Chapter 42 Our Home
Ji Zhixi picked up Xie’s clean snails, washed them with water, and then heated the oil in a pan. Saute ginger, garlic, chili, and fermented soybeans until fragrant, put them in the snails and stir-fry, then add perilla leaves, add salt, cooking wine, seasoning powder, Stir-fry the soy sauce until it is fully cooked, then thicken the cornstarch to collect the sauce and put it into the pot, and the stir-fried escargot is complete, with an energy value of 18000.

Heat the oil in the pan, 30% hot, fry the dry crayfish in the pan for 40-23000 seconds, when the color changes, remove from the pan.Leave some oil in the pot, then put the chopped minced pickled peppers, minced ginger, and minced green onions. After frying until fragrant, add minced garlic.After sautéing until fragrant, pour in the crayfish. After they are completely covered with minced garlic, add a little salt, oyster sauce, sugar, cooking wine, and seasoning powder and continue to simmer until the juice is reduced. The garlic crayfish is ready, with an energy value of [-].

Turn minced garlic into chili, it is spicy crayfish, reduce the minced garlic and add thirteen spice seasoning powder, it is thirteen spice crayfish, one shrimp and three meals, suitable for all kinds of people's tastes!

Peel the river prawns and take the meat, chop the prawns into minced shrimp, pour starch, salt, pepper and egg white into the minced shrimp, stir in one direction with chopsticks, and gradually stir until it becomes thick.Hold the shrimp meat in your hand, squeeze out the shrimp meat with the tiger's mouth, put it into the boiling water, and suddenly round shrimp balls are formed.Shrimp balls can be eaten directly, or used in soup or deep-fried are very delicious!The energy value is 23000.

Take out the river crab meat and crab roe and tear them up, fry the eggs with hot oil in a pan, add carrots, shiitake mushrooms, and rice and stir-fry until fragrant, then add crab meat and crab roe, salt, soy sauce, seasoning powder, sprinkle chopped green onion, and the fried rice with crab roe is ready Well, the energy value is 26000.

Slaughter the perch, remove the viscera, and wash.Use salt, shredded ginger, and peanut oil, and pour it into the belly of the sea bass.Put two or three scallions on the bottom of the dish, and put the perch on top of the scallions.Stir well with shredded pork, shredded mushrooms, shredded ginger, hot salt, soy sauce, and seasoning powder, spread it on the fish, steam it over high heat for 10 minutes, take out half of the original juice after cooking, add shredded green onion and pepper to the fish Put it on, then heat up the oil and drizzle it with soy sauce, and the fresh and sweet steamed sea bass is out of the pan, with an energy value of 25000.

Pry open the shell, remove the mud intestines, take out the mussel meat, sprinkle salt and wash it several times to wash off the mucus, boil a pot of boiling water, blanch the mussel meat, remove it and rinse it twice.Change the knife to cut the mussel meat obliquely into large pieces, add crushed ginger, a little salt, and cooking wine to marinate.The green garlic stalks are cut into granules for later use, and the starch water and oyster sauce are mixed to make a gravy.

Heat the oil in a pan and fry the dried red peppers on a low heat until the fragrance is released. Quickly stir-fry the mussels in the remaining oil, add green garlic and fried dried red peppers and stir-fry, add a little soy sauce for coloring, pour in the gravy and mix well Sprinkle the perilla leaves evenly, stir-fry the mussels, and the energy value is 22000.

Stir-fry oil-intensive lettuce, minced garlic cabbage, and stir-fried cabbage, and a table full of dishes is ready. The screen full of delicious food makes netizens want to see it, and everyone else stops their hands and stares straight at it.

"Okay, everyone, wash up and come over to eat!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

Everyone cheered, immediately took off their work clothes, cleaned up and sat down on the table.

"Everyone has worked hard! Thank you! I don't speak much, I just want to tell you that the ancient earth is a very valuable and very good planet. I hope that everyone will work hard to restore this planet with me. , we can all persevere and rebuild our homeland!"

"I hope that this place will become your home in the future! We will all become family members, and you are welcome to join our team! Cheers! Ji Zhixi said while holding a teacup."

"Cheers! Everyone smiled at each other and shouted loudly. The soldiers at the base also watched the live broadcast and raised their glasses!"

Then everyone buried their heads in their mouths and began to eat hard. Ji Zhixi served Artis and Xiao Jin a good meal, and gave Xiao Shen a glass of water rich in wood power, so that he could eat with everyone at the dining table.

too delicious!This fish soup is also too fresh. After being hungry for so long, I drank a mouthful of hot soup and felt my whole body warmed up.The fish is tender and delicate, and it goes perfectly with tofu.

The river prawns are crispy and sweet, even the shells can be chewed and eaten.Although the crayfish has less meat, the spicy taste is very enjoyable, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat.

For steamed sea bass, the more high-end ingredients often only need the simplest cooking. The fresh, tender and fragrant fish presented in the original flavor cannot be taken away by other heavy-duty delicacies.

Eat a bite of crab roe fried rice, full of crab aroma, rice with crab meat, grains elastic teeth, lips and teeth fragrant.

[Chef's milk bag: I announce that crayfish will be the first in my recipes from now on! 】

[Baby mermaid: I'm going to the ancient earth to eat stir-fried river prawns! 】

[Bao Mama: This steamed sea bass is so delicious and has high nutritional value, it's very suitable for babies! 】

[Beetle Fly: I have already booked a boat ticket to the Federal Empire! 】

[Baihumei: I'm already on the starship! 】

[Xiong Boy: Damn it!All the tickets to the Federal Empire in the next month have been sold out! 】


When everyone is full and full, the fatigue of the day will dissipate.Night also fell, and everyone built a bonfire in Hebei. This time, many people saw the beautiful Milky Way, and everyone was intoxicated in the tranquility at this moment.

