Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 51 Emerging Human Form

Chapter 51 Emerging Human Form
Ji Zhixi blushed when she realized what he said, this person was really taking advantage of her all the time.

Seeing Ji Zhixi's shy look, Artis felt an impulse instantly, and the next moment a tall figure enveloped Ji Zhixi.

Ji Zhixi stared blankly at the man in front of her, her breathing stopped.

A snow-white military uniform made the man's body look more upright, and the black hair made the blue eyes even more dazzling. Artis put both hands on Ji Zhixi's chair and surrounded her.

Ji Zhixi was scared back by his sudden approach, but the chair blocked her, so she reflexively put her hand in front and tried to push him away.

As a result, I felt a pair of strong chest muscles, and I could still feel the beating heartbeat under the thin clothes. The outline under the clothes looked very sexy, and it felt very good.

Ji Zhixi just touched it blankly, and Artis laughed lowly, and asked in a magnetic voice: "Are you satisfied with what you touched?"

This sound is so good that my ears are pregnant!Too good at cheating!Ji Zhixi resisted the urge to rub her ears.

Ji Zhixi's hand retracted immediately as if it had been scalded, and she raised her head to reprimand her, but because the two of them were too close, when she raised her head, her lips just brushed Artis's face, and the two of them were stunned .

The soft touch still remained on Artis's face, and he stared at Ji Zhixi's lips with a little dark eyes.

Ji Zhixi's lips were rosy and shiny, and they were slightly parted, as if attracting people to pick them.

At this moment, Ji Zhixi felt her lips were burning hot, the temperature seemed to ignite her whole body, and her face turned red. She had never had such close contact with a man, especially such a handsome man.

"Hee Hee, are you implying me?" Artis leaned into her ear and said.

The somewhat hoarse voice rang in his ears, and he could still smell the cold fragrance of his body, Ji Zhixi felt that she was a little out of oxygen.

Just when she couldn't help but push him away, Zhizhi——

When Artis stood up suddenly, Ji Zhixi breathed a sigh of relief, but when she turned her head to see, Xiao Jin was caught by Artis.

It turned out that Xiao Jin was taken aback by Artis' transformation into a living person, and Artis, who didn't know the human form, saw him approaching Ji Zhixi, and thought he was going to do something wrong to Ji Zhixi, so he launched an attack.

Artis looked helplessly at the little hamster with its fangs and claws, and carefully avoided its sharp teeth and mouth, "Xiaojin, I'm Xiaobai, I'm not attacking Xixi, we're cultivating a relationship." She glanced charmingly at Ji Zhixi who was blushing.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Xiao Jin, bite him, he's bullying me." Ji Zhixi said angrily.

"Hee Hee, why did I bully you? You beat me up and down and even kissed me, but I didn't resist. You let Xiao Jin bite me, and it wasn't you who hurt me." Artis blocked Xiao Jin's Attack, said with an innocent expression.

Ji Zhixi almost vomited blood when she heard this, how could there be such a thick-skinned person!I can't talk anymore today.

Is this really the legendary iron-blooded and ruthless Marshal of the Empire?

Artis had teased Ji Zhixi enough, so he decided to restrain himself and not make people anxious.

"Okay, Xixi, stop making trouble, I still have something to tell you." Artis said.

Seeing his sudden seriousness, Ji Zhixi couldn't get angry with him, so she could only tell Xiao Jin: "Xiao Jin, forget it, I was just joking! He is Xiao Bai, so don't attack him in the future."

Xiao Jin looked at Ji Zhixi, then at Artis, stopped attacking, smelled Artis again, and nodded, it remembered his smell and appearance!

I didn't expect Xiaobai to be so good at taking its attack in an instant. When he was a little white tiger, he thought it was not easy. It seems that this little brother will not be able to handle it, Xiaojin thought to himself.

Only then did Artis let go of Xiao Jin, and pulled the chair next to Ji Zhixi to sit down.

Although she was sitting next to her, Ji Zhixi could still feel the pressure on Artis. Looking at his charming side face, long and thick eyelashes, and a high nose bridge, this man is really handsome.

Artis suddenly turned his head and caught her gaze, those smiling blue eyes were looking at her tenderly, Ji Zhixi quickly shifted his gaze, wondering what was going on with the deer bumping around.

"Hey, you, if you have something to say, hurry up, if it's okay, I'm going to rest." Ji Zhixi changed the subject.

Just now he said that he was very energetic, now he said he wanted to rest, seeing Ji Zhixi's innocent and lovely appearance, Artis really wanted to hug her into his arms.

"Hee Hee, the energy stone and the contents of the man-eating crocodile have been detected, and they are indeed high-grade energy stones and oil."

