Chapter 550

If you arrest people, there are performances.

In the situation where Hei Dazhu caught his own family, there is no doubt that the weekly performance must be negative.

Qu Jian'er rubbed the center of her brows.

He looked at Hui Dazhuang.

Qu Jian'er sighed: "Thank you for your hard work."

Hui Dazhuang was expressionless: "It's not hard work, life is hard."

Hei Dazhu: "???"

Wait until Qu Jian'er explained it again.

Only then did Hei Dazhu realize that he had committed a fool again.

He regarded his brother as an enemy and arrested him. In the end, he looked very smug!
Hei Dazhu ignored Qu Jian'er who was smiling.

He looked up at Hui Dazhuang who was taller than him.

Although the second brother was taller, he felt that as the eldest brother, he should say a few words first.

Hei Dazhu has the spirit of admitting his mistakes, he apologized earnestly: "Zhuang, brother is wrong!"

Hui Dazhuang seriously shook his head: "No, I was wrong, I should cooperate with you, let you get the reward after the army captures the enemy, and then report yourself, so that we can have money..."

Hei Dazhu: "Go on a trip!"

Hui Dazhuang: "Buy food."

Hei Dazhu: "..."

Hui Dazhuang: "..."

Qu Jian'er laughed even louder.

Hei Dazhu looked at Qu Jian'er resentfully.

Qu Jian'er apologized insincerely: "My fault, I shouldn't have smiled so brightly."

She stroked their heads.

Give them two salary cards.

Hei Dazhu was excited: "We have money!"

Hui Dazhuang expressed his gratitude with a blank expression: "Thank you, Boss."

Qu Jian'er waved her hand: "You're welcome~"

Most of the Zerg were eliminated.

The rest are nothing to fear.

In order to prevent the Zerg from becoming one of the extinct species, Qu Jian'er and Zuo Chen discussed including them as national protected animals and prohibiting people from illegally capturing them.

If you want to eat insect meat.

Then you might as well turn your attention to the farming industry.

Qu Jian'er is the person who developed another debris space (subspace) into a worm star.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a big farmer.

Once the laws of the Zerg Protection Law appear, Zerg farms are the direction of development of the market.

When Qu Jian'er thought about the future development trend of the Zerg race, she seemed to see a steady stream of small money, so she asked Zuo Chen to return to the country as soon as possible so that the law could be improved as soon as possible.

Just on the way back.

The warships of the Legion met the starships of the Star Bandits.

The two stared at each other, silently.

Although there are no star bandits now, the star cluster has always been a force that should not be underestimated.

Excluding the defeated Zerg, the reincarnation forces have been disintegrated again, and now the biggest force that has not been incorporated is the star bandits.

Black Hawk insisted on his team mode: "Although Yunxiong and I were rescued by their deputy leader Bluebeard, if the marshal wants me to participate in the battle, I am always ready!"

Zuo Chen was playing with a dagger in his hand, he obviously preferred cold weapons to hot weapons.

Hear the adjutant's words.

Zuo Chen turned his head to look at Qu Jian'er.

Qu Jian'er was fighting the landlord with Hei Dazhu and the others, and the passionate and surging sound of playing cards was incompatible with the rest of the battleship.

Perceive the sight.

Qu Jian'er raised her head.

Then I saw the familiar battleship off the big screen.

In the past few years, she has never forgotten to contact the star cluster.

Every year, she spared some time to meet with them, and Xuetong's reputation accumulated more and more.

And met at this time.

Qu Jian'er felt nervous that her vest was about to be exposed.

Black Eagle restrained his fighting breath and said with emotion: "To be honest, their leader with blood pupils is extraordinary. If we can incorporate him, it will be a blessing for our country."

As soon as this word comes out.

Except for Zuo Chen and Qu Jian'er, everyone in the battleship had already focused on Black Eagle.

Those hot gazes made Hei