At this time, Ji Zhixi suddenly wanted to sing, she hadn't sung for a long time, but at this moment she remembered a song.

There are so many people in this world
A door is open in the crowd
forever in my dim eyes

I saw you in the blue morning

There are so many people in this world
how lucky i have us
Twilight in this long fate

often let me stare into the distance
Ash leaves drift in the pond
Watching the plane go to a distant country with a bang
The sound of footsteps shouting in the long corridor of time
When the lights come on, there's no one left
A few frames flash by in the evening wind
Is the spin in the gallop gone?
Walking in the distant light, you are sunny

With so many people around me, the world is silent

Ji Zhixi hummed softly. Although there was no music, the song was very pleasant to the ear, and everyone was immersed in the singing before they knew it.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi with shining eyes, she could always bring different surprises to people, meeting her was the greatest luck in his life.

Netizens also listened obsessively. It has been a long time since they have heard such simple and beautiful music.

[Love to sing: Ah!Nice to hear, what song is this? 】

[Jing Jing: It has been recorded, and it is ready to repeat the single 100 times! 】

[Lady Fen: Ah!Forgot to record it!Please share! 】

[Music producer: Is the goddess interested in releasing a record?We are here to tailor VIP gold records for you! 】

[Bao Mama: I feel very peaceful in my heart. The noisy baby has calmed down. Please share the recording upstairs!Never worry about your baby making noise anymore! 】


"Girl, what song is this? It's very nice." Xiang Nange asked
"This is a song from the ancient earth a long time ago. It's called "So Many People in This World". I heard it by accident, and I wrote it down when I thought it sounded good." Ji Zhixi said.

"Good song!" Zhan Bei said. "It's not a loss to come to the ancient earth! There are delicious food, supplies, beauties singing, and various surprises every day. If we don't develop the ancient earth well, it is estimated that the entire galaxy will not let us go."

"The ancient earth is really a very attractive planet. At first we came here just for research, but now we are all attracted by it and want to stay. It's okay. Soon we will really regard this place as our own. home." Liu Qingqing said.

"That's right! Such a good place, whoever wants to leave is a fool!" Bai Genghuai said.

"I want to stay here." Jiang Chen said.

"Where is the master, I will be there. Who told you that you are my master?" Li Huai said.

"In the past, we only regarded this place as a refuge, but now we build it up bit by bit with our own hands. Seeing that the ancient earth needs us, we have a sense of belonging and feel that this is our home!" Wen Yan said.

"We march and fight all year round, and we settle wherever we go, but we can't settle down wherever we go, and we can't go back to home. Here we feel very at ease. Even if we leave, our hearts are still here, as if , we should have been here in the first place," Jiang Yuxuan said.

Hearing everyone's words, Ji Zhixi was really touched, she is so lucky to have everyone by her company.

"Then let's work hard together! Let's cheer for our home together!" Ji Zhixi raised her glass again.

"Come on!" Everyone clinked glasses together, and the colliding cups made a crisp sound under the light of night, and the cups reflected beautiful light.

After everyone packed their things, Ji Zhixi and everyone returned to the base in Jiang Yuxuan's aircraft.

"Miss Zhixi, there is one more thing. His Royal Highness the Third Prince contacted me just now, saying that there are too many requests from the alien royal family to come and taste the delicacies of the ancient earth. Ingredients, I hope we can provide them." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"The high-level aliens are coming, can't we deal with it first? Weir can't even handle such a small matter." Artis said displeased.

"The main reason is that this delicacy is too powerful, three... Marshal!" Jiang Yuxuan consciously said that he had slipped his mouth, and immediately shut his mouth.

Ji Zhixi cast a glance at him, but said nothing.

"Hey, Xixi already knows my identity." Artis said carefully, afraid that Ji Zhixi would get angry again.

"Cough, so that's the case, Marshal, you can speak now, so have your abilities recovered?" Jiang Yuxuan asked excitedly, it's great that he doesn't have to hide in front of Miss Zhixi, otherwise he would always feel guilty.

"Well, although I have only recovered to the first-level ability, I can already restore my human body, but I still keep the beast shape for the time being, so as not to scare the snake." Artis said
"Understood, that's great, thank you very much, Miss Zhixi, you are not only the marshal's benefactor, but also our entire Jagged Legion's benefactor, we don't know how to thank you!" Jiang Yuxuan said with a sob.

Seeing Jiang Yuxuan like this, Ji Zhixi felt embarrassed and angry, and said, "If you want to thank me, just work hard to develop the ancient earth."

"Miss Zhixi, don't worry, we will not let you down!" Jiang Yuxuan assured.

"Where is the third prince?" Jiang Yuxuan asked cautiously.

"It's no problem if you want to use our ingredients. I can help them formulate recipes, but rare things are more expensive! We can't give them for free. As for the terms, I'll leave it to you to discuss." Ji Zhixi said to Artis .

"Hee Hee, don't worry leave it to me!" Artis said.

Jiang Yuxuan almost thought it was a fake marshal when he saw the dog-legged appearance of the marshal. Sure enough, no one can escape the magic of love.

 Work hard!Ask for powder and investment~

  "Little Man" (Tang) Liu Changqing

  Last night the jade plate sank into the great river, and the night came suddenly dreaming of the fragrance of shepherd's wheat.

  At that time, people were only full from a meal, and don't forget the old days of bitter vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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