Chapter 60 Snacks (for subscription)
Ji Zhixi suddenly thought that everyone was going to train in the hopeless zone, it was so hard, otherwise, let them bring some snacks, it is also convenient to satisfy their hunger occasionally, so she made honey-glazed pork jerky.

"Let's make some snacks next! What kind of snacks do you like to eat?" Ji Zhixi asked.

[Ice cream: what is a snack?I don't usually eat it. 】

[Mermaid baby: I have it, I have it, I usually eat some dried fish, shrimp and crab. 】

[Big Zerg: We eat everything, including animals and plants, and we use local materials, which are abundant. 】

[Hemla Xingxiaobao: We eat flower cakes and flower candies. 】

[White Tiger Warrior: We all eat meat!It has to be meat! 】

[Passerby A: Look at those upstairs, I really think we are a bit miserable!I hope that the goddess will sell food as soon as possible!Snacks are also available! 】


Looking at the barrage, Ji Zhixi felt that snacks are also a good choice, they are easy to carry and can be stored for a long time, so she can discuss it with Wen Yan and the others.

"Let's make the honey sauce pork shop first." Ji Zhixi said.

Dried pork is made of fresh pork hind legs, the skin, fat, tendons and bones are removed, and the whole piece of pure lean meat is used as the basic raw material, which is cut into thin slices.

Then, dozens of condiments such as sugar, monosodium glutamate, super soy sauce, eggs, etc. are spread on the meat slices. This super soy sauce is secretly made by Ji Zhixi herself.Afterwards, the slices are laid flat and baked in the oven.

It has to go through several processes such as sliced ​​meat, seasoning, spreading and sieving, dehydration, baking, flattening, trimming, etc., before it becomes the piece of dried meat with excellent color, aroma, taste and shape, with an energy value of 22000.

"Well, the sweet and tender meat is delicious! Next, make beef jerky." Ji Zhixi said after eating a few slices of dried pork.

Cut the deboned fresh beef into a size that is convenient to eat in one bite, put it in a pot, add a little salt and cook until it is mature, take it out and let it cool, then cut it into large slices with a thickness of 0.2-0.3 cm.

Add appropriate amount of cooking wine, soy sauce, brown sugar, cinnamon wrapped in gauze, pepper, fennel, ginger slices and other seasonings in the soup pot. After boiling, add the sliced ​​beef and cook for 30 minutes on high heat. Remove and drain. Dry in an electric oven and serve immediately.When baking, you can sprinkle some five-spice powder, monosodium glutamate and other seasonings.The beef jerky made by this method has strong fragrance, good taste and energy value of 26000.

"It's chewy, the more you chew, the more delicious it is! Suddenly I want to eat twist, let's make some twist! There are sweet and salty twist, you can choose your favorite taste." Ji Zhixi said while biting the beef jerky.

[Manly Ben Han: It smells so good!can not stop. 】

[I love meat: Sure enough, meat is invincible! 】

[Big Ben: I can eat such snacks for a day! 】

[Love to dance: anchor, don't stop!I still want to keep eating! 】


Ji Zhixi mixed the flour with sugar, oil, and loosening agent evenly, and added water to make a dough, which was then left to ferment.

For the fermented dough, take a certain amount as a starter, dissolve salt in water and mix it with flour, add eggs, rapeseed oil and the starter torn into small pieces, knead it into a smooth dough, and then cut the dough into small noodles , knead one by one into a twisted raw dough of uniform thickness.

After all the raw twisted dough is rubbed, it will be fried from the first rubbed one.Choose pure rapeseed oil and heat it in a pot at 120 degrees, put in the twisted peanuts, straighten them gently with long chopsticks, wait until they float and turn golden in color, then pick them up and serve.

Sprinkle with icing sugar for sweet ones, sprinkle with salt and pepper powder for salty ones, and sprinkle with sesame seeds if it is more fragrant, and the twist is ready, with an energy value of 7500.

