Chapter 47

Ji Zhixi asked everyone to help pick lotus pods and lotus leaves by the lake, while she dug underwater, and sure enough, she dug out a large section of lotus root!

Ji Zhixi planned to dig more and plant them in her own pond, so that she could eat lotus seeds and roots at any time.

Ji Zhixi was thinking about what to eat!At this time, a pair of terrifying eyes in the lake were staring at her.

When Ji Zhixi reached out to pick them again, a bloody mouth bit her, setting off a huge wave. Before Ji Zhixi had time to dodge, a blow of the wind blade directly hit that mouth. Ji Zhixi quickly stepped back, everyone was covered The lake is wet.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a huge man-eating crocodile. It should have lived in this lake for a long time, but it was still a level-three mutant.

Artis' wind blade didn't hurt the man-eating crocodile at all, because the thick armor on its body was very hard. The man-eating alligator began to climb up the bank quickly and attacked everyone. When its body surfaced, everyone was shocked. shocked.

This man-eating crocodile was about the size of a juvenile whale.

"After retiring quickly, everyone pay attention to cover, and the Iron Blood Legion pays attention to protecting the members of the guild!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

Ji Zhixi drew out her sharp blade, and a rare third-level crystal nucleus was delivered to her door, she must be taken!

Li Huai also took out his weapon and stood beside Ji Zhixi.

"Xiao Huai, pay attention to safety! Don't be brave!" Ji Zhixi said.

"I will." Li Huai said, and then concentrated on analyzing the weakness of the man-eating crocodile.

Others started to attack the man-eating crocodile, but those who were blocked by the man-eating crocodile couldn't hurt it at all.

The man-eating crocodile flicked its tail and sent them flying. Ji Zhixi manipulated the trees to block the man-eating crocodile. The man-eating crocodile took a big bite, directly biting a big tree, and even crushing the stone. I was sweating all the time.

"Its weak points are its eyes, nose and abdomen!" Li Huai said.

Others immediately started attacking its eyes and nose, but the man-eating crocodile reacted so quickly that it missed at all.

The man-eating crocodile knows how to protect its weak point, and the attack will not hurt it if it hits its thick armor.

"Xiao Hei!" Ji Zhixi shouted, and Xiao Hei immediately wrapped vines around the body of the man-eating crocodile.

The man-eating crocodile struggled to bite the vines, temporarily holding it back.

The water column, icicle column, and fire column began to attack the eyes and nose of the man-eating crocodile in turn, causing the man-eating crocodile to make a painful cry, which was loud and piercing, making everyone's ears hurt.

The man-eating crocodile opened its vines while everyone covered their ears and swam into the water.

Ji Zhixi gestured to Artis, and Artis immediately understood.

The man-eating crocodile thought it would be safe when it returned to the water. Unexpectedly, as soon as it entered the water, a huge lightning strike struck the entire lake, sending out a dazzling light of lightning, which stunned the man-eating alligator.

Half a day later, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and the man-eating crocodile was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and it smelled like barbecue!
But the man-eating crocodile was still alive, Ji Zhixi asked Xiao Hei to drag the man-eating crocodile, the water-type supernatural being rolled over the water, turned the man-eating crocodile over, revealing its white belly, and the ice system instantly froze its limbs.

Ji Zhixi jumped up, concentrated her mental power on the blade, and cut open the man-eating crocodile's stomach in an instant, from head to tail, and then quickly dug out the crystal nucleus, finally finishing off this third-level mutant beast.

[Soldier Assault: Where did the lightning come from!There are people with lightning abilities!There are not many lightning-type superpowers in the federal empire! 】

[Mech fans: Ah!The thunder system is really strong!I think of the Marshal!The marshal is also a lightning-type ability user! 】

[Iron Blood Legion fans: Our marshal is the strongest lightning-type superpower!Pity! 】

[Come to PK! : Psychic abilities are also very strong!The weakness of the man-eating crocodile can be analyzed so quickly! 】

[Ordinary people: It’s good to have supernatural powers!I really want to be a supernatural being! 】

[Ice Cream: Miss Sister is so skillful! 】


Everyone present was stunned by Atis' attack. Should it be said that the mutant beasts from the ancient earth were powerful, or did Ji Zhixi make it so powerful?A cub has lightning ability!
Liu Jianwei's eyes were even more red. He also thought of the marshal. If the marshal hadn't protected them at that time, they would all be dead now. He stared at Artis firmly.

