Chapter 45 Controversy
When Ji Zhixi and Li Huai walked to the gate of the base, they found that Liu Jianwei's team was already waiting.

"Miss Zhixi." Liu Jianwei greeted.

"Captain Liu, let's go! Today we are going in to collect the ingredients for the state banquet, everyone should bring more storage tools." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, Miss Zhixi, the 10 people who will enter the forest for training today are ready." Liu Jianwei said.

"Oh! I almost forgot, let's go together! Who is going today?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Girl, I am leading the team today. After training according to your method for the past few days, my purification has almost broken through 100%." ​​Xiang Nange said.

"Grandpa Xiang, that's really great! Please, Grandpa Xiang, help me more in the future." Ji Zhixi said sweetly.

"No problem, I know you're going to collect ingredients today, so I brought a few more purifiers, don't you mind?" Xiang Nange said.

"Of course I don't mind, I'll take care of Grandpa." Ji Zhixi said happily.

Ji Zhixi looked at the 10 people, and Bai Genghuai and Jiang Chen were also inside.

"Sister Zhixi, I'm so happy! I finally have the opportunity to enter the hopeless zone!" Bai Genghuai was circling excitedly.

Jiang Chen just pushed his glasses, calm as usual.

"I forgot to treat the brothers of the Iron Blood Legion. Have you calculated the results? Are there many seriously injured people?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"There are not many serious injuries, only a few officers and soldiers have their abilities damaged. Others and the president have almost healed, and those with minor injuries have recovered after taking potions. The medicinal herbs here are very effective. Everyone recovered. The speed is very fast." Liu Jianwei replied.

"Okay, then when I come back today, I'll go and see how these people are doing." Ji Zhixi said.

"I thank Miss Zhixi on behalf of the brothers." Liu Jianwei said.

"The whole family don't say thank you, well, let's go now!" Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Zhixi started the live broadcast as usual, and the number of fans has increased to 30 billion.

"Hello! Hello everyone! I'm Ji Zhixi." Ji Zhixi greeted everyone.

"Today we came to the forest to collect ingredients. We were invited by the royal family to prepare ingredients for the state banquet."

"By the way, our ancient earth will be renamed Blue Star in the future, and everything produced in the future will bear the name and trademark of Blue Star, everyone must look for authentic products!" Ji Zhixi said.

[Ice Cream: Ah!Miss Sister means, Ancient Earth, no, is Blue Star’s food going to be on sale? 】

[Tigger: Wow!The state banquet is the highest standard!It proves that the quality of Blue Star's ingredients is absolutely undeniable! 】

[Marketing: Merchants who prepare ingredients for state banquets usually provide special supplies, and few people can afford the special supplies! 】

[Food Xiaomi: Isn't it?Is it really going to be a special offer?Haven't we all missed food in this life? 】

[Money Leopard: The anchor has been talking so nicely before, but now it's a special offer, disappointing! 】


Netizens started to discuss after hearing this, and many people felt that Ji Zhixi had been fooling people before.

"In fact, preparing ingredients for the state banquet is not only to let everyone know about our Blue Star's food, but more importantly, to win glory for the Federation Empire!"

"We didn't have any delicious food before, and most of the things were imported. Now it's rare that we have our own products, and we can also let other planets recognize our products. Can we also show off in front of other planets in the future?"

"We will have more and more products of our own in the future, which also proves that our federal empire is getting stronger and stronger!" Ji Zhixi said.

Good guy!From personal interests to national interests all of a sudden, everyone has a sense of identity, and they all feel that Ji Zhixi is right.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi's sly smile and sighed, his wife is so smart.

[Political awareness: Is it really good for the goddess to say this?There are people from other planets here! 】

[I'm bald and I'm strong!There is nothing to be afraid of!Goddess is right!Our federal empire will become stronger and stronger! 】

[Thousand Miles Flying Ant: I'm afraid the anchor is bragging!I'm not afraid of selling the ingredients, I'm afraid of being slapped in the face! 】

[Zerg Chizhi: You can't tell if you haven't eaten the real thing. The special offering may be just a pretense! 】

[Hala star is the strongest: If you have the ability, there will be a live broadcast of the state banquet when the time comes!People from other planets will definitely not cheat! 】


Because of Ji Zhixi's remarks, it caused a war of words between netizens from the Federal Empire and netizens from other planets. Netizens from other planets thought that Ji Zhixi was bragging, and that the Federal Empire had no food at all.

The people of the Federal Empire are in a hurry. Now Ji Zhixi's food not only represents the ancient earth, but also represents the Federal Empire. They must fully support it!So everyone started arguing!
Needless to say, the trending search list has been taken over again, and now everyone is surprised that there will be no trending searches on the ancient earth!
After the news reached the royal family, Will, who was devastated, was assigned a lot of tasks!

"Can this Ji Zhixi stop for a day! What a big trouble! Palia, don't imitate her!" Weier said through gritted teeth.

Palia, who was in the dark, didn't respond. On the contrary, she admired Ji Zhixi's true temperament and envied her that she could live so freely and do what she wanted to do.

As a result, waves of fierce debates were carried out on the Internet, and some people even started betting. Of course, these are all things for later.

Ji Zhixi and his group walked quickly into the forest. Some collected ingredients, some purified them, and everyone worked together.

"I need to use lamb, beef, and venison in the state banquet menu. I don't know if I can get it today." Ji Zhixi said.

This is Xiao Hei jumping out, twisting the vine and pointing in one direction.

"Xiao Hei, it's rare that you know where these prey are?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Xiao Hei tapped the vines, and then led everyone forward.

