Chapter 44
As the sun shone into the room, Ji Zhixi only felt warm and very comfortable on her body, and she rubbed the furry in her arms, furry? ! !
Ji Zhixi opened her eyes and saw that she was caught in a pair of blue whirlpools.

"Good morning, Xixi!" A deep and hoarse voice woke Ji Zhixi up.

"You, why are you here!" Ji Zhixi immediately let go of Artis and stood up abruptly.

"I want to sleep with you. I can't sleep without you now." Artis looked pitiful.

Although Artis wanted to accompany Ji Zhixi because she couldn't sleep well by herself, but he knew that Ji Zhixi didn't want to expose her weakness in front of others, so it was good for him to bear this weakness.

"Who are you lying to? You slept by yourself in the forest." Ji Zhixi said angrily.

"How does Xixi know that I slept by myself?" Artis asked back.

"You!" Ji Zhixi thought about it, she really seemed to be hugging Fuzzy that night, she thought she was dreaming.

"Artis Tang, as a marshal, you broke into the girl's boudoir in the middle of the night. If it gets out, you don't want your reputation, I want it too!"

"What's more, men and women can't kiss each other. It's fine if I didn't know you were human before, but now that you have confessed your identity, don't you think it's inappropriate for you to do so?" Ji Zhixi said with a frown.

"Hee Hee, I'm just a cub now, I'm just your fluffy." Artis said cutely.

"And we will get married sooner or later, and we will sleep together sooner or later, so it doesn't matter if people know about it." Artis said as a matter of course.

"What nonsense are you talking about! When did I promise to marry you! We are not even boyfriend and girlfriend, what are you thinking!" Ji Zhixi said speechlessly, how could there be such a thick-skinned person!

"Then let's become boyfriend and girlfriend first, Xixi, I like you, be my girlfriend!" Artis said seriously.

"I refuse!" Ji Zhixi jumped out of bed to wash up after speaking, facing such a face, Ji Zhixi really couldn't continue.

Sure enough, there is a reason to be single. Marshal didn't even chase after anyone, but he wanted to have a girlfriend. What a dream!

Artis looked helplessly at Ji Zhixi's leaving back, thinking: It's okay, she will agree one day.

Ji Zhixi went to exercise outside the house as usual, and found that Li Huai was waiting at the door early, and it seemed that she had already trained herself.

"Xiao Huai? Why are you here so early?" Ji Zhixi asked, and opened the door to let Li Huai in.

"Master, you haven't trained me for two days, so I came over here to see Xiao Shen and Xiao Jin." Li Huai said.

"Okay, let's see if you have improved in the past two days, let's go and exercise together." Ji Zhixi said to Li Huai.

Li Huai nodded happily, while Artis stood aside with a cold face, this person was indeed a bit of an eyesore.

After exercising, Ji Zhixi found that Li Huai's physical fitness has improved a lot, he is no longer a weak child, it seems that he has been training hard for the past two days.

Ji Zhixi asked Li Huai to play with Xiao Jin and Xiao Shen first, and then go back to make breakfast by herself.

After Ji Zhixi finished washing, she went to the kitchen and made a simple sandwich and fresh goat's milk.

Dip the bread into the pan and fry it. Pour the rest of the egg into the pan and fry it again. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper. Then fry a piece of chicken breast. Put the bread, egg, tomato, chicken breast , Spread the sauce on the lettuce, stack it up layer by layer, and finally cut it in half, and the sandwich is ready.

The goat milk produced by the ewe brought back last time is very sweet and delicious. You can drink the freshly squeezed goat milk after boiling it.

Ji Zhixi took the breakfast under the banyan tree, and called the three little ones to come over and sit on the chairs for breakfast.

The fruit trees that Ji Zhixi had planted before all grew very well, and some of them had already bloomed, and it seemed that they would bear fruit soon.

There is a faint fragrance of flowers in the air, and sometimes petals fall. It is very comfortable to sit here and watch the unique scenery.

The three little ones were laughing and playing there, only at this time Li Huai looked like a child.

"Where is the person who hurt Xiaocan before?" Ji Zhixi asked Artis.

"I was locked up in the prison cell of the warship," Artis said.

"Did you find out?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Find it out, the old man's association gave him a benefit, let him steal medicinal herbs and go back to study, you will know later." Artis said.

"Ge Laohui is really haunted. It seems that if it is not resolved, there will be no peace for a day." Ji Zhixi said with a frown.

"Xixi, don't worry, I won't let this kind of thing happen again, give me more time, and I will soon uproot the elders' association, so that they won't have a chance to jump around again." Artis said.

"Judging from Marshal's behavior in the morning, I have doubts about your words!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Hee Hee, if you doubt anything, you can't doubt my ability. This doesn't conflict with my liking you." Artis said.

On the contrary, Ji Zhixi was blushed by his unscrupulous and naked confession, how could this person say that he liked it so casually.

She also said that the mother-fetal solo is single, so she can talk, and she doesn't believe that she has no experience.

However, Ji Zhixi really wronged the Marshal. He was indeed single all the time, had never been in a relationship, and would never say such things to others, but after meeting Ji Zhixi, it can be said that he learned without a teacher.

"Leave the matter of that person to me! I don't want him to affect your mood. No matter how much pain Xiao Shen has suffered, he can't miss a cent." Artis said fiercely.

