Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 55 Another Ability Breakthrough

Chapter 55 Another Ability Breakthrough (for Subscription)
"Grandpa Zhan's ability hasn't broken through yet?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Yeah! It's just a near miss. Maybe you have to die like the old man before you can break through! Haha" Zhan Bei said sarcastically.

"Grandpa Zhan, this is for you." Ji Zhixi gave Zhan Bei the fourth-level crystal nucleus she got last time.

Zhan Bei was stunned when he saw the fourth-level crystal nucleus, "This! Give it to me?"

"Yes." Ji Zhixi nodded.

"Why? Why did you give it to me? Such a precious thing." Zhan Bei asked in surprise.

"The crystal nuclei I collected were originally intended for everyone. In the future, everyone can have them, but because the number is limited now, I will give priority to those who need them."

"Everyone knows the strength of Grandpa Zhan, and we need your leadership, so if your ability can break through, it will be very helpful for our future research."

"So Grandpa Zhan doesn't need to shirk, you can help me by upgrading quickly." Ji Zhixi said.

Zhan Bei looked a little touched, this girl is really a selfless person, she has no reservations about the people around her, knowing that she saved Lao Xiang's life, he knows that this girl is very affectionate and righteous, she is really a rare good girl.

It's a pity to be with the Marshal!But think about it, such an outstanding person, it is estimated that few people can be worthy of it.

"Okay! Grandpa accepts it. Grandpa will definitely live up to your expectations." Zhan Bei said excitedly.

Bai Genghuai watched enviously from the side, when will he be able to improve his abilities!

"Come on! Grandpa Zhan, I want to help you improve your abilities." Ji Zhixi said.

"Help me, are you in good health now? Don't be angry when you just recovered. If you get injured again, Artis will have to settle accounts with me." Zhan Bei said.

"I'm fine, and he has nothing to do with him." Ji Zhixi said shyly.

Don't care?It seems that they haven't caught up yet!Also, with a paralyzed and cold face all day long, you won't be able to coax people at first glance, let alone chase people. It seems that there is a good show to watch, Zhan Bei thought.

"Is it really okay? I'm not in a hurry for a day or two! You can take a rest." Zhan Bei said.

"It's all right, this promotion ability is mainly on your own, and I don't need to contribute much, come on!" Ji Zhixi said, pulling Zhan Bei into the laboratory.

They found a quiet room, Zhan Bei sat on the bed, used his mental power, and slowly absorbed the crystal nucleus.

Ji Zhixi watched from the side, and felt that Zhan Bei's mental power began to skyrocket, his whole body became hot, and the energy in his body began to run wild.

Bai Genghuai and Jiang Chen watched nervously.

Ji Zhixi administered medicine to Zhan Bei, and used her mental power to control and dredge the mental power in Zhan Bei's body, allowing him to completely absorb those powers, and after a few cycles, she slowly calmed down.

Then everyone waited for Zhan Bei to wake up, and Ji Zhixi was still making tea at the side without haste.

The chrysanthemum tea this time is really good, with a unique aroma and a mellow aftertaste. Ji Zhixi greeted Bai Genghuai and Jiang Chen to sit down and drink tea. The two held the teacups in confusion, attracted by the unique aroma, and could not help drinking up.

After drinking a cup, I feel very refreshed and still have a sweet taste in my mouth. I feel very relaxed.

"This chrysanthemum can promote digestion, nourish the stomach and refresh the mind. It is best to drink it within one to two hours after meals." Ji Zhixi said.

It happened that I was full from breakfast, now I can help my digestion, Bai Genghuai thought to himself.

Jiang Chen looked at Zhan Bei while drinking, "Don't worry, it's fine, it's just that your body needs time to adapt, and it will be fine soon." Ji Zhixi said.

Not long after he finished speaking, Zhan Bei woke up.

Jiang Chen and Bai Genghuai immediately came to the bed and looked at Zhan Bei.

"President Zhan, how do you feel? Do you have any extra abilities?" Bai Genghuai asked curiously.

Zhan Bei didn't say a word, he just got up suddenly and looked intently at Bai Genghuai in front of him.

Bai Genghuai was taken aback, what's wrong?
Suddenly there was a blur in front of my eyes, and I came to a closed space, where a pile of medicinal herbs was piled up, and everyone else disappeared.

"Hey! Jiang Muju! Sister Zhixi! Where are you? Where is this place? Help!" Bai Genghuai shouted.

"Haha! My ability has improved!" Zhan Bei said excitedly.

"Grandpa Zhan, has your spatial ability improved?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"It's not just the space ability. I could only hold dead objects in the space before, but now I can even hold living objects. The plant-type ability has also been improved. I now have a level 5 ability." Zhan Bei said happily.

"Grandpa Zhan, you should let Xiao Huai out first!" Ji Zhixi interrupted Zhan Bei.

"That's right! I just took Xiaobai in as I wanted to experiment." Zhan Bei said.

When Bai Genghuai was released, he rushed towards Jiang Chen with tears and snot in his nose.


Jiang Chen pushed him away in disgust, "It was the chairman's space just now, he was just trying to see if he could let living things in."

"What? President Zhan, that was your space just now! No wonder it's full of herbs, you told me anyway, and suddenly took me in, scaring me to death." Bai Genghuai complained.

"What's in your pocket?" Jiang Chen looked at Bai Genghuai's bulging pocket and asked.

"I thought I was going to die. I thought I was going to die. There are so many precious herbs. If you don't take them for nothing, you just stuff them in your pocket, thinking that if something happens, you can save your life!" Bai Genghuai Said.

"Well, you brat! You still stole my herbs! Those are my treasures, hand them over to me quickly!" Zhan Bei said and jumped up.

"I didn't do it on purpose, who told President Zhan to take me into the space!" Bai Genghuai said while avoiding Zhan Bei's iron palm.

Ji Zhixi looked at them amusedly, and felt relieved if they succeeded.

"Okay, stop making trouble, Grandpa Zhan, let's take a rest! I'll go and see the situation of other medicinal herbs." Ji Zhixi said.

"What's the rest? I'm in great spirits now. I can heal ten or eight seriously injured people without any problem," Zhan Bei said.

"In this case, can Grandpa Zhan go and see the soldiers of the Jagged Legion with damaged abilities? Artis won't let me treat them." Ji Zhixi said angrily.

"Hehe, girl, didn't you just say that you can't control it? Why are you so obedient now." Zhan Bei teased.

"Grandpa Zhan!" Ji Zhixi stomped her feet angrily, did she want to lose face?

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, I'll go and have a look, don't worry, I will definitely cure you!" Zhan Bei patted his chest and said.

"Then thank you, Grandpa Zhan. You can also take these crystal cores. If you need them, use them. If you don't have enough, ask me for them." Ji Zhixi said, and gave Zhan Bei a bunch of crystal cores.

"Hey, grandpa saved it!" Zhan Bei said.

At this time, Artis came over in the shape of a beast, and seeing Zhan Bei's appearance, he probably knew what happened.

"Congratulations to President Zhan for breaking through the ability." Artis said.

"Hey, it's all because of Zhixi girl, I really have to thank her very much." Zhan Bei said happily.

"It just so happens that I'm going to take Xixi for a physical examination, so President Zhan should go with me too! Just to see how your body changes, you should go too," Artis said.

"Okay, let's go!" Everyone looked at each other and said.

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(End of this chapter)

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