Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 63 Welcome new members

Chapter 63 Welcome New Members (Subscribe)
When we came to the restaurant, everyone started queuing up for dinner. Everyone was surprised to see Ji Zhixi holding a little white tiger in his arms, and a little white tiger following him on the ground. Can this white tiger be picked up everywhere now?

Ji Zhixi brought Tang Xin and the others to the box, all the presidents and Leng Ran were there.

"Yo, why is there another little white tiger?" Zhan Bei asked cheerfully.

"This is Artis' sister Tang Xin, and this is Grandpa Chris, the housekeeper."

"This is Zhan Bei, the president of the Apothecary Guild, this is Xiang Nange, the president of the Purifiers Guild, this is Peter Pan, the president of the Architects Guild, this is Leng Ran, the head of the Leng Sect, and this is Wen Ran, the deputy head of the Sect. In other words, this is the Purifier Bai Genghuai, I don’t need to introduce you to the Iron Blood Legion, you guys know each other too.” Ji Zhixi said.

"Of course I know Brother Yuxuan and his younger brother Jiang Chen. I have information on everyone here." Tang Xin said.

The others were very surprised when they heard this. This little girl is so capable?
"Hi everyone, my name is Tang Xin, I'm Hacker Bai, and I'm here to help sister Zhixi develop the system." Tang Xin said obediently.

Everyone was stunned. Bai, the number one hacker in the interstellar world, was actually a white tiger cub, and she was also the marshal's younger sister!Sure enough, the Tang family are not ordinary people, and they have to admire them.

It turned out to be Baihu's Bai. The hacker was codenamed "Bai" before, and many people mistakenly thought he was from the Bai clan!Bai Geng thought to himself.

"Xinxin is new here, her grade is young, and her situation is quite special, so I hope everyone can help take care of her." Ji Zhixi said.

"No problem, no problem! We are about the same age, Jiang Chen and I can take her to play around!" Bai Genghuai said immediately.

"He's not here to play!" Jiang Chen said with a frown.

"You can play outside of work. You are now at the age of playing around. Don't worry too much. Just play when it's time to play. Just pay attention to safety. I don't want to be said that I abused child labor." Ji Zhixi joked playfully Said.

"Haha! Girl, this is the main reason!" Xiang Nange said in a rare joke.

"Grandpa Xiang, don't expose me!" Ji Zhixi said with a wink.

"Okay, everyone has been busy for so long, let's eat quickly! Today's dishes are very filling!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Xinxin, come down and sit down." Artis said with a frown.

Then Artis turned back into a human form. It is more convenient to use human form for eating. Others have seen Artis transforming so they are not surprised. Wen Yan and Leng Ran were shocked when they saw it for the first time.

The marshal's aura is indeed very strong, even if his powers have not fully recovered, he can feel the super aura emanating from him.

"No, I'm going to sit with my sister. I like my sister the most." Tang Xin turned her head and said, not intimidated by Artis.

"It's okay, Xinxin sitting here won't hinder me." Ji Zhixi said.

"Hee Hee, you can't spoil her, she is spoiled at home." Artis said helplessly.

"Being pampered at home, you can't be wronged when you come to me, right, Xinxin." Ji Zhixi lowered her head and asked.

Tang Xin nodded happily, Sister Zhixi is really kind, she must be snatched home, not to make it easier for outsiders, but can my brother's smelly and stubborn personality catch up with others?Really sad.

"Come on! Let's welcome Xinxin and Grandpa Chris together!" Ji Zhixi raised her teacup.

"Welcome!" As everyone clinked glasses together, Tang Xin raised her paw.

"Is there anything Xinxin can't eat? Grandpa Chris." Ji Zhixi asked.

"Miss Xinxin is usually a picky eater. She eats sweet high-grade nutritional supplements and eats less other foods. She is allergic to mangoes, and I don't know anything else yet." Chris replied.

