"Wen Yan, you don't have to feel guilty. This is not your problem. I figured it out. We can't control everyone. In the future, the population of the ancient earth will increase, and we will not be able to avoid these situations. So the only thing we can do is Become stronger yourself!"

"All of us need to become stronger, we need to be able to protect ourselves, we need to improve our management, and our equipment must be complete. We must first do everything we can, so that we can deal with various situations." Ji Zhixi said.

"Miss Zhixi is right. In the past two days, we have accelerated the construction of the base. Minister Li has been working on the development of the defense system and the scanning system. Leng Zongmen has also collected and investigated the population information of the ancient earth. These facilities have been improved step by step, and we can manage them better by building our own database," Jiang Yuxuan said.

Ji Zhixi touched Li Huai's head, Li Huai blushed this time but did not avoid it.

Looking at everyone's tired faces, I know that everyone has been under a lot of pressure these two days.

"Thank you everyone! Thank you very much. Without you, I would not be able to do anything by myself, and the ancient earth would not be able to recover one day. In fact, I am a person with little ability, and I am also very lazy. I don't want to suffer. I don't understand either."

"The only thing I can do now is to cook delicious food for everyone, so I hope everyone will look at it for the sake of eating, and continue to work hard! Let us restore this planet together and make this planet the strongest and most beautiful planet! "Ji Zhixi said.

"Haha, I like this, girl! I'm so hungry, let's cook something delicious!" Zhan Bei said happily when he heard Ji Zhixi's words.

The others couldn't help laughing, the heavy atmosphere of the past two days was swept away, as expected, they would feel very happy by Ji Zhixi's side.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you try something new today, everyone has to do it! This way it will be faster!" Ji Zhixi said.

"All of you put on your protective clothing, get your tools, and go into the water with me. I'll teach you how to catch delicious food. It's fun." Ji Zhixi said.

So everyone got dressed, and even several presidents went into the water. They hadn't seen anything interesting in the river at such a young age, so they also came down to join in the fun.

"Come on, let's see, there are a lot of fish here! This kind of yellow-skinned yellow-skinned fish is yellow-bone fish. It's delicious in soup or braised!"

"This kind of body is tea-yellow, the back is blue-gray and slightly grass-green, the even fins are slightly yellow, the body is long, slightly cylindrical, the abdomen has no ribs, the head is flat, and the tail is flat. Grass carp is the most suitable for grilled fish. fragrant!"

"This kind of perch is long, flat on the side, slightly raised on the back, blunt and round on the back and ventral surface, covered with small ctenoid scales, completely straight on the side line, blue-gray on the back, silvery on the sides and belly. It is the sea bass. It is the most delicious when steamed!"

"This kind of shrimp is rich in nutrition and rich in protein. It has the functions of nourishing kidney and strengthening yang, promoting milk and anti-toxin, nourishing blood and solidifying essence, removing blood stasis and detoxification, nourishing qi and nourishing yang, etc."

"This is a river crab. The shell is hard and has a pair of large pliers. It is very painful to be pinched, so don't get caught. The crab is delicious and nutritious."

"" This kind of hard shell inserted in the sand is actually called a river clam. When you open it, the meat inside is edible, and some have pearls. It depends on your luck!It has the effects of invigorating the liver and relieving alcohol, clearing away heat and nourishing yin, and strengthening muscles and bones.

"This snake-like fish is called eel. It has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and relieving pain, dispelling wind and swelling, moistening intestines and stopping bleeding, nourishing brain and fitness."

"This is a crayfish. Although this kind of shrimp is small, it grows fast, has strong reproductive ability, and has delicious meat. It can be made into various flavors, but it is troublesome to clean, so you catch the crayfish first, and there are others Be careful not to trample on the paddy field, the rice we eat depends on it."

"This is the snail, although it is so small, it is rich in vitamin A, protein, iron and calcium. It has therapeutic effects on conjunctivitis, jaundice, athlete's foot, hemorrhoids and other diseases. It's just that it is cold, and the spleen and stomach are deficient and loose stools." People with diarrhea and stomach cold should not eat it. But before cooking, you need to spit out sand and pinch off the tail, so fish this first.”

Everyone listened carefully to Ji Zhixi's introduction. It turns out that various ingredients have different medicinal values, no wonder the energy value is so high.

"Okay, everyone has started to divide the work and cooperate, to collect, purify, and cook." Ji Zhixi said.

Then everyone started to fight, "Oh, this fish runs so fast! Help me stop it!"

"Wow! This eel is so slippery! It's really like a snake!"

"Stupid! That's a snake! That's a water snake! Be careful not to get bitten!" "Ah!!!"

"Ah! It hurts so much, let it go! The claws of this crab are too powerful!"

""what!There are really pearls, so beautiful, you can make a pair of pearl earrings!
"Get the net quickly! These are all going to run away!"

