Chapter 58
"My intuition tells me that this person is good, and I want to recruit him, but you know, masters are more difficult to deal with."

"I told Wen Yan that if you can't find anyone at that time, you should write a challenge letter for him and pick someone out." Ji Zhixi said.

Li Huai twitched the corner of his mouth, what the hell is the challenge letter, if he really did this, Bai must think he is crazy.

"We'll have a look at it when the time comes. I'll let Wen Yan arrange it first! It's up to you to arrange the recruitment of people." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay." Li Huai nodded helplessly and said, if he really recruited people, he would be bored to death by quarreling every day.

"How far has the system progressed?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"The scanning system can be made today." Li Huai said.

"Awesome! The scanning system and the defense system are more urgent now. I'm not in a hurry for the others, but I want to ask if it is difficult to build a talent database and ability testing system?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"The talent database is ready-made. You only need to change the permissions and set it as our private database. As for the ability test system, it depends on how you want to test." Li Huai said.

"This is what I think. First go through the talent screening, and then test it. You can test the people under your command, but my side is mainly planting and animal husbandry. If there is a system that simulates the Blue Star environment, let them If you plant and raise animals inside, you will pass the test if you succeed.”

"And this setting does not allow the use of abilities. What I want is those who can really plant and raise animals, not those who rely on abilities. After all, there are many ordinary people who are actually better at doing these things than those with abilities."

"And now our population, ordinary people are much more than supernatural beings."

"In the later stage, if these ordinary people become supernatural beings, it will only enhance the abilities of these people. Therefore, my talent database does not only look at supernatural abilities, but all the advantages and characteristics." Ji Zhixi said.

"Understood, I will adjust this test system according to your wishes, but it is up to you to decide what to plant and breed. I will set the data and then show you. This system is relatively simple. It can be made in a day." Li Huai said.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you. Contact Wen Yan more often and get this matter done first. Thank you for your hard work. I'll make some delicious food for you." Ji Zhixi patted his head and said.

Li Huai looked at Ji Zhixi's hand helplessly, forget it, let's touch it!He will definitely grow taller!
After Ji Zhixi explained these things, she came to the cooking class happily, but Artis didn't let her out, so she could only cook delicious food for everyone.

Ji Zhixi started the live broadcast as usual, and the number of people has increased to 40 billion. This growth rate is the same as riding a rocket.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Ji Zhixi." Ji Zhixi greeted everyone.

"Today I'll show you our cooking class." Ji Zhixi said.

The people in the cooking class were very happy to see Ji Zhixi coming.

"Miss Zhixi, why are you here? Haven't you had breakfast yet?" Xiao Li immediately came over and asked.

"After eating, I just have nothing to do. I plan to cook something delicious for everyone." Ji Zhixi said.

"Miss Zhixi, you are in good health. Just leave the heavy work to us. You say we will do it." Xiao Li said.

"What is this? It's just cooking, and I don't do much. I leave most of it to you." Ji Zhixi said.

"Everyone has worked so hard recently. I want to reward everyone. Let me see where the ingredients I have collected recently are." Ji Zhixi asked.

"Miss Zhixi, come with me. Over here, by the way, the man-eating crocodiles and mutant bears that were hunted before have been tested, and the corpses have been transported. We don't know how to deal with them yet."

"Ah! Really? Let's cook these today! These are the ingredients for great nourishment!" Ji Zhixi said.

"The whole body of this crocodile is full of treasures and has great medicinal value. The crocodile eggs can eliminate the fat in the blood vessels and help the blood vessels to flow smoothly."

"Crocodile meat has the effect of treating asthma; crocodile gall has the functions of detoxification, calming heat, removing nebula and promoting metabolism."

"Crocodile liver has the effects of treating various liver diseases, nourishing the brain, generating new blood, removing dampness, nourishing yin and nourishing the liver, and improving eyesight."

"Crocodile heart combined with Panax notoginseng and Salvia miltiorrhiza can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and can treat angina pectoris, myocardial hypoxia, coronary heart disease, etc."

"Crocodile oil treats burns, relaxes the meridians, relieves pain, refreshes the mind, and especially moisturizes the skin."

"The crocodile kidney can invigorate the kidney and strengthen essence; the crocodile shell can soothe the liver, relieve stagnation, and harmonize the spleen and stomach; the crocodile blood can kill germs and even eliminate some viruses."

"The crocodile bone can treat and prevent rheumatic bone pain; the crocodile tail glue can not only nourish the liver and kidney, replenish qi and strengthen the foundation, enhance cell vitality, but also skin care and beauty, increase the elasticity of the skin, reduce and delay the early appearance of wrinkles."

"Crocodile blood contains antibacterial substances, which can not only kill germs, but also kill mold and even some viruses."

"Bear's paw is sweet, salty and warm in nature, nourishes qi and nourishes blood, helps prevent anemia and cold constitution, dispels wind and dampness, strengthens the spleen and stomach, and enhances the body's resistance."

"Bear bile can promote the decomposition and excretion of fatigue substances, and promote the absorption of vitamins. It can also dissipate heat and detoxify, relieve convulsions, and has a significant effect on fighting convulsions."

"Bear meat is rich in protein and contains more than ten kinds of amino acids needed by the human body. It has the effect of 'repelling wind and cold and strengthening energy'."

"I've purified these, you guys dissect them! The fur of the mutant bear can be peeled off and used as a carpet." Ji Zhixi said.

"As for the blood, give it to Xiao Hei!" Ji Zhixi patted Xiao Hei on her wrist and said.

"Okay." Xiao Li said, and hurriedly carried the man-eating crocodile and mutant bear to be dissected with everyone, and Xiao Hei immediately followed.

[Ice Cream: Wow!This man-eating crocodile looks really scary up close! 】

[Tigger: When did you get a mutant bear?It looks great! 】

[Chef's milk bag: The goddess really opened up a new world for me, I can eat anything. 】

[Be obedient: It feels a little cruel! 】

[The man roared: You also eat chicken when you eat it, and fish when you eat it. Why is it different? 】

[Peace Construction: Drinking nutrient solution is not cruel, and it can fill your stomach! 】

[I love nature: I feel that the ecological balance of Blue Star has been destroyed, and it has been killing these lives. 】


"I didn't intend to eat them at first, they did it first, and even hurt our little friend. If that's the case, I don't want to eat it for nothing!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Besides, we eat them here, or they eat us. Don't forget the cruelty of mutant beasts. Didn't we have few humans eaten before? Do you want to recall that painful history? Otherwise, why would we emigrate? Another planet? This is our home!"

"This is a world where the weak prey on the strong. If you don't have power, you will be attacked, oppressed, and exploited. It's the same with other planets, so why do we need to become stronger and why we need to develop Blue Star." Ji Zhixi said.

"Of course, everything cannot be generalized. We can still live in peace with some animals and plants that have evolved close to human consciousness, such as Xiao Jin and Xiao Shen."

"So we have to re-enact the laws of this planet, so that this planet can be used again for human habitation, and balance the development and construction with the natural ecology."

"Of course, this is a big problem, so everyone needs to brainstorm and work together to develop Blue Star well." Ji Zhixi said.

After everyone heard Ji Zhixi's words, those who complained stopped talking, and immediately became quiet.

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(End of this chapter)

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