Chapter 46 Energy Stone

After everyone cleaned up the group of mutant beasts, they were exhausted. The healing powers quickly recovered everyone, and the purifier hurriedly purified the mutant beasts.

Artis helped harvest the crystal nucleus, and Xiao Hei sucked blood beside him.

"Xiao Huai, how did you know the weakness of the goral?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Through the ability, I can now see the energy distributed in the human body. Some parts have lower energy values, and that is the weakness." Li Huai said.

"Not bad! Your ability is quite useful." Ji Zhixi said.

"But this consumes a lot of mental energy. A small number is fine, but a few more will not last." Li Huai scratched his head and said.

"It's okay, you're just getting started. When your power level gets higher and your mental power gets stronger, these are all pediatrics!" Ji Zhixi said, and Li Huai also nodded confidently.

[Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Oh my God!No loss is the minister!so amazing! 】

[Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Tiantian: Minister Saigao! 】

[Ordinary people: Sure enough, the abilities of people on the ancient earth grew very fast!Li Huai was just an ordinary person before, but now he can kill level [-] mutant beasts! 】

[Fighter: It's so enjoyable to watch!Fighting mutant beasts in the field is much more exciting than online games!And there are many mutant beasts here that we have never seen before. We strongly urge Minister Li to add a fighting module to the system! 】

[Novelist Achilles Water: Watching the Goddess's live broadcast has given me a steady stream of inspiration, can the Goddess authorize me to write a novel for you? 】


"The development and training system mentioned earlier is to simulate the actual environment of Blue Star for exercise, and we will try our best to restore it 100%." ​​Li Huai told netizens.

Others were very much looking forward to Li Huai's system when they heard it, and wished he could go back to develop the system now. Netizens all begged him to go back and code the program, not to stay here.

"I'm also here to develop the system! I don't scan and record these, how can I restore 100%? I'm all here to develop the system for everyone earlier!" Li Huai said.

We believe in your evil!Netizens complained one after another!

Ji Zhixi squatted down and began to dig bamboo shoots slowly. Due to the fight just now, many places on the ground were cracked, and the bamboo shoots were exposed, saving her the effort of digging.

Ji Zhixi picked up the bamboo shoots slowly, and found a golden stone.

"Huh? What is this?" Ji Zhixi picked up the stone to look at it, and it immediately shone brightly when it was illuminated by the sun.

Artis immediately turned off the live broadcast. In special circumstances, it is not appropriate to disclose it for the time being.

"This! This is!" Liu Jianwei ran over excitedly and stared at the stone in Ji Zhixi's hand.

Artis also came over and stared at it carefully for a long time.

"What is this? Is it a gemstone? Is it worth money?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Miss Zhixi, if I'm not mistaken, this is an energy stone! The energy used in our mechs is energy stones. There are generally many kinds of energy stones. The ones with low utilization rate are gray, and the medium ones are green. Yes, the high-level ones are blue, and only the top-level energy stones are golden."

"We have very few energy stones in our federal empire. Basically, we have to buy them from the Hara Stars. They are a big country of energy stones. In order to buy energy stones, we have to cut land and pay compensation."

"If there are energy stones here on the ancient earth, then we will send them out! In the future, we must send heavy troops to guard them, otherwise there will be so many treasures here, and many people will definitely come here!" Liu Jianwei said excitedly.

"But if there are energy stones, will the royal family take back the ownership of such a big baby?" Liu Jianwei said worriedly.

Ji Zhixi looked at Artis, and he nodded.

Seeing Liu Jianwei's expression of being excited, tangled, and excited for a while, Ji Zhixi smiled, and she didn't care about it. Everything was carried by the Marshal. She looked at Artis, and Artis looked back at her. Unannounced.

Artis also found cloud flint in the cave before. He didn't think about it seriously at the time. Now it seems that the energy resources here must be very rich.

"Oh! So that's the case, then I know why this group of strange beasts appeared here, probably because there are energy stones here, but does the energy stone have any effect on the strange beasts?" Ji Zhixi muttered to herself.

Hearing what Ji Zhixi said, Artis was also a little curious. Before, they knew through the Hala Star that energy stones could be used as fuel for mechs, but they really didn't know anything about energy stones.

Although I also tried artificially developing and making artificial energy stones, the effect was very poor, so I didn't continue to study it.It seems that someone needs to analyze the composition of the energy stone.

"Since that's the case, let's send one back for testing first. If it's confirmed to be a top energy stone, then we'll explore the geology and consider mining it." Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Zhixi purified the energy stone and handed it to Liu Jianwei, who kept Liu Jianwei's treasure.

"It seems that the ancient earth is really a cornucopia! Treasures are everywhere. We used to mistake pearls for fish eyes, eyes but no pearls!" Xiang Nange said.

Ji Zhixi nodded, once again satisfied with her original decision.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi, and the facts once again proved that where there is her, there is hope.

Artis ran to collect more soil and stones from the surroundings and caves for testing.