"I guess that there should be a lot of energy stones in the cave over there. That cave is the cave where Xiao Hei and I went to clean up the vampire bats last time. Because the cave where we fought last time collapsed, these energy stones were exposed. "

"I suspect that those mutant beasts are also going for energy stones, but what I'm more curious about is, what do these mutant beasts want energy stones for?"

"And we compared the top-level energy stones we bought in Hara Star. The utilization rate of the top-level energy stones in Hara Star is only 65%, but the utilization rate of the top-level energy stones here is 100%. Could it be that the quality of the energy stones here is more High? We need to investigate further," Artis said.

"I think that the energy stones are all grown in the original place. Logically speaking, the difference should not be that big, unless the energy stones are not pure energy stones or have been used before, so the usage rate is so low." Ji Zhixi said.

"You mean, the energy stones given to us by Star Hara may be artificially mixed or used defective products?" Artis said.

"It's not impossible, because we don't have energy stones ourselves, and we bought them from others. You can only believe what others say." Ji Zhixi shrugged and said.

If this is the case, they spend a lot of money every year to buy back the energy stones used by Star Hara. There are abundant energy stones here, so they don't have to endure Hara Star anymore.

"I will find someone to go to Halla Star to investigate. If this is the case, we will definitely seek justice from Halla Star." Artis said.

"As for why the mutated beasts need energy stones? I think, you can all use energy stones as fuel for mechs. Does the mutated beast also value the energy inside? Can the energy inside be extracted to enhance abilities? What about it? Maybe they are here to play, right?" Ji Zhixi said.

Artis felt that what Ji Zhixi said made sense, "I will have someone detect the energy in the energy stone, Xixi, you are so smart, with you here, I can solve many things at once."

"Stop flattering! If I don't tell you, you can definitely think of it, I know you are smart!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Then I'll take Xixi as a compliment." Artis said with a smile.

Seeing Artis' charming smile, Ji Zhixi's heart beat faster again.

"However, this cave has been exposed. If it can really improve the ability, will it be dug up by other strange beasts later?" Ji Zhixi asked, changing the subject.

"I have already sent people to the cave to make a camouflage and install shielding defense equipment. It should not be excavated for the time being." Artis said.

"How can you always think of these things before me and act?" Ji Zhixi muttered, and Artis smiled and said nothing.

"Hey, you said that if mutant beasts need energy stones, they must have been dug up long ago, right? Then why are there still energy stones? So I think this kind of energy stone should be renewable, so we also need to find out the origin of this energy stone. Investigate carefully." Ji Zhixi said.

"If it's renewable, it's good news for us. With these, we don't have to be restricted by the planet Hala. All this is thanks to you, Xixi, you are really a treasure given to us by God." Artis looked at Ji Zhixi tenderly and said.

"Cough, by the way, how are the soldiers with impaired abilities mentioned earlier? I'll go and see their situation! But it's so late now, I'd better go and see tomorrow!" Ji Zhixi changed the subject.

"Hee Hee, you have just recovered, don't think about the treatment, anyway, they are fine now, let's wait for you to rest for a few days." Artis said disapprovingly.

"I'm really fine. I'm just healing. I don't use the power of wood. It won't affect me." Ji Zhixi retorted.

"If I say no, it's not allowed. Take a good rest these two days, and don't go to hopeless areas." Artis said forcefully.

"Why are you so domineering! No! Why do you control me!" Ji Zhixi said indignantly.

Artis approached again and held her in his arms.

"Why do you say so?" Artis looked at Ji Zhixi with danger in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Ji Zhixi was extremely flustered, "Okay, okay, I can't listen to you, let me go, I'm going to sleep."

"Liar, you obviously listen to me for everything you said before!" Ji Zhixi muttered.

"As long as it's good for you, I'll listen to you," Artis said.

Ji Zhixi secretly complained to herself, why are you so cowardly!
"Didn't you say it's very energetic? Let's cultivate and cultivate our relationship." Artis said with raised eyebrows.

"Didn't you tell me to rest? If you don't let go, I'll go to the hopeless zone tomorrow!" Ji Zhixi said, if she insisted on going, Artis couldn't stop her.

"Okay, okay, go if you want to rest! Go to the military doctor for a physical examination every day, otherwise I won't worry."

"I have other things to discuss with Jiang Yuxuan. I can't sleep with you now. If you're sleepy, go to bed first. I'll come back to accompany you later." Artis said and rubbed Ji Zhixi's head.

Ji Zhixi opened his hand, "Whoever wants you to accompany, you should leave quickly, if you can't do it, don't come into my room again!"

Then turned back to the room, Peng closed the door and locked it.

 Work hard!Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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