Artis didn't evade when he saw him like this, Liu Jianwei always felt very familiar.

Xiang Nange stroked his beard, looking like he didn't tell the truth.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen! Did you see that!" Bai Genghuai excitedly shook Jiang Chen and shouted.

Ji Zhixi quietly avoided the camera, and mouthed to everyone, "Hush! Keep it secret!"

Seeing her cute look, Artis couldn't help laughing, and Ji Zhixi rolled her eyes when she saw her, who was she doing it for!

Then Ji Zhixi cut open the man-eating crocodile and found that there were still many remains in its stomach. It seemed that it was the biggest one in the lake and had eaten a lot.

Ji Zhixi looked inside, asked Liu Jianwei to switch the live broadcast to another place, and beckoned to Artis.

Artis came over immediately and looked into the belly of the crocodile. There were actually a lot of energy stones and something suspected of oil inside.

Ji Zhixi remembered that scientists in the past believed that oil was formed by the long-term evolution of organisms in ancient oceans or lakes, and it belonged to biological sedimentation to oil. Now it seems that this is really possible!

This lake is low-lying, and the waterfalls and rivers in front of it finally converge here. If you look for it along the water source, you may find the ocean!
Ji Zhixi was very excited when she thought of this!Another big baby was found!I was thinking of eating the man-eating crocodile, but I didn't expect there to be so many things in my stomach, so I decided to take it home and study it.

Then he asked Liu Jianwei to put away the man-eating crocodile as well. The thunder was about to strike just now, and a lot of creatures in the lake died. Ji Zhixi asked everyone to pick them up, don't waste them, they will have lunch at noon!Also accidentally collected a bunch of crystal nuclei.

Artis pulled Ji Zhixi's clothes, only then did Ji Zhixi realize that the clothes were completely soaked just now, and they were tightly attached to her body, revealing all of Ji Zhixi's curvy curves.

Artis didn't want others to see, so he hurriedly asked Ji Zhixi to change clothes.

So Ji Zhixi took out the tent, went in and changed her clothes.

[Fitness expert: The goddess' figure is really great! 】

[Shui Liang: This thin waist, hips, and long legs, wow!Drooling! 】

System prompt: Shui Liang has been banned
[Lei Zi: This curve makes people's hearts flutter, and this leg can last for a year! 】

System prompt: Lei Zi has been banned
【Please call me Jingjing:...】

[Yun Duo: Hahaha, the one upstairs laughed so hard, how dare you make fun of the goddess! 】

[CC needs to be self-disciplined: ban speech warning!Ban warning! 】


Artis glanced at the barrage coldly, it was good not to kick these people out, he dared to miss his wife.

After Ji Zhixi came out, she found that everyone had changed into clean clothes and didn't pay attention to what the netizens were saying.

Ji Zhixi peeled off the lotus seeds, took out the lotus seed cores and put them in a box.

Bai Genghuai saw it and said, "Sister Zhixi, this lotus seed core is so bitter, why do you keep it? Are you planning to give it to people who offend you?"

"Pfft, don't look at the bitterness of the lotus seed core, but it has the effect of treating high blood pressure, dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, etc. Like you who stay up all day and night to study, it is best to soak it in water to drink." Ji Zhixi said.

Bai Genghuai thought about it, it was good, but it was still too bitter, worse than taking medicine.

Bai Genghuai rolled his eyes, wouldn't it be better to add some sugar if it was bitter?The honey I picked before is sweet, and adding honey will not be afraid of hardship. I will go to pick lotus seeds immediately after thinking about it, and I plan to save more lotus cores to soak in water to drink.

Seeing Bai Genghuai's lively appearance, Ji Zhixi shook her head and continued cooking.

After blanching the pork ribs, put them into the rice together with the lotus seeds, add a lot of water and cook slowly until the thick porridge is made, then add winter vegetables, finally sprinkle with salt and stir well, the pork ribs porridge with lotus seeds is cooked, the energy value is 26000 .