As he walked, Artis realized that this was the vampire bat cave that Xiao Hei had brought him to last time.

Isn't this the cave of vampire bats?How could there be other prey?
Everyone followed Xiao Hei and went on, around the back of the cave, and found a large bamboo forest.

"Huh! There are so many bamboos here! There must be a lot of bamboo shoots!" Ji Zhixi said in surprise.

Then I ran under a bamboo tree and dug it with tools. Sure enough, I dug a bamboo shoot right away!

"It's great, Xiao Hei, bamboo shoots are also indispensable, you are awesome!" Ji Zhixi happily praised, and Xiao Hei also circled around happily, and then continued to point forward.

After everyone approached, they heard the sound of fighting, and when they approached quietly, they found that it was a group of muscular deer and antelope fighting.

These deer are muscular due to mutation, so they are called muscular deer. They have strong attack power, and because of their muscular development, they also have strong jumping ability. They can jump 2 or 3 meters high in one jump.

Another kind of goral has become extremely huge due to its mutated horns, which can instantly pierce prey, has strong attack power, is also good at rock climbing, and has very good balance.

But I don't know why these two strange beasts are fighting?

Ji Zhixi decided to wait and see the changes first, and then reap the benefits when they both lose.

The rest of the team are recording, no one has had the chance to come into contact with the mutant beast, now they can observe it carefully.

Li Huai continued to collect forest information, scanning and recording every place in the system.

Both the muscular deer and the ox-horned goral are level-[-] mutant beasts, and with the addition of group fights, the fight was very fierce.

The muscular deer punched hard, and the horned goral was not afraid, and directly fought with its horns, and the nearby bamboo forest was severely damaged.

At this time Ji Zhixi became anxious, if the fight continued like this, the bamboo forest would be completely destroyed, and the bamboo shoots would also be ruined.

Ji Zhixi immediately said to everyone, "Let's go! Take down these mutant beasts, this is also a kind of exercise! But you have to do what you can, and if you can't beat it, you will retreat, you know? But pay attention to the bamboo shoots! Don't give me Huo Huoguang!" Already!"

It turns out that the bamboo shoots are the key!Everyone thought.

"Yes!" The others nodded and attacked the mutant beast.

The mutated beasts who were fighting in full swing, saw the sudden appearance of the third wave of people, and immediately became vigilant. After being attacked, they found that this group of people were not soft-legged shrimps, and immediately united front, planning to kill these outsiders first.

The crystal nuclei of these outsiders seem to be good, what a surprise!The mutant beast thought.

"The mutated animals and plants in the Hopeless Zone seem to have very high IQs! They even know the current combat strategy!" Xiang Nange said from the side.

"Yes, the crystal nucleus is a powerful force. Mutated animals and plants can evolve when they have a crystal nucleus. The higher their level, the stronger their evolutionary characteristics will be, just like humans."

"So why everyone wants to grab crystal nuclei in the last days is because they can evolve, and only those who become strong can survive. This is a world where the weak prey on the strong." Ji Zhixi said.

"It seems that we won't be able to take down this group of mutant beasts for a while!" Xiang Nange said.

"After all, they are level-[-] mutant beasts, and there are quite a few of them." Ji Zhixi nodded.

Ji Zhixi watched Li Huai fight with a goral. The goral's horns were so powerful that it kept attacking Li Huai. Li Huai couldn't get close to the goral.

Li Huai looked at the surrounding bamboos, and turned around to lure the goral to catch up. Li Huai pulled down a bamboo, and when the goral rushed over, he let it go immediately, and used the elastic force to push the goral back a few steps.

Taking advantage of this gap, he went around behind the goral in an instant, stabbed it into its neck with a knife, and made a few more stabs with his backhand, and the goral fell down.

"Because the horns are too huge and bear this weight all year round, the neck of the goral is the most vulnerable place. I didn't expect Li Huai to discover its weakness so quickly, not bad!" Xiang Nange praised.

Of course, the most powerful thing about this kid is his brain. If he doesn't have enough strength, if his brain comes together, he is the one who is talking about it.

And he should have discovered the weakness of the oxhorn goral with his mental power. After all, he had never been in contact with these mutant beasts, so how could he know the weakness so quickly.

"Wow! Sister Zhixi, can you teach me too, I also want to become that powerful!" Bai Genghuai said.

He and people like Jiang Chen who can't fight can only stay on the sidelines and watch the battle with old people like Xiang Nange. Suddenly, he feels like watching a hot-blooded anime, which makes his hands itch!

"It's not impossible, but as long as you can endure hardships like Li Huai." Ji Zhixi said.

"I know! As long as you can become stronger, right! Jiang Mutou, you must want to become stronger too! Don't be shy, let's train with Sister Zhixi!"

Jiang Chen originally wanted to refuse, but he actually only wanted to do research in the laboratory.

"When you become stronger, your abilities will also become stronger. In this way, your research may go more smoothly, and you can also help your father and elder brother." Bai Genghuai said.

After hearing this, Jiang Chen did not refuse.

"Okay! Then you start training with Li Huai tomorrow, and you have to persevere at the beginning, and you can't give up halfway!" Ji Zhixi said.

Both of them nodded, and Bai Genghuai raised his hand to promise.

Seeing that Li Huai's attack was effective, the others turned to attack the goral's neck one after another, and the situation quickly reversed.

The muscular deer saw that the situation was not good, and quickly jumped up to escape, but was blocked by the tornado, and the water and ice systems worked together to freeze their hooves in an instant, making them unable to run, and finally being wiped out by the group.

 Be ready to pull into the V!I hope everyone will continue to support!Invest and share income!

(End of this chapter)

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