Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 50 Equivalent Exchange

Chapter 50 Equivalent Exchange
"How about the test results of the energy stone and piranha brought back this time?" Artis asked.

"Marshal, Miss Zhixi may be the incarnation of a koi carp. I just got the test report. That piece is indeed a top-level energy stone. Moreover, the top-level energy stone produced by Hara Star has a usage rate of only 65%. 100%."

"The substance in the belly of the cannibal crocodile has also been determined to be oil and some minerals. These are important discoveries. The ancient earth may have stored a huge amount of energy after tens of thousands of years of precipitation." Jiang Yuxuan said excitedly.

"Can these resources be used directly?" Artis asked.

"Yes, these energy sources do not have the characteristics of life, and have not been infected and mutated by viruses. Instead, they have accumulated a lot of energy through precipitation. If these resources can be developed, we will no longer be restricted by other planets." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"However, I don't know how the royal family will deal with this important discovery. After all, the benefits are too huge, and the royal family probably won't let it go easily." Jiang Yuxuan worried.

"It's not impossible for them to want a piece of the pie, but it's impossible for them to take it away from us. Now the Blue Star and the Federal Empire are both prosperous, and both are lost."

"The royal family must listen to us if they really want to make the federal empire rich and strong. Only by cooperating with us can we achieve a win-win situation. I will discuss it with Weir, and the matter of energy development cannot be rushed for the time being."

"We also need to take defensive measures. There will be more and more people coveting Blue Star in the future, and we will buy more equipment for mining energy stones. It seems that our army also needs to expand its recruitment."

"You arrange it now and let everyone take a mental test. Our top priority is to improve our strength." Artis said.

"Yes." Jiang Yuxuan saluted and turned to arrange work, and Artis also went back to Ji Zhixi's room.

Ji Zhixi felt her body was heavy and she couldn't move.

She dreamed that when the last days just broke out, she ran into the forest on the mountain behind the school in order to avoid zombies.

She climbed into the hole of a big tree. It was raining heavily outside, thunder was rumbling, and she could vaguely hear various screams in the distance. Her ankle was scratched by a zombie. She felt that she might become a zombie too. .

She hid in the tree hole for three or two days, relying on the rain to satisfy her hunger, and finally she was so hungry that she ate the leaves and roots and had a high fever. When she was about to die, she saw a red fruit in a few roots in a daze. She was so hungry that she grabbed it and ate it.

After that, she passed out, and when she woke up again, she found that she had become a supernatural being, and the big tree she was hiding in had withered.

Looking back now, the red fruit is a bit like a crystal nucleus, but at that time the end of the world had just erupted, how could there be a crystal nucleus so quickly?

Ji Zhixi opened her eyes in a daze, and was startled when she suddenly saw three figures beside her.

It turned out to be Xiaojin, Xiaocan and Artis, they sat on her bed and stared at her.

Seeing Ji Zhixi wake up, Xiao Hei also rubbed against her wrist.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Ji Zhixi looked at the darkness outside.

"It's late at night, are you here to ask me to have dinner? No wonder I'm hungry." Ji Zhixi rubbed her stomach and sat up.

Squeak!Xiao Jin pointed to the outside and then to her, hopping, Xiao Shen looked very worried, and Artis looked at her seriously.

"What's the matter? Artis?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"You have been sleeping for a day and a night." Artis said in a hoarse and tired voice.

Ji Zhixi was taken aback!What?one day one Night?No wonder I'm so hungry.

Seeing Ji Zhixi's completely unworried look, Artis sighed.

"Did you know that when you transfer spiritual power to others, your own body will also be damaged?" Artis asked.

"I, I don't know." Ji Zhixi said with some distress.

She really didn't know that she didn't dare to reveal her ability in the last days, and there was really no one around her who was worthy of her sacrifice, so she never used it until she died.

After coming here, I spend most of my time using the healing ability. It doesn’t take much mental power to help other people unblock it. It is estimated that only the power of wood will have an impact, so she doesn’t know that doing so will damage her body. .

Artis sighed at her ignorance.

"Xixi, don't use this ability to save people in the future. You have to know that nothing comes for nothing in this world. You have to pay for something you get. You understand the principle of equivalent exchange." Artis Said seriously.

"How did you save Chairman Bai?" Artis asked.

"I can absorb the vitality of plants and transform these vitality into my own power, which I call the power of wood. That day I transmitted the power of wood to Grandpa Xiang."

"I used to know that I could absorb the power of wood to improve my ability, but I haven't tried it on other people, so I don't know that it will affect me." Ji Zhixi said.

