Chapter 77 Ocean
"Can we pause here for a moment?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Okay, we don't move without affecting the signal reception, as long as there is no problem, we can stop temporarily." Li Huai said.

"Then let's go down and have a look! We can collect more seafood!" Ji Zhixi said excitedly.

"Do you have sea fishing equipment here?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"No, but you can tell us what kind of equipment Ms. Zhixi needs, and we can modify it on the spot." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Aren't you too good? Sea fishing requires fishing rods and lines, as well as harpoons, dip nets, cages and fishing nets, but it is estimated that it needs to be very strong, or it can automatically retract and release the line. The seafood here is estimated to be very vigorous. .”

"Is there a boat? You have to go to the sea." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes, there are small submarines and yachts here." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Can you swim? If you can't swim, stay at the beach for now." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes! Xinxin will! Xinxin is going to catch seafood! I haven't caught seafood yet! I just ate seafood from the mermaid tribe." Tang Xin said, the other three little ones will definitely follow him no matter whether they know it or not. .

"Then let's catch them, cook them and eat them. Let's see whether the seafood cooked by me is delicious or the seafood from the mermaid tribe is better." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay! Needless to say, my sister's cooking is delicious!" Tang Xin said.

"I want a considerable assessment, because it's about our face, so Xinxin can give feedback based on the facts." Ji Zhixi said.

Tang Xin nodded, she would definitely say it fairly.

The starship docked on the beach, and after preparing the equipment and bait, Ji Zhixi and the others drove out in a small yacht.

Li Huai stayed on the starship and continued to monitor the installation of the system. Tang Xin felt that he was so pitiful. He couldn't play because of work. Once again, he felt that being the boss was not easy.

Since Ji Zhixi was going to start a live broadcast, Artis changed back into a beast shape, and Liu Jianwei hadn't digested it yet.

No wonder this white tiger has lightning powers. It turns out that he is the marshal. It’s great that the marshal is fine. Liu Jianwei couldn’t help but wipe his red eyes. He couldn’t help but share this good news with his brother. Of course, everyone knows to keep it secret. .

From the marshal's appearance, he knew that he hadn't recovered yet. He must protect him this time, Liu Jianwei secretly made up his mind.

Ji Zhixi turned on the live broadcast, and the live broadcast room was captured by fans in an instant. Fortunately, the live broadcast software company had already made preparations and spent a lot of money to upgrade the system to prevent the system from crashing again.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Ji Zhixi." Ji Zhixi greeted everyone.

[Passerby A: The anchor still remembers that you are an anchor?Do you remember when was your last live stream? 】

[Reminder Master: I have become a fan of all kinds of hatred!Every day to the Blue Star official website to leave a message! 】

[Beauty under the Moon: I have been watching many live videos by my friend, and I have been waiting for the anchor, and finally it's here. 】

[Poetry and Yuanfang: I thought the host had become a missing person! 】

[Lady Fen: I really like the sunflower on the Blue Star official website!Why doesn't the goddess live broadcast there, I really want to watch it! 】

[Ice Cream: Miss Sister, where did you go? 】


"I'm sorry, I've been too busy recently, so I don't have time to broadcast live. Today we came to the beach, and I will broadcast live to you immediately." Ji Zhixi apologized.

"Come and see the ocean behind me! It's so beautiful! The surface of the sea is sparkling after being refracted by the sun, the sea is very clear, and the sea breeze is very comfortable!" Ji Zhixi pointed the camera at the ocean.

[Mermaid baby: Wow!It turns out that Blue Star also has such a beautiful ocean! 】

[Seal obediently: Wow!Is there really such a clear sea?I want to jump in and swim. 】

[Love to eat fish: a large number of seafood lovers are coming! 】

[Food Xiaomi: Ah!I have eaten the seafood of the mermaid family once, and I still can't forget it. I don't know how the seafood here in Blue Star tastes! 】

[Light but not heavy: It must be delicious from the mermaid clan. These are all mutated things, so how delicious can they be. 】


At first, it drove along the coastline, nothing unusual, and then drove towards the middle of the sea.

"Stop, it's almost here, everyone should pay attention to the surrounding environment and pay attention to safety." Ji Zhixi said.

Then the yacht stopped, and Jiang Yuxuan, Liu Jianwei and others stood guard in every corner of the boat.

Ji Zhixi took out the bait just prepared, some meat and fish, hung it on the hook, then threw it into the sea, put the long line, put the bait into the cage, threw it into the sea, cast the net beside the boat, and waited quietly .

Tang Xin lay on the fence and looked nervously at the fishhook, while Xiao Jin and Xiao Shen also stood on the railing.

"Xinxin, Xiaohei, Xiaojin, Xiaocan, you all come back, don't get close to the railing, what will you do if you all fall into the sea when the next storm comes?" Ji Zhixi said worriedly.

"Hee Hee, come put on the life jacket." Artis said hiding behind the camera.

[Voice-activated beauty: Ah!Whose voice is this!sounds amazing!I was drunk! 】

[Lady Fen: A woman's intuition, this voice must be a handsome guy! 】

[I really want to fall in love: where?Where is the handsome guy?The anchor quickly hand over the person! 】

[Ice Cream: Ah!This white tiger cub seems to be different from Xiaobai, did the young lady raise another one? 】

[Pet fans: The little ones lying there are so cute, I took a screenshot. 】


"You let them come down and let people watch! I don't worry, when they fall into the sea, they won't be able to get them back." Ji Zhixi said.

"I'll put them on life jackets," Artis said.

"What? Can they wear life jackets at such a young age?" Ji Zhixi asked in surprise.

"This is a life jacket that can change in size according to the shape of the wearer. Anyone can wear it," Artis said.

"Oh! That's amazing, I know, it's the same as the clothes you wore before." Ji Zhixi suddenly realized.

Artis nodded, seeing that Ji Zhixi had put on the lifejackets, and asked a few small ones to come and put them on, and Artis and the others put them on too.

Soon everyone appeared in the camera wearing the same life jacket, with different sizes and varieties, and there was an inexplicable sense of joy.

[The pirate is coming: Haha!The whole family should be tidy. 】

[Bao's mother: It's so cute, and the baby and I also have a personal suit. 】

[Xinlan: The little white tiger is too cute!Two noobs! 】

[Mrs. Quan: It seems that Xiao Jin is solid, her body shape hasn't changed at all! 】


Tang Xin looked at herself in the camera curiously. It was her first live broadcast. She was a little excited, but also a little nervous. She kept paying attention to her image, and felt relieved when everyone praised her.

"Sister, why has there been no movement for so long?" Tang Xin asked.

Artis had already set Tang Xin as an ordinary beast in the live broadcast software in advance, and everyone couldn't hear what Tang Xin said, only the cute little milk voice.

Suddenly the fishing rod moved, and the fishing line began to be retracted. As soon as he said it, he came. Everyone looked nervously at the sea that started to rippling in the distance. It seemed that they were not small.

The speed of the fishing line began to increase slowly, to see what would be the first hook?
(End of this chapter)

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