"There's still more Xiao Hei! Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to find the baby, Xiao Hei, I'll definitely fill you up today!" Ji Zhixi said happily, and Xiao Hei spun around excitedly.

Everyone is no stranger to such bloodthirsty vines.

When everyone packed up their things and was about to leave, Ji Zhixi looked around.

"Where's Xiaobai? Xiaobai!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

A moment later Artis came out of the cave, which collapsed, and it took him a while to dig the stone.

"Where did you go? Why did you get all dusty?" Then he took out a handkerchief and wiped it for him.

Artis was enjoying Ji Zhixi's service, and the people next to him felt sour when he saw it.

After everyone walked out of the bamboo, Lin Jizhixi turned on the live broadcast.

[Squatting at home: What's going on?Suddenly turned off the live broadcast?Did the goddess find anything? 】

[Mecha fan: The camera flashed by just now, the stone in the goddess's hand looks familiar! 】

[Passerby A: What what?What are we missing? 】

[Lady Fen: Is it a gemstone?It looks so pretty! 】


"The signal in the forest was not good just now, so I cut it off! I picked up an ordinary stone just now, and it turned out that there was shit from a muscular deer on it, so I threw it away immediately." Ji Zhixi, who was disgusted, waved his hands and said, and then moved topic.

"We still haven't collected a lot of ingredients for today! It's a pity that I don't know where the seaside is, otherwise I can still cook seafood feasts. Does Xiao Hei know where the seaside is?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Xiao Hei waved the vines to show that he didn't know.

Ji Zhixi thought to herself: The ancient earth is so big, if you want to find the seaside, you might have to sail a warship to find it. Let's talk about it later when I have free time. Now I can only use local materials first, so let's do it first!

"Let's go, let's look for other ingredients." Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Zhixi and the others walked in the other direction of the mountain, and found that there was actually a lake at the foot of the mountain. This lake was very big, and the water in the lake actually reflected five colors of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. It was gorgeous, as if it was a fairy tale world. , There are waterfalls in the distance, I can see that the waterfalls cascade like the Milky Way, stirring up thousands of waves at the foot of the mountain, and the water is misty.

This reminded Ji Zhixi that there used to be a colorful lake on the earth. The reason for the change of color was that the limestone at the bottom of the lake was of different levels, deep and shallow, and had different colors.Coupled with the algae in the water, when reflected, an extremely rich color is formed.

Everyone looked at the landscape and thought it was amazing, and they gathered around the lake to watch, curious to touch the water of the lake, but they dared not touch it.

Everyone could only take out the instruments to record this beautiful scene, Ji Zhixi took a test tube and filled some water for Liu Jianwei to take back.

"Girl, what are you pretending to be?" Xiang Nange asked.

"The change of color of this lake may be caused by the different refraction of the rock layers at the bottom of the lake, or it may be that there are more minerals underneath, so fill some water and go back for testing." Ji Zhixi said.

[Miss: Are there gems in this lake!Shine all the way! 】

[Bao Mama: Wow!The lake is so beautiful too!There are so many colors! 】

[Geography failing: Wow!This natural landscape is not the same! 】

[Frog who loves to travel: I really want to travel to the ancient earth!It is so beautiful! 】


"In fact, there are many more beautiful scenery. The Blue Star is so big, and there are many hidden scenery that we don't know. I will take everyone to explore one by one in the future, so that everyone can see the complete appearance of the Blue Star." Ji Zhixi said.

After hearing Ji Zhixi's words, everyone felt very yearning, but they didn't know how long it would take to complete this feat!

Ji Zhixi looked around the lake, and found that there were many lotus leaves and lotus flowers growing. When she got closer, there were lotus pods. She was so happy!

"Oh, I really found a lot of good things today." As Ji Zhixi said, she picked off a lotus pod, peeled the lotus seeds inside and ate it.

"This is lotus seed. It has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stopping diarrhea, stopping diarrhea, nourishing the kidney and astringent essence, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. Try it." Ji Zhixi handed them the purified lotus seeds.

Bai Genghuai threw the whole piece into his mouth and chewed it. While chewing, his face wrinkled. He wanted to spit out the thing but was too embarrassed to spit it out. How can I eat it?"

"Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that the lotus seed core inside is very bitter, don't eat it, it's fine if you eat it, you can get angry." Ji Zhixi laughed.

Others saw this and removed the lotus seed core before eating, um, very sweet and crisp, delicious!
Bai Genghuai also peeled another lotus seed, "Oh! It's delicious! That lotus seed heart is so bitter, it makes my tongue numb! Whoever offends me in the future, I will let him eat the lotus seed heart!" Looking at Jiang Chen, he said, Jiang Chen looked innocent.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"This pork rib porridge with lotus seeds is also very delicious! I'll stew it for you later!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Let's eat here at noon! It's just a good time to see what's delicious in the lake, Xiao Li, get ready to cook!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

"Okay, Miss Zhixi, I'll prepare right away." Xiao Li responded positively, thinking: It seems that I can learn a lot of delicious food today!

 Entering V soon!Still very nervous, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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