Chapter 64 New Friends

"Sister, wait for Xinxin!" Tang Xin ran up, pushed Artis away and said.

Artis looked at the kid helplessly, he really got himself into trouble.

When I saw Xinxin was addicted to the Internet all day long, I thought she was just playing games and looking at the outside world through the Internet.

He didn't expect that she would become a master hacker if she didn't pay attention. It was the matter of the Ge Laohui that he knew that his sister had done a big thing unknowingly.

But also because of this reason, he opened the first-level protection for her, and he couldn't let her be free outside, at least she could be free on the Internet.

He didn't know that he sneaked here this time, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed. After all, there are so many people here, he doesn't want his heart to be hurt like a little ginseng.

But he knew that it was useless to say what he said now, and he also knew that Xinxin had always wanted to transform into a human form, and Xixi was her only hope.

Even if it is not successful, she will be very happy if she can get out of the house, just like now.

Parents are so relieved to send Xinxin here, it is estimated that Weier has contributed a lot behind the scenes, this guy, when he returns to the Federal Empire, he will "repay" him well.

"Xinxin, where did you go when you first arrived at the base?" Ji Zhixi asked slowly.

"After we arrived in our own starship, I asked brother Yuxuan to take me directly to Li Huai. I haven't been to other places yet," Tang Xin said.

"Oh! Why did you go to Li Huai first?" Ji Zhixi asked curiously.

"Because that guy hasn't developed the system yet, of course I'm going to laugh at it. I'll be the boss of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology here in the future, so let him move quickly." Tang Xin said.

"Xinxin really wants to be the boss? Being the boss is tiring. You have to take on all kinds of jobs, and you have to be responsible. If you have any problems, you have to come to me. The most important thing is that you have to take care of your subordinates." Ji Zhixi said.

"It's such a trouble! Then I'm not in charge! Let Li Huai be in charge! Just let him help me when the time comes." Tang Xin said.

Ji Zhixi solved the invisible gunpowder in a few words like this, Chris looked at Ji Zhixi admiringly, the more he watched, the more satisfied he was.

Sensing Chris' meaningful gaze, Ji Zhixi felt a little uncomfortable, so she quickly shifted her gaze away.

"Let's go take a look at the plantation first! I just want to introduce you to two of my friends." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, okay!" Tang Xin said bouncingly, looking so happy.

When Ji Zhixi and the others came to the plantation, everyone was carefully recording the growth of the herbs, Xiao Shen was instructing the planting of new herbs, and Xiao Jin supervised while eating nuts on the tree.

"Xiao Shen, Xiao Jin!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

Xiao Shen and Xiao Jin ran over when they heard Ji Zhixi's voice, and were stunned when they saw Tang Xin.

Xiao Jin looked at the two little white tigers strangely, what's going on?I just remembered Xiaobai's appearance and smell, and there is another one today?Will it still be separated?But the taste is completely different!

"This is Artis's younger sister, her name is Tang Xin, she is a younger sister, you should take good care of her!" Ji Zhixi said.

Xiao Jin immediately understood that this was another younger brother, no problem!
Squeak, squeak——Xiao Jin patted her chest to indicate that there was no problem, then rushed to Tang's heart and smelled her.

Tang Xin couldn't help pulling Xiao Jin Pao down, and rolled it around to play with, making Xiao Jin dizzy.

Is it the nature of cats to catch mice?Ji Zhixi looked at them amusedly.

Creak creak——Xiao Jin slapped Tang Xin's paw off, a little angry!What's the matter with this little brother!
Xiao Shen stretched out his tentacles shyly and touched Tang Xin's head. Tang Xin smelled the tangy fragrance and couldn't help but stick out her tongue and lick it.

Xiao Shen was stunned for a moment, his body trembled, and with a whimper, he ran to Ji Zhixi's back and hid.

"Haha!" Ji Zhixi laughed unkindly.

"Xinxin! You can't do this! The little ginseng is our friend, so don't eat it! Otherwise, it will ignore you in the future!" Ji Zhixi said.

