Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 76 Defense System Installation

Chapter 76 Defense System Installation
After Ji Zhixi and his party got off the aircraft, they boarded a small starship, and the starship took off quickly.

Jiang Yuxuan, Li Huai and the others were in the command room. Ji Zhixi and the others came to the command room. The glass on the front of the command room could clearly see the outside scenery.

"Miss Zhixi, Miss Xinxin, sit here." Jiang Yuxuan called them over to sit.

Tea, snacks and fruit are already set on the table, ready to go.

Xiao Jin grabbed a handful of snacks and ran to the glass window to see the scenery, thinking, how high!He actually flew up.

Artis changed back into a human form, hugged Xiao Shen, and walked to Jiang Yuxuan, "How is the situation? Have the other teams set off?"

Liu Jianwei next to him saw the transformed Artis petrified, did he have hallucinations?

"It's already set off. We will set off in groups in four directions: east, south, north, and west. When they arrive at the designated location, they will notify us as soon as they are installed." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"That's good, have their equipment been checked?" Artis asked.

"It's been checked. In order to avoid emergencies, each team has brought weapons, defensive covers, and distress flares." Jiang Yuxuan said.

Artis nodded, and sat next to Ji Zhixi, Xiao Shen couldn't bear it anymore, and ran to the glass window, Xiao Hei followed to join in the fun.

At this moment, Liu Jianwei hurriedly dragged Jiang Yuxuan to a corner to find out what happened in the future.

Xinxin ran to Li Huai's side, "How is it? Is there any problem!"

"No problem." Li Huai replied seriously.

"Of course, with Miss Ben's support, there will be no problem." Tang Xin said proudly, wagging her tail.

"Xinxin, do you want some fruit?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Yes!" So Tang Xin happily ran back to Ji Zhixi's side, enjoying the fruit Ji Zhixi fed herself.

Artis looked helplessly at Tang Xin who had occupied his original position, and thought to himself that he would definitely not be able to have a child so early in the future.

While eating snacks, Ji Zhixi looked at the situation on the ground. Most of the area was covered by vegetation, so she couldn't see the situation below clearly.

"You can't see the situation below. If you directly project the fixed-point device, will it be easily damaged?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Each fixed-point instrument comes with a defensive cover and power system, just for long-term battery life and avoiding damage."

"The fixed-point instrument will go deep down several thousand meters, unless there is something underneath, otherwise the inside is relatively stable." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Then it's hard to say if there's anything underneath. If there is, we don't know if we'll blow up something when we project like this." Ji Zhixi said with a smirk.

"If it does happen, it's good to know in advance. If it's a very dangerous thing, it will be troublesome if it explodes after we build a building on the ground." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"That's right, can the scanning function of this defense system even scan out the things inside?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"The real scene scanning outside is very clear. Generally speaking, the things inside can be scanned. There are thermal imaging and ray tomography, which can display the energy, activity, and cell conditions inside. Through the database, the things inside can be compared and analyzed. , can be projected in 3D." Li Huai said.

"So, if there is something that can't be scanned, it must be something extraordinary." Ji Zhixi rubbed her chin and said.

"This is mainly the defense system. The scanning system was added later by us. It is not perfect and can be adjusted in the future." Tang Xin said, and Li Huai pursed his lips.

After they flew for a while, they finally received the first installation signal.

When they saw it, it was the forest closest to them, and they were now in the eastern hemisphere of Blue Star.

There are mostly forests underneath, and then more and more signals, the scenery below begins to change, there are plains, deserts, valleys, plateaus, and the climate is constantly changing.

The appearance of the eastern hemisphere is also gradually revealed, and these mysterious veils are beginning to be lifted.

Li Huai was carefully recording the following information, and Ji Zhixi was also watching carefully.

There are more and more dots on the screen, slowly connecting into lines.

The layout, plates, and appearance of the earth have changed a lot, and it is completely different from the geography knowledge I learned before. Now this is a brand new earth.

Because of the variation, different climates can appear in the same area. It is really incredible that the vegetation that was only available in the western hemisphere appeared in the eastern hemisphere.

"I think we need to hire a geographer, biologist, and historian to study Blue Star," Ji Zhixi said.

"These are all necessary," Artis said.

Ji Zhixi watched as Li Huai opened one of the fixed-point maps. It was a prairie. You could see that there were many animals on the prairie, which looked very ferocious. There were also many animal skeletons on the prairie.

The system shows that there are many mutated beasts above level 4, which is indeed a prairie where ferocious beasts are transferred, which is a bit dangerous.

"Look, Artis, there are many high-level mutant beasts in the prairie here, we need to pay more attention to them, and strengthen the defense around them, so we can't just let people in." Ji Zhixi said.

Artis nodded, looking at the screen full of mutant beasts, he seemed to see countless crystal nuclei.

Li Huai clicked on another fixed-point map, which was a desert. There were only sparse vegetation on the desert. It seemed that there was nothing, but there were many mutant beasts and plants hidden under the desert.

"Wow! This one is so dangerous, it's all hidden in the sand, and the desert is so big that you can hardly see the water source. If you get in by mistake, it will be fatal, and you should focus on defending this one." Ji Zhixi said.

"Sister, in your opinion, everything is the key point." Tang Xin complained from the side.

"Haha, it's true. I'm mainly worried about everyone's safety. These wild environments are the most dangerous. We can't control them. At least we must take precautions and remind everyone, and try our best to ensure everyone's safety." Ji Zhixi said.

Tang Xin nodded, "The mutated animals and plants in this desert seem to be very powerful, and the further you go down, the more difficult it is to scan. They are deeper underground than our fixed-point equipment."

"It seems that it is necessary to strengthen the range of signal transmission and scanning, so that everything underground cannot be missed." Tang Xin said.

"I'm already adjusting the data. There may be a strong ability blocking the signal underground, so one piece cannot be scanned." Li Huai said.

"Wow! It seems that there are advanced mutant beasts, or mutant beasts of the spiritual system. This kind of mutant beasts should have formed advanced evolution and human nature. They should be the boss in this area. I guess we will have to negotiate carefully by then. , If we can not do anything, we are at a disadvantage in terms of geographical environment." Ji Zhixi said.

"I feel like we are here to grab the territory, and they will definitely fight us!" Tang Xin said sincerely.

Ji Zhixi smiled helplessly, and thought to herself, indeed, they are here to grab land now, but they don't want to develop every place, in fact, if they don't hurt others, everyone can get along peacefully.

Suddenly Ji Zhixi jumped up excitedly, "It's the sea! Artis, look, it's the sea!"

Below is the endless ocean, which is very blue and clear. Point the camera at the bottom and zoom in, and you can even see the creatures in the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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