After cleaning the millet, soak it in water and soak it completely, crush the millet with a rolling pin, add flour, eggs, pepper and salt, and knead the dough.

Wrap it in plastic wrap, let it rest for 10 minutes, roll the dough into thin slices, and cut into thin slices.Heat the oil in a pan, then put in the crispy rice, fry on a low heat until golden and sprinkle with pepper, salt and pepper powder, the crispy crispy rice is ready, with an energy value of 7400.

"Ah! It's so crispy! Speaking of crispy, I'm going to make potato chips!" Ji Zhixi said while eating.

Ji Zhixi washed and peeled the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, and rinsed them in clear water several times.Then pour the potato chips into the hot water and blanch them until they become translucent and then remove them. Rinse the removed potato chips in cold water and drain the water.After pouring oil into the pot, pour in the potato chips, deep fry until golden and remove, add some chili powder and salt and stir well, the original potato chips are ready, with an energy value of 7500.

"Potato chips come in a variety of flavors, and you can add them yourself. I like to eat sweet things, or let's make candied dates!" Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Zhixi washes the jujube and drains the water. Use a knife to slit the jujube to a depth of about 5 mm. Put it in a pot and boil it with water for 10 minutes. Remove and drain with cold water.

Put 1000 ml of water and yellow rock sugar into the pot together, boil until the sugar melts, add jujube after boiling, add maltose when the syrup is slightly viscous, change to medium and low heat and continue to boil until the jujube changes color and the sugar water rises When bubbling, toss about four times.

Finally, pour honey and continue to boil until it is very viscous and the sugar water is almost dry. Turn off the heat, let the dates stay in the pot to cool, and then pick them up one by one and put them in the oven to dry the dates. It is crystal clear and has a soft taste. The candied dates are ready, with an energy value of 12000.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help but pick up a candied date and stuff it into her mouth. The soft, waxy and sweet taste was so delicious that it melted away.

[Ice Cream: Ah!I am sweetened!too delicious! 】

[Lady Fen: I feel better after eating! 】

[Sugar addicted to life: Ah!That's awesome!It's delicious, I really want to eat it every day! 】

[White Fish: It's delicious, but it's too sweet! 】


"Facts have proved that eating sugar can make people happy, because sugar enters the human body and undergoes chemical changes to produce dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that directly affects people's emotions. This substance will transmit happiness and excitement. Waiting for emotions, increasing this substance, will make people happy."

"So when you are unhappy, you can eat some sweets appropriately, but you can't eat too much, otherwise it will be bad for your health. After all, things go against each other." Ji Zhixi said.

[Little pig who loves to learn: Since watching the live broadcast of the goddess, I feel that I have learned a lot, and go out to brag about my awesomeness with others! 】

[Archaeologist Xiao Pan: I hope that the goddess can broadcast some things related to the history of the ancient earth in the future. This is of great significance. After so many years, many people actually don’t understand our origin and our history at all. 】

[Trendy: Indeed, as young people, we really haven’t learned about the previous history. Since we were born, we have believed that the Federal Empire is our home. We have never thought that we originated from the ancient earth. 】

[Stars and Points: Ever since the federal empire was established and genes from various other planets were fused, few people would mention ancient earthlings, and now there are actually very few pure ancient earthlings. 】

[Wen Tian: That's right, even the four oldest families are now marrying people from other planets. 】


"If everyone is interested, I will also broadcast some live broadcasts of ancient earth history in the future, but history and archeology is really not my specialty, so if there are professionals who are interested, welcome to the ancient earth investigation."

"We welcome people from all walks of life. Even if you don't have superpowers and are just ordinary people, as long as you have a skill, endure hardships and stand hard work, love your job and work hard, we welcome them all!"

"We are now officially recruiting. Interested friends can register through the official website of Blue Star! Of course, if you want to come to Blue Star, you need to go through multiple screenings. I hope you can pass it smoothly and look forward to your arrival!" Ji Zhixi said.

 I wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

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(End of this chapter)

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