Chapter 56 3S Spiritual Power (for Subscription)
Everyone came to the treatment room and found that many people had completed the test.

"How's the test result?" Artis asked.

"Marshal, good news! The mental power of all the brothers in the legion has increased, especially the growth of Captain Liu's team is relatively fast. For example, Captain Liu's mental power has changed from A to S, and others have changed from B to A. Jiang Zhong It will also change from S to 2S."

"Minister Li changed from B to S, and Chairman Xiang also changed from S to 2S." Military Medical News reported.

"What? The old man has become 2S? Quickly test it for me, my powers have also improved." Zhan Bei heard that Xiang Nange's mental power had improved, and he immediately wanted to test it, and he must not lose to him.

So the military doctor also helped Zhan Bei, Bai Genghuai and Jiang Chen do a mental test.

Zhanbei also changed from S to 2S, Bai Genghuai changed from B to A, and Jiang Chen changed from B to B+.

"Jiang Mutou, my mental strength is stronger than yours!" Bai Geng said happily, but Jiang Chen didn't say anything.

Jiang Yuxuan stepped forward and comforted, "It's okay, there will be many opportunities to improve in the future, let's take our time."

"I'm fine. I want to lay a good foundation first. If you rise too fast all of a sudden, it will be difficult to control your abilities." Jiang Chen said pointedly.

Bai Genghuai suddenly increased his mental power and gained an extra ability, and he is still in chaos until now.

"Hmph! I will also train hard, and soon I will be able to master my abilities!" Bai Genghuai said.

Ji Zhixi discovered that those who improved their abilities quickly all absorbed the crystal nucleus. It seems that food can only be used as an aid, but it is the crystal nucleus that really works.

"Give Xixi a test!" Artis said.

Ji Zhixi lay down in the testing machine, the machine data began to jump continuously, and everyone else waited with bated breath.

Didi!The final value stabilized!It really is 3S mental power!
"Ah! Ah! Ah! 3S! It's really amazing! You are indeed my goddess!" Bai Genghuai shouted excitedly.

The military doctor was also very excited when he saw the test results. This is a rare genius!She has a 3S mental power at a young age, and she is still a woman. If she joins forces with a marshal with a 3S mental power, she is probably invincible.

"What about your mental strength?" Ji Zhixi looked at Artis worriedly and asked.

The military doctor looked at Artis, not daring to speak.

"My current mental power is only A, but it doesn't matter. After my supernatural power recovers, my mental power will also improve. Don't worry." Artis comforted.

He, who was injured, came to comfort her, who was fine, Ji Zhixi suddenly felt a little sad.

How rare is 3S mental power!It has dropped so much all of a sudden, and there is no guarantee that it will recover. It must be very sad in my heart. The marshal just forced a smile, the military doctor thought.

Ji Zhixi has decided, the most urgent task now is to help Artis recover his abilities first.

"Our data must be kept confidential and must not be leaked!" Artis said.

"Marshal, please rest assured!" The military doctor replied.

"Starting from today, we will conduct group training based on the test results. When Minister Li develops the scanning system, we will all start training in the hopeless zone," Yatis said.

"In this case, starting today, I will purify the hopeless zone with Grandpa Xiang! This way your training will be safer." Ji Zhixi said.

"Don't worry, just take your time, the people of the Jagged Legion are strong!" Artis said.

"In addition, I want to start expanding planting and breeding, and plant and raise food. When Xiaohuai finishes the scanning system, let me have a look. I need to choose a good location." Ji Zhixi said.

"No problem, I will arrange it for you," Artis said.

"Okay, then I'll go to Grandpa Xiang first, and you guys should go get busy too!" Ji Zhixi said.

Then everyone went to work separately, Artis hooked Ji Zhixi's trousers with his claws, and Ji Zhixi looked at him suspiciously.

"Pay attention to your body, don't get too tired, I'm in charge of everything!" Artis said.

When Ji Zhixi heard this, for some reason, her eye sockets felt a little hot, and her heart also felt hot.

Ji Zhixi nodded, then turned and left.

Ji Zhixi came to Xiang Nange's side. He was training the soldiers and members of the guild in mental strength training. It seemed that everyone trained well.

"To grandpa!" Ji Zhixi greeted.

"Girl, are you alright?" Xiang Nange asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I told you to get some sleep and you'll be fine! Don't worry." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"It's good that you're fine. How are you training? I'll teach you according to your method. Is it okay?" Xiang Nange stroked his beard and said.

"Well, Grandpa Xiang is awesome! Everyone has mastered it very well, no wonder everyone's mental strength has improved, it's all thanks to Grandpa Xiang!" Ji Zhixi praised.

"Hey, don't make too much of a fuss! This is all thanks to you, what's the matter in coming to find grandpa?" Xiang Nange said.

"I want to discuss with you about purifying the hopeless area, because everyone has to go in for training. I want to purify it in advance so that they can go in, which can reduce risks and collect supplies. I also want to reclaim the land and expand planting and animal husbandry."

"Although the team trains with therapists and potions, I hope that everyone will put their own safety first, and it is best not to cause casualties." Ji Zhixi said.

"No problem, I'll listen to your arrangements. Now everyone's spiritual power is improving, and the purification efficiency is also improving, but there is still a shortage of manpower. Have you ever thought about recruiting people?" Xiang Nange said.

"Of course there is, but I leave this recruitment to Wen Yan and the others. I haven't seen them recently. I'll contact them later." Ji Zhixi said.

"Well, if you want to expand planting and animal husbandry, you will definitely need to recruit people. Although robots can replace them, people are more flexible. Moreover, if a planet is to become strong, it must have a small population." Xiang Nange said.

"Well, I understand. Thank you, Grandpa Xiang. I'll contact Wen Yan right now." Ji Zhixi said.

After Ji Zhixi left, she dialed Wen Yan's communication, and it took a while to connect.

"Wen Yan, I'm Zhixi, I haven't seen you these days, what are you up to?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Wen Yan on the other end of the communication had two big dark circles on his face, as if he was very tired.

"Zhixi, what's the matter? Recently, we are counting the population of Blue Star, so we don't have time to go to the base." Wen Yan said.

"This census is not in a hurry. Don't tire yourself out. I still need you, a great military advisor, to advise me." Ji Zhixi said.

"Isn't there someone around Zhixi already giving you advice? Do you still need me?" Wen Yanruo said pointedly.

Ji Zhixi quickly realized that Wen Yan was talking about Artis.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Of course I need you! Without you, who would help me manage Blue Star? Who would help me contact diplomats? Who would help me with merchandise sales! You must do these things!" Ji Zhixi said seriously.

Wen Yan was amused by Ji Zhixi's serious look, "Okay! I will definitely help you with these things, don't worry."

"During the live broadcast before, when it came to developing the training system, many people said they wanted to invest, and several wealthy people have already confirmed that they want to invest. Next, we need to confirm the development progress of the system and the sharing method with Minister Li."

"In addition, our logistics company is almost ready, and now we need to open the route and logistics system."

"Blue Star's census has also come to an end, and things like before will not happen again in the future." Wen Yan said.

 Happy Children's Day everyone!I hope everyone will use your fortune to subscribe, and it will be a gift for me on Children's Day!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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