After being betrayed, she curled up even more in her own world. She didn't want to lose her freedom because of her abilities. She would rather lose her life than be used as an energy transmitter.

She has seen those cruel experimental methods in the laboratory, and all those people with supernatural powers were tortured beyond recognition.

It was only after she came here that she began to relax. After all, this is not the end of the world, and she has real friends and partners by her side.

Ji Zhixi didn't say anything except that time when she helped Artis recover her powers. She was also very tired at that time, but she didn't feel any other abnormalities. Moreover, Artis was in a coma at that time, and she didn't take the initiative to absorb her wood power.

In addition, she drank ginseng soup after waking up, which also had a lot to do with it. Wannian ginseng is very nourishing!The ancients said that the dead can be brought back to life.

"What you do is actually equivalent to turning yourself into a converter. Your body has undergone absorption, transformation and transportation."

"If you do this often, you don't know how much damage it will do to your body, and if you can't control this power, and someone forcibly absorbs it in the future, maybe even your life force will be forcibly absorbed."

"So you absolutely can't do this again in the future." Artis said seriously.

"I don't know either. The situation is urgent this time. I promise I won't do this again. After all, I also cherish life." Ji Zhixi promised with a pitiful look.

"Hee Hee, I hope that no matter what happens in the future, you will put yourself first and protect yourself. Only when you protect yourself can you help others." Artis said, looking at her solemnly.

Ji Zhixi was very moved. People around her used to say that her supernatural power was born to help others. Even if her healing others would endanger her own life, she should still save others, because this is the meaning of her existence.

So whether she is willing or not, she has to treat countless people every day. If she only cares about herself, she is selfish and ruthless, and does not deserve to exist.

People in the base enjoy her service as a matter of course, because there are still many healing departments in the last days, and most of them are people with weak attack power, so they are also looked down upon by those strong.

After having the potion, those people feel that there is no need for people with healing abilities, so Ji Zhixi, who can make potions, is still valuable.

Artis' words redefine the existence of her abilities, yes!This is not the end of the world anymore, she should live for herself.

The people around her now are not those people in the last days. They will think about her, protect her, and make her feel warm. That's why she saves people without thinking. This is also a two-way effort.

She wants to create her own world here, and hopes not to live in pain every day. Now she just wants to enjoy a free life.

"I see." Ji Zhixi said with the shining light in her eyes.

Seeing Ji Zhixi recovering, he was relieved.

"Little Ginseng broke the ginseng root again and needs to replenish your body. I have asked Xiao Li to make the ginseng soup. You should get up and drink it!" Artis said.

Hearing this, Ji Zhixi couldn't help but picked up the little ginseng and rubbed it with her face.

"My precious little ginseng, I'm fine. Didn't I tell you not to break your beard casually? You just recovered from a serious illness, so you can't hurt your body anymore." Ji Zhixi said.

The shy leaves of the little ginseng trembled, indicating that the owner's body was important, but the ginseng whiskers would not affect it.

Ji Zhixi knew that it was useless to say what she said, so she could only accept this wish.

After getting up and washing up quickly, I went to the restaurant and drank the ginseng soup.

The ginseng soup is really nourishing. After drinking it, Ji Zhixi regained her energy instantly. She felt full of energy and her face became rosy.

"Would you like to take another break?" Artis asked.

"No, I slept for a whole day and drank ginseng soup, and I feel very energetic now." Ji Zhixi shook her head and said.

"Since this is the case, then I will discuss something with you. Although I don't want to worry you, I don't want to hide it from you."

"I discussed with President Xiang, and then let President Xiang arrange people to train in the hopeless zone. We only train in places we are familiar with. 10 people a day are too few, and the speed of improving abilities is too slow."

"With our current strength, it is still more dangerous to go deep into the hopeless zone in the future, and it will also increase the difficulty of our development." Artis said
Ji Zhixi nodded, "Indeed, I have also reflected on what happened today. The development of Blue Star is necessary, and my ability alone is still limited. In fact, I should trust you more and have more confidence in you."

"Actually, you guys can do better than me. I used to take care of everything by myself. In fact, the strength of the team is powerful. I believe that if we all work together, we will definitely develop Blue Star faster."

"You, the leader, can just arrange the training. In fact, I'm not very suitable to be a leader. Ji Zhixi stuck out her tongue."

"You can be the woman behind the leader." Artis said with a playful look.

 Is there any friends who participated in the materialization of the senior high school entrance examination today? I wish you all the best, and you will get good grades in the exam!
  Work hard!come on!Thank you everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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