"Okay, I got it. Xinxin, let's try everything. If we don't like it, we won't eat it. I'll make it for you next time if I like it." Ji Zhixi said.

Tang Xin nodded happily, flicking her tail quickly.

So everyone started to eat, Ji Zhixi scooped up a bowl of soup for Xinxin first, and fed it with small mouthfuls.

"It's so delicious! So fresh!" Tang Xin's starry eyes came out.

Ji Zhixi smiled and picked a piece of meat for her, Tang Xin couldn't stop her mouth, she ate hard, although she ate very quickly, she still kept the table manners, Chris nodded in satisfaction after seeing it.

Ji Zhixi looked at Tang Xin with a smile. It was indeed two siblings. Suddenly a piece of meat was placed in the bowl.

"Don't just care about others, Xinxin will eat by herself, so hurry up and eat too!" Artis said while serving her food.

Ji Zhixi looked at more and more dishes in the bowl, and hurriedly stopped Artis.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat now, don't pinch it, the bowl won't fit anymore." Ji Zhixi said.

Tang Xin scoffed at her brother's eccentric behavior, but thinking about it, she would increase sister Zhixi's favorability and catch up with her, so she wouldn't hinder her brother.

Everyone had a great time eating this meal. The energy value of this high-level mutant beast is indeed very high. After eating it, I feel full of strength. I feel that I have to go to work to vent it, so everyone left the table after eating up.

Li Huai also hurriedly sneaked away, afraid that his master would let him take this stinky little white tiger with him.

"Hi~" Tang Xin burped, and Chris said beside him, "Miss Xinxin, pay attention to your image! Hip~"

Chris himself couldn't hold back his full belch. It was so delicious. He promised that anyone who tried it once would definitely fall into the vortex of Blue Star's food. No one can resist this taste.

"We're full, let's go for a walk to digest food! Let's visit the base by the way." Ji Zhixi said to Tang Xin and the others.

"Okay!" As soon as Tang Xin finished speaking, Artis picked her up and put her on the ground.

"Go by yourself to digest." Artis looked down at Tang Xin with irresistible eyes, and then turned into a beast.

When Tang Xin saw Attis who had turned into a cub, she couldn't help but pounced on her and began to bite. The older brothers she saw before were all tall and mighty beasts, but now they are about the same size as her, so she really couldn't help it!

Ji Zhixi saw the two furries hugging and rolling, she couldn't help it anymore, she picked up the two furries, buried her head in it and sucked wildly, sucking the two furries so dazed that their hair became messy.

"Cough!" Chris coughed to hide his smile.

"Ahem, let's go then!" Ji Zhixi pretended nothing happened, put the two on the ground and smoothed them out, and then walked out first.

Artis smiled helplessly, and immediately followed Ji Zhixi.

"Heh, Miss Xinxin, let's go!" Chris called Tang Xin who was still in a daze.

Tang Xin, who had never been treated like this before, looked at her brother and found it unbelievable that her brother was not angry and even laughed!The magic of love is terrible, it can completely change a person!

Tang Xin shook her head and hurriedly followed.

"To be honest, I haven't even visited our base seriously. Are we finished building it now?" Ji Zhixi asked Artis.

"The main parts of the military camp, military dormitory, training room, equipment room, laboratory, medical room, control room, office building, canteen, branch clubs, and Leng Zongmen have all been completed."

"Now the development is mainly in residential areas, because we need to recruit people, we must arrange accommodation, and we have to reclaim wasteland for planting and animal husbandry in the future."

"The next step is to consider the transportation line. The development of the route needs to be connected to the landing point, and the transportation point of the whole Blue Star must also be considered." Artis said.

"Well, those are so complicated, I don't understand them, so I'll leave them to you professionals, and I'll take a look at how our base is doing internally." Ji Zhixi said.

 What kind of zongzi have you eaten recently?I like big meat dumplings!
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(End of this chapter)

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