"I'm sorry! I didn't do it on purpose, it's just too fragrant! I won't do it anymore!" Tang Xin apologized to Xiao Shen with some embarrassment, and couldn't help but licked her mouth. It smells so good!

Xiao Shen still hid behind Ji Zhixi in fear, the big mouth just now scared the baby Shen to death, almost being eaten.

Tang Xin ran behind Ji Zhixi and joined her paws together as a prayer, "Xiao Shen, I'm sorry, don't be afraid, I won't do this next time! You are my sister's friend and my friend, and I will protect you in the future. Don't let anyone eat you."

Xiao Shen looked at Tang Xin, seeing her pitiful appearance, she was still a little soft-hearted, and tentatively stretched out her tentacles to touch Tang Xin's head.

Tang Xin rubbed along the tentacles, and Xiao Shen heaved a sigh of relief.

Ji Zhixi looked at the little ones who got along harmoniously, and smiled happily.

"How is the planting of the small ginseng?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Xiao Shen nodded to express his satisfaction, at this time Jiang Hong came over.

"Sister Zhixi, wow! Another little white tiger, so cute! I really want to raise one." Jiang Hong said.

"Hey, not everyone can raise a little white tiger." Chris reminded from the side.

"That's right, Sister Zhixi, we have basically completed the planting of medicinal herbs here, and we plan to go to the hopeless area tomorrow to collect more medicinal herbs of other varieties." Jiang Hong said.

"No problem, have you all arranged the personnel to enter the forest?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"The president has made arrangements, we won't run around, everything is safety first." Jiang Hong said.

"Well, that's good, remember to carry a flare with you, and call for help immediately if there is any danger," Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, don't worry!" Jiang Hong nodded and said.

"We are going to visit the base next, are you going?" Ji Zhixi said to Xiaojin and Xiaocan.

The two little ones nodded immediately, and Xiao Jin jumped onto Artis' head again, while Xiao Shen sat on Ji Zhixi's shoulder.

"Then we're leaving, you keep busy." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, you go slowly." Jiang Hong waved her hand and said.

"This is the office building, next to it is the laboratory, and next is the branch clubs. You have just been to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology." Artis introduced.

"You seem to have built the barracks and soldiers' dormitories on the periphery?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Yes, one is for protection, every place is guarded by soldiers, and the other is for everyone to fuck without affecting the people inside." Artis replied.

"Oh! You are really careful." Ji Zhixi nodded and said.

"Each clubhouse has its own characteristics! The entrance of the Pharmacist's Guild is full of vines and plants. Are these brought back from the forest by Grandpa Zhan?" Ji Zhixi asked with a smile, and Artis nodded.

Xiao Jin sometimes jumped on Tang Xin's head, sometimes jumped on Artis' head, and sometimes ran to Ji Zhixi's shoulder to tease Xiao Shen, the three little ones had a great time playing.

"What's with the sculpture at the entrance of the Purifiers Guild?" Ji Zhixi asked amusedly.

There was actually a sculpture of Xiang Nange at the entrance of the Purification Masters Guild, which was very tall and conspicuous.

"Bai Genghuai specially made it for people to customize. After Chairman Xiang became a fifth-level ability master, the Purification Masters Guild announced to the world that Chairman Xiang was a living sign." Artis said.

"Haha, it's very similar to Xiao Huai's style, but I don't know how it feels to grandpa." Ji Zhixi laughed.

The president of the Pharmacist Guild has also improved his ability, but it is not as fanciful as they are.

"That must be the Architects' Guild, the style is very special, and it looks very design sense." Ji Zhixi said.

"These fancy houses are not as beautiful as our garden." Tang Xin said.

"Garden? Does your house have a garden?" Ji Zhixi asked curiously.

"That's right! Because Mommy likes flowers very much, Daddy built a garden for her and sent Mommy a bouquet of flowers every day." Tang Xin said.

"Wow! Uncle is too romantic!" Ji Zhixi said with envy.

Artis kept staring at Ji Zhixi. She remembered that Xixi had said before that she wanted to grow flowers, and it seemed that she also liked flowers. It seemed that he had to learn from his father.

"The front is the Leng Sect! It's too unique!" Ji Zhixi sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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