Seeing his appearance, Ji Zhixi also nodded, she really didn't want to see this person, and when she saw that person, she would think of Xiao Shen's injured appearance, and she couldn't get over her hatred if she slashed that person a hundred times.

What Ji Zhixi didn't know was that after Xiao Shen's accident, Leng Ran had already tortured that person with the most vicious means, and performed the execution publicly for all ancient earth people to watch as an example.

And afterwards, all the people from the ancient earth were called together, and they were strictly investigated one by one. Anyone who was a little abnormal was directly locked up, so that no one else dared to make any small moves.

"How's the state banquet going?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Artis explained the situation to Ji Zhixi, "What does Xixi think? If you think the conditions are not enough, you can bring it up again." Artis said.

"Wow! You really can talk! But in the future, I want to make Blue Star's products a civilian brand. I hope everyone can eat them. Why don't you just make them special?" Ji Zhixi said.

"The special offer is just to build our reputation. When our brand is famous, we will lower our value, just so that the public can eat our food, then we will be recognized by more people, and we will have a good reputation, so we don't need it at all." Worried about sales."

"And the special offer is just to lure people from other planets to take the bait. Only by raising the standard to the highest level at the beginning can they consider it valuable to invest in, and naturally they will be willing to pay for the route out of their own pockets."

"Anyway, there is only one company in StarCraft for our products. If they don't want it, it's their loss. They don't agree with us and we will no longer cooperate with them." Artis said.

"I like being so domineering. The conditions you raised are already enough, and I don't have anything else to raise."

"Then we have to prepare well for this state banquet. This is our first battle. We must win a complete victory. After all, it will affect our future development." Ji Zhixi thought.

"Why don't I go there in person this time! Although there is a recipe, if I don't make it myself, I'm worried that the chef over there won't be able to do it well." Ji Zhixi said.

When Ji Zhixi was talking, Artis was still thinking about Ji Zhixi's phrase of liking, does it mean that Xixi likes domineering people?This is the first time she said she likes him, does that mean she also likes him?

"Artis? Artis!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

When Artis heard that he looked up at Ji Zhixi, he was a little confused.

"What are you thinking? He is so serious about discussing important matters with you, why are you so far away from me?" Ji Zhixi said dissatisfied.

"Hee Hee, do you like domineering people? Then I will only be domineering to you from now on!" Artis said.

"What nonsense are you talking about again? When did I say that I like domineering people?" Ji Zhixi found that she couldn't keep up with Artis's detached thinking. This marshal was really different from the rumors.

"Hee Hee, you don't have to go in person. If you don't feel at ease, you can also teach those chefs through communication. It's too tiring to do it yourself, and I don't want you to be so tired." Artis said.

"Although this is fine, I still don't feel at ease. This time is so important, I'd better go there myself!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, I'll go with you," Artis said.

"Didn't you say that you can't reveal your identity? You go with me just in case." Ji Zhixi worried.

"It's okay, I still maintain the white tiger form outside, and I won't change back to human form unless there are special circumstances." Artis said.

Even so, once Ji Zhixi and Artis appeared in the Federal Empire, they would definitely be in danger, because the people from the Ge Laohui had been watching them all the time. They were in the open, and the enemy was in the dark, so they were always hard to guard against.

He had to let Weier arrange it in advance, and he had to seize the time to improve his ability during this period.

"Also, since we're going to start building a brand now, you have to rename it, and it doesn't sound good to keep calling it Ancient Earth," Artis said.

"That's right, let's call it "Blue Star"! After all, the ancient earth was a blue planet before." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, then I will let Jiang Yuxuan arrange the registration." Artis said, and Ji Zhixi nodded.

Ji Zhixi nodded, "Then I'll prepare the ingredients first, this state banquet must be an eye-opener for everyone!"

"It's all up to you." Artis said with a smile.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help her heartbeat every time she saw these blue eyes, these eyes are really foul!
"Li Huai, let's go, follow me to collect ingredients!" Ji Zhixi shouted to Li Huai.

Li Huai came over with Xiao Jin and Xiao Shen in his arms.

"Do you want to stay at the base or follow me to the forest?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Xiaoshen pointed to the direction of the plantation, and Ji Zhixi understood that Xiaoshen wanted to see the planting situation.

Since what happened last time, Xiao Jin has decided to stay by Xiao Shen's side, so he also stayed. The younger brother will have no problem with his master's protection, so he decisively abandons this self-confessed younger brother.

"Okay! Then you stay at the base, 007, this time you have to keep an eye on Xiao Shen, you can't let him get hurt again, you know?" Ji Zhixi said to the robot 007.

"Received! Master please rest assured!" 007 replied.

"Are you going too? Don't you have to be busy with other things?" Ji Zhixi asked Artis who followed her.

"Jiang Yuxuan will take care of it." Artis said naturally.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth. Poor Lieutenant General Jiang must have suffered countless hardships under the oppression of this ruthless leader. This marshal is quite proud of being a shopkeeper.

Li Huai was surprised when he saw Artis who was talking, but he didn't speak. He knew that the master and the others didn't avoid him, they just agreed with him to know about it.

But even if they don't say it, he can guess the identity of the white tiger with his IQ, and the other guild leaders probably know it too. It seems that the backbone of the Jagged Legion will return soon, and there will be another bloody storm at that time.

 13 words are enough!come on!I hope you will support us a lot!Thank you everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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