Chapter 78 Sea Fishing
As the fishing line was drawn in faster and faster, the hook was getting closer and closer, and there was a shadow of a fish under the seabed, which was very large.

In the next second, a huge tuna was hoisted up, splashing a lot of water. Fortunately, the life jackets everyone was wearing were waterproof, so only their heads got wet.

"Ah!!!" Everyone yelled, wiped the water off their faces, and the seawater that flowed into their mouths was salty.

"This should be tuna. The flesh color of tuna is red. It has the functions of protecting the liver, strengthening the liver, activating brain cells, promoting the internal activities of the brain, and effectively preventing iron deficiency anemia." Ji Zhixi said.

This tuna is very big and has a large body. The dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are all spiked, and the teeth are also very sharp. You can see that the big mouth is being deeply hooked by the fishhook.

[My home is in the sea: Wow!Why are the fish here so scary?Variation is scary! 】

[Shell Pearl: How can these things be compared with mermaid creatures. 】

[Fishing enthusiasts: This fishing rod for sea fishing seems to be good?Where did you buy it? 】

[Students hate studying: Is this a fish?How to cook this? 】


The fishing rod, hook, and line are all specially modified, otherwise the hook may be bitten and the fish will not be able to be pulled.

Jiang Yuxuan changed the weight of the fish, put the fish down, controlled it and pressed it on the ground, Ji Zhixi quickly felt the position of the crystal nucleus with mental force, and then took it out with a knife, Xiao Hei immediately ran over to suck blood.

After Ji Zhixi purified, she moved the tuna to the table, and transformed it into a small kitchen.

Ji Zhixi cut it into four strips along the spine, two for the belly and two for the back.Slice out the front and middle belly of the tuna. The flesh of these two parts is very plump, soft, and the fat is fused into the flesh without obvious muscles.

Ji Zhixi directly sliced ​​sashimi, served with special soy sauce and wasabi, put the sliced ​​sashimi on ice, and couldn't help but put a piece of sashimi dipped in soy sauce into her mouth.

You can feel the sweetness and softness of the fat in the mouth, and the sweetness of the fresh fish with soy sauce and wasabi, the taste explodes in the mouth, it is so delicious!Ji Zhixi was almost crying!
She hurriedly called everyone to come and taste it. Seeing Ji Zhixi's appearance of crying, the others thought it was not delicious, so they were a little hesitant.

Without hesitation, Artis jumped onto the table and asked Ji Zhixi to feed him.

He understood why Ji Zhixi wanted to cry, the smell of mustard was so offensive that it even stimulated the lacrimal glands, but the taste was really good, it was the first time he ate this raw food so delicious.

In the past, eating raw meat during the march would only make people feel sick, but if he ate this kind of raw meat, he could accept as much as he wanted.

Seeing Artis' appearance, the others couldn't help but stepped forward to take a sip.

Squeak!Xiao Jin was choked, and Tang Xin was also in tears. It was the first time eating wasabi, and everyone was not used to it, but the sashimi was so delicious, Tang Xin and Xiao Jin simply ate without the sauce.

Jiang Yuxuan felt that not dipping in the sauce was a bit less flavorful, so he continued to dip in the sauce, and after a few more mouthfuls, he found that he got used to it and found it very enjoyable.

Seeing that everyone is so satisfied with the food, Ji Zhixi smiled happily. Blue Star has been abandoned for so many years, but it has grown again. Although there are only mutated viruses, there is no other pollution, so the sea is so clear, the taste of this seafood must be great !
"Okay, don't eat too much, there are still a lot of delicious food in the future, everyone bear with it!" Ji Zhixi said, and then asked Liu Jianwei to send the fish to the kitchen to keep it fresh.

At this time, the netizens are all fried, the taste and taste are really delicious!
[Mantianxing: I can't resist this taste even though I never eat raw food, am I infected with a virus? 】

[Which onion are you: What's the matter with this amazing instinct?Can't stop eating. 】

[Huihui: It's really delicious. I'm curious about those who have eaten mermaid seafood, which one is delicious? 】

[Food Xiaomi: Oh my god!Goddess, don't accept it, I haven't had enough! 】

[Meow: I have eaten the seafood of the mermaid family, and I personally think that the blue star's is more delicious! 】


Mermaid netizens suddenly became quiet. Indeed, they also felt that Blue Star's seafood was more delicious, but they wanted to save face and didn't want to go against their will, so they were all silent.

"Haha, I'm going to turn off the sharing function next, because our seafood feast will be put on the state banquet at that time, and we can't expose it to the mermaids and netizens who are going to participate in the state banquet in advance, otherwise there will be no surprises at that time. Everyone can look forward to it!" Ji Zhixi said.

Regardless of the wailing on the Internet, Ji Zhixi directly turned off the sharing function.

Everyone's attention came to the fishing rods again. After eating the sashimi, Jiang Yuxuan decided to modify a few more fishing rods so that he could catch more.

Suddenly the fishing rod started to move, but this time the fishing line was not retracted. The fishing line was pulled out tens of meters in an instant, and finally the fishing line was exhausted.

Then a pulling force began to pull the yacht to move, and the whole yacht began to turbulent. Liu Jianwei quickly came to the control room, controlled the hull, and began to fight against this pulling force.

"Hurry up and get under the chairs, stabilize yourself, don't fall into the sea." Ji Zhixi shouted to the little ones.

Ji Zhixi put on special gloves and began to pull back the fishing line, while Artis stood beside her on guard.

Ji Zhixi turned the power to the maximum, and slowly retracted the fishing line with the help of the yacht.

"This must be a big guy, it's too powerful." Ji Zhixi said with difficulty.

The surface of the water began to become choppy, and the waves bumped the yacht to and fro. Tang Xin felt a little dizzy from being swung around, star eyes appeared, and suddenly felt a little nauseous. What's going on?

"Captain Liu, let's drive in its direction." Ji Zhixi said.

Then the boat began to approach slowly, and the closer it was, the bigger the thing was, bigger than a yacht.

Suddenly a figure jumped out of the water, twisting its body to break free from the hook, but the hook was so deep and stable that it couldn't break free at all, so it rushed towards the yacht.

When gradually approaching the yacht, everyone saw clearly that it was a fourth-class megalodon. The megalodon was the most powerful creature in the history of the ancient earth, and its teeth biting force far exceeded that of Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Captain Liu, pay attention to dodging! The others are ready to fight!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

The megalodon swam in front of the yacht in an instant, with an astonishing speed, and opened its mouth wide. The sharp teeth shone brightly under the sunlight, which felt as bright and blind as titanium alloy!

Xiao Hei immediately turned into a prototype, stretched out vines to block the megalodon's teeth, and wrapped its mouth around it.

The megalodon twisted its body, flicked its tail directly, and set off waves. The huge attack hit the yacht. The yacht turned around, and the megalodon was also pulled and rammed into the yacht.

If Ji Zhixi hadn't directly spawned plants to resist it, the yacht probably couldn't stand it, the megalodon is too huge.

The giant tooth shark found the fishing line and used the fishing line to cut the vines wrapped around its mouth. It can be said to be very clever.

Then dived into the sea and tried to break away from the vines by hitting the yacht. Xiao Hei didn't know if he was soaked in sea water, and felt his strength weakened a little.

(End of this chapter)

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