Ji Zhixi washed the lotus root, peeled it, cut it into pieces, put it into a pot together with peanuts, pitted red dates, and blanched bones, and boiled it. After boiling, add salt, and the sweet lotus root and peanut soup is ready, with an energy value of 22000.

Ji Zhixi purified and cleaned the river prawns, river crabs, and small fish, put them back into the oil and fried them again, then sprinkled cumin powder and chili powder, and it instantly became barbecued. It was so fragrant!
Ji Zhixi built a kiln with yellow mud, stuffed firewood into it, and extinguished the fire when the mud turned red and black.

Ji Zhixi washed and emptied the guts of Gugu chicken, stuffed it with garlic, shiitake mushrooms and other condiments, added cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, seasoning powder and pepper to spread the whole chicken, and finally brushed a layer of honey on the chicken skin, the honey is sweet Ji Zhixi couldn't help but put a little bit of it in her mouth because of the sweet taste, it was so sweet!
Then wrap the Gugu chicken layer by layer with lotus leaves without leaving any gaps, then make some yellow mud and spread it evenly on the lotus leaves, then put the whole chicken into the kiln, and then put some sweet potatoes wrapped in tin foil, Potatoes and eggs are covered with a thick layer of soil or sand to prevent the heat from escaping, and the food is cooked by using the high temperature inside.

Ji Zhixi slaughtered the fish, fried it in oil until golden on both sides, then added garlic slices, ginger slices, red hot pepper rings, cooking wine, soy sauce, seasoning powder, sugar and appropriate amount of water and stewed, finally thickened and poured Collect the juice, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and the braised fish is ready, with an energy value of 24000.

Finally, Ji Zhixi added stir-fried lettuce. Heat the pan with oil. After it is hot, add sliced ​​garlic and stir-fry to release the aroma. Add the lettuce and stir-fry until it is raw. Add some salt and soy sauce to taste.

Finally, the things in the kiln were pulled out, and after the temperature dropped, the yellow mud on the chicken was smashed, and the lotus leaves were opened, and a burst of fragrance wafted out, and everyone couldn't help drooling.

The chicken legs were torn off with light force, and the juice flowed out in an instant. The golden juice was crystal clear, and the chicken was very tender and smooth. This lotus leaf beggar chicken is so fragrant!Ji Zhixi habitually put the meat into Artis's bowl first.

Artis was very satisfied when he saw it, and he flicked his tail unconsciously. Others could only feel sad when they saw it.

After all the delicacies were served on the table, everyone sat down and began to eat, but still no one spoke, because everyone's mouths were busy eating.

This lotus leaf beggar chicken is really fragrant. The fragrance of lotus leaves makes the chicken taste smooth but not greasy. The meat is delicious, juicy, and the chicken skin is crispy and sweet.

Sweet potatoes and potatoes baked in a kiln are particularly fragrant, and the taste is very soft and melts in the mouth.

The fried shrimp, crab, and small dried fish are crispy and sweet, and the chili powder is delicious!
The lotus root and peanut soup is also very refreshing, not greasy at all, and the lotus root and peanuts are very soft and dense.

The pork ribs porridge with lotus seeds, the pork ribs are stewed very soft, and the lotus seeds are also sweet and soft. After drinking a bowl, I feel warm and comfortable in my stomach. It is very suitable for people who like light food.

[Ice Cream: Ah!This lotus leaf beggar chicken is so delicious!This kiln is really special! 】

[Chef's little milk bag: I'll pack a bag of yellow mud right away!I'm going to kiln up tonight! 】

[Food Xiaomi: The action upstairs is too fast!Can I go and eat? 】

[Qingqingcao: I once again experienced eating my tongue. 】

[I'm Dabai: It's really an eye-opener. It's the first time I know that mud can also be used for food! 】

[Love Travel: This is very interesting, we can try it when we go to a picnic in the future!The premise is to have ingredients! 】


 I was planning to enter V, but it turned out that it was recommended as a boutique, so I had to postpone it. I hope everyone will continue to support it!thank you all!


(End of this chapter)

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