Chapter 49 Confidentiality
The fourth-level mutant bear can control gravity, and the fur on its body is also thick. Their attacks basically cannot hurt it.

Everyone was very angry when they saw that Xiang Nange was injured. This mutated bear even teased them like monkeys. Many people got their marks on them. They can't be humiliated. They must take down this mutated bear today.

Li Huai also analyzed the weakness of the mutant bear, and found that there was no other weakness except the eyes.

This mutant bear is also very smart, knowing how to protect its weak point, they can't hurt its eyes at all.

Artis was about to team up with Xiao Hei to take down the mutant bear, when suddenly countless silver needle-like water needles pierced the mutant bear, no matter how agile the mutant bear was, it couldn't stop this huge number.

The water needle directly pierced through the thick fur, causing the mutant bear to scream in pain.

Everyone saw that it was Xiang Nange who was fine so quickly, and why did his power suddenly become stronger?
Artis glanced at Ji Zhixi who was sitting on the ground, understood what was going on, and felt distressed for a while.

Xiang Nange continued to attack, and countless water needles pierced the mutant bear, and everyone else's scalp felt numb when they saw it.

When the mutated bear wanted to lose weight and run away, Xiang Nange controlled the moisture in its body and instantly increased the moisture. The mutated bear seemed to be soaked in water, water seeped out of its fur, and it became too heavy to jump in an instant.

Xiang Nange immediately fired a water gun and shot the mutant bear directly in the eye, causing the mutant bear to roll on the ground in pain.

When Artis was struck by lightning, the water-covered mutated bear was immediately shocked by electric shock, and soon died.

Artis took the opportunity to tear off the bear's head, dug out the crystal nucleus, and finally killed the mutant bear, and everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

Artis came to Ji Zhixi with the crystal nucleus, and was relieved when she saw that Ji Zhixi was fine and just looked overtired.

Artis handed the fourth-level crystal nucleus to Ji Zhixi, hoping that she would absorb the crystal nucleus and restore her mental power.

Ji Zhixi shook her head and said, "It's rare to have a fourth-level crystal nucleus, I'd better keep it! I can recover after a short sleep, so don't waste it."

Artis frowned, he didn't want to see Ji Zhixi look uncomfortable, but he couldn't force her.

"Girl, are you okay?" Xiang Nange also came over and asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry about Grandpa Xiang, I'll just take a good rest." Ji Zhixi said.

"President, why did you suddenly become so powerful? Could it be that you have increased abilities like me?" Bai Genghuai said excitedly.

"Added abilities? Xiaobai said you added abilities?" Xiang Nange asked in surprise.

"Yes! I have an extra wind ability! I am now a dual-element ability user!" Bai Genghuai said in a show-off tone.

"It may be because the mutated virus has stimulated his potential, and he has absorbed a lot of crystal nuclei, so he has an extra ability. This is quite rare, and it proves that Xiaohuai's potential is still great." Ji Zhixi said.

"Jiang Mutou, did you hear that! Sister Zhixi said that I have great potential! I will definitely become very strong in the future!" Bai Genghuai said complacently.

Bai Genghuai absorbed the crystal nucleus, so he gained an extra ability, but he did not absorb the crystal nucleus, but increased his ability. It seems that this is one of Ji Zhixi's abilities.

But she didn't say it before, probably because she didn't want people to know, and if this ability is exposed, then her situation will be even more dangerous. He will help her keep it secret, and she is his savior.

"Girl, don't worry, Grandpa Xiang knows what to do." Xiang Nange said to Ji Zhixi.

Ji Zhixi also understood Xiang Nange's meaning and nodded.

Artis frowned and looked at Xiang Nange. The improvement of Xiang Nange's ability was a bit surprising. It was amazing to raise his ability by one level in such a short period of time. He looked at Ji Zhixi worriedly. I need to ask Ji Zhixi to clarify.

"Let's stop here for now! Everyone is tired, so let's go back to the base to heal!" Ji Zhixi said.

Everyone else nodded. Today was so exciting that my heart almost stopped twice.

Put the corpse of the mutated bear into the nanospace, and put all the hives into it.

Bai Genghuai muttered as he collected it, "This is really the most precious honey! It's no wonder that the honey that I sacrificed my life for isn't precious! I must keep it well."

After Ji Zhixi and others returned to the base, Ji Zhixi planned to talk to Jiang Yuxuan about the cave and the waterfall, but Artis drove her back to the hut.

"You need to rest now!" Artis said forcefully.

Ji Zhixi also knew that she was in a bad state, so she didn't object, and obediently went back to her room to sleep.

Artis stood by her side, watching her pale face and frowning.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Shen knew that Ji Zhixi and the others were back, so they also ran to the room.

"Hush!" Artis told the two little ones not to disturb Ji Zhixi, but seeing how she was sleeping, it might be difficult to wake her up.

The little ginseng also noticed the state of the master, and immediately ran to Ji Zhixi's pillow, stretched out his beard, and dripped the ginseng water into Ji Zhixi's mouth.

Then Ji Zhixi's complexion began to slowly return to rosy, and she felt much more comfortable.