The whole river was very lively, everyone was laughing and laughing, Ji Zhixi shared the live broadcast with them, and the netizens on Xingwang were very envious after watching it.

[Squatting at home: Ah!I really want to catch fish too! 】

[Love Travel: The water is so cool and clear!Although these snails and shrimps look scary, I can still catch them and play with them! 】

[Hard-working office workers: Woohoo~~ I really want to change jobs! 】

[Mermaid baby: The water is so comfortable, I can't help but conjure up my tail and soak in the bathtub! 】

[Tigger; I'm watching the live broadcast in the swimming pool now! 】


Ji Zhixi washed the snails, then plied off the tails, put them in clean water and dripped sesame oil, and waited for the snails to spit out sand. Fortunately, there was a machine, otherwise there were so many things, everyone would have to wash them until dawn.

Ji Zhixi put the crayfish into the water, added an appropriate amount of salt and vinegar, let it spit out the dirt, and then cleaned it with a brush, peeled off the top shell of the lobster, removed the lobster's viscera, stomach sac, and shrimp line, and then cleaned it.

Shrimp guns and long beards should be cut off from river prawns, otherwise it is easy to hurt the mouth when eating. Rinse them with clean water and drain as much as possible.

Ji Zhixi took out the tofu that she had taken the time to make before. Fortunately, StarCraft's fresh-keeping technology is excellent, and the ingredients are still the same as fresh after a month.

The cooking class helped chop ginger, onion, garlic and other ingredients, washed the ingredients and gave them to Ji Zhixi.

Ji Zhixi cleaned the yellow-bone fish, marinated it with cooking wine and black pepper, cut the tofu into cubes, sliced ​​the ginger and garlic, heated the oil in a pan, sautéed the ginger and garlic until fragrant, sprinkled a little salt in the oil to prevent the fish skin from sticking to the pan, poured Add yellow bone fish and fry until golden on both sides.

Then pour in boiling water until the milky white soup is cooked, add tofu after stewing, add salt, seasoning powder, black pepper, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and the fresh and thick yellow bone fish tofu soup is ready, with an energy value of 25000.

Heat the oil in a pan, fry the river prawns until the color is red, and remove them. When the oil temperature rises, fry them again until the shells are crispy and remove them.Pinch a little salt in the middle and sprinkle it in, which can not only help the taste, but also prevent oil from splashing.

Pour out most of the oil in the pot, add sliced ​​ginger and scallions and stir-fry until fragrant, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, white sugar and vinegar, cook until the juice is slightly thick, pour in the fried shrimp, and quickly stir-fry until the sauce is thickened The juice is wrapped on the prawns, sprinkled with chopped green onion, and the stir-fried river prawns are ready, with an energy value of 23000.

Wash the fish, cut it into two pieces with a flower knife, marinate it with salt, cooking wine and five-spice powder, then wrap it in flour, heat the pan and pour in oil, when the oil temperature is 5% hot, put in the flour-coated Fry the fish fillets until golden brown, remove and drain the oil, mushrooms, potato slices, enoki mushrooms, baby vegetables, etc. to the end, and place them on the baking tray.

Leave a little oil in the pot, add shredded shallots and fry until yellow, add salt, sugar, a little water and red pepper rings to make a sauce, if you like spicy food, you can add millet pepper, pour it on the heated fish while it is hot, Sprinkle with coriander, and there will be a gurgling sound on the grill, and the delicious grilled fish will be ready. The energy value is 28000.

The people in the cooking class were too busy. When Ji Zhixi cooked a dish, they copied it, cooked hundreds of copies, and hurriedly sent it to the brothers in the base.

The people who were touching the snails on the side smelled the fragrance, and they were very hungry.When the purifiers smelled the aroma, they almost didn't put the ingredients in their hands into their mouths.They wanted to stop immediately and rush over to eat, but they had to hold back. If they wanted to eat more delicious food, they had to collect more ingredients quickly.

Netizens were also wailed by the scent, and the alien friends once again sent letters to the Federal Empire.

【Star and Moon: Ah!What a scent!Never smelled it! 】

[Gourmet: Can aquatic products be so delicious?How much food are we missing! 】

[Mermaid: This scent is even more delicious than the prawns here!The anchor, give me a try! 】

[Food Xiaomi: A new world has opened up!New way to eat! 】

[Beauty has a date: Starting today, we also have our own aquatic products!awesome! 】

[Science is the only criterion: don't stop me, I'm calling the royal family's service hotline!Damn, the line has been busy! 】


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  Today is the 24 solar terms—Xiaoman, the second solar term in summer.Xiaoman, Doujiao, the sun reaches 60° of the yellow longitude, and it is celebrated on May 5-20 in the Gregorian calendar every year.

(End of this chapter)

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