Artis was relieved when he saw it, the little thing was quite protective of the Lord.

Artis asked the two little ones to look at Ji Zhixi, intending to go out to find Jiang Yuxuan, but Xiao Shen stopped it, broke off several of his beards and gave them to Artis, then pointed to Ji Zhixi.

"Hee Hee doesn't want you to be hurt, you don't need to do this," Artis said.

Xiao Shen shook his head to indicate that he was fine, and those whiskers grew back in an instant.

Xiao Shen thought to himself: The most important thing now is to make up for the master so that she can recover quickly!
Artis looked at the ginseng whiskers that had been folded off, and had no choice but to accept them, not to waste them.

Then he brought the ginseng to Jiang Yuxuan's room and said, "Let Xiao Li stew this ginseng. You can drink it when Xixi wakes up."

"Okay, what's wrong with Miss Zhixi? I ​​heard from Xiaochen that you encountered a third-level man-eating crocodile and a fourth-level mutant bear? Both Bai Genghuai and President Xiang almost died." Jiang Yuxuan asked.

"Our current strength is still too weak. There are still many unknown dangers in the hopeless zone. Every time we have so many people, if Xixi wants to protect us, she will definitely not be able to hold on." Artis said.

"Indeed, improving our strength is the top priority now, but if we want to improve our strength, we have to go to a hopeless place, but if we go, it will increase the burden on Miss Zhixi, which is a problem." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"You invite the president over here," Artis said.

"Yes." Jiang Yuxuan dialed the communication to invite Xiang Nange to come over. After a while, Xiang Nange came to the room.

Artis strengthened the security defense of the room to make it leak-proof.

"President Xiang, I want to know what happened after you were injured." Artis said coldly.

He was not surprised that the little white tiger could speak, after all, he had already guessed his identity.

But it might not be appropriate to tell the story without Ji Zhixi's consent. She promised Ji Zhixi to keep it a secret, and he didn't know how far Ji Zhixi cooperated with the Iron Blood Legion.

"I know Xixi has the power to help others improve their abilities. I'm just worried that she will hurt herself if she does so. I can't let her help others when she hurts herself," Artis said.

Jiang Yuxuan was shocked when he heard that, how much strength Miss Zhixi still hides.

I, Artistang, swear on my life that I will always protect Ji Zhixi and prevent her from getting hurt at all.Artis said.

Hearing Artis' oath, Xiang Nange was very surprised. It turned out that the Marshal, who had always been iron-blooded and indifferent, also fell, but this Zhixi girl is indeed a rare person, such a good person is of course likable.

"I understand. Girl Zhixi does have the power to help others improve their abilities. To be precise, she transmits power to others. I was injured and thought I was hopeless, but there was a strong life force that was continuously sent to me. "

"After my body absorbed this power, not only did I heal, but my ability was also upgraded by one level. Without absorbing the crystal nucleus, I directly improved." Xiang Nange said, and Jiang Yuxuan took a breath.

"But?" Artis said.

"That's right, but Girl Zhixi immediately became very weak after transmitting the power to me. Although she only said that it was due to excessive mental energy consumption and exhaustion, how can there be anything in this world for free?"

"We have always talked about equivalent exchange. The reason why we can improve our abilities is because we have absorbed the crystal nucleus. Now that I have not absorbed the crystal nucleus but have improved the ability, it proves that what I absorbed is the power of Girl Zhixi."

"So this will definitely damage her body. Even if it's okay this time, her body won't be able to withstand wear and tear if this happens for a long time in the future. After all, her energy is not continuous." Xiang Nange said with a frown.

"The little girl has a kind heart. She has no reservations in order to save us. She puts herself in danger so easily. So we must become stronger and not hold back, so as to reduce her burden." Xiang Nange said.

"That's right, that's what I really want to say, so I approached the president today to discuss training with you."

"The current training method of 10 people a day is too slow, and it all depends on Hee Hee, she will be very tired."

"So I hope that we will divide into groups in private and enter the hopeless zone for training. Chairman Xiang is already very strong now, and you have also mastered the method of mental operation that Xixi said, so I hope you can take everyone to train."

"But it can't go deep, only in places we have been to before, and each team must bring a healer and advanced medicine to save their lives. We are here for training, not for danger, so we must retreat immediately when we encounter danger."

"While training, try to collect as many crystal nuclei as possible, so as to improve everyone's abilities."

"I will also ask Li Huai to make a scanning system and a defense system as soon as possible, so that we can also prevent it in advance."

"At the same time, I hope that the president can keep the secret. We can only hide it when we are not strong enough." Artis said.

"I understand that since the Marshal has made a decision, we will definitely cooperate with all our strength, and I will tell Lao Zhan about the medicine." Xiang Nange said.

"Then trouble the two presidents. If you need anything, just tell us." Artis said.

Xiang Nange nodded, and then left in a hurry. There are too many things to prepare now, so I have to arrange them first.

"Marshal, Miss Zhixi's ability is too heaven-defying. If others find out, she will be very dangerous." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"So we have to protect her at all costs." Artis said with narrowed eyes.

 Trying to save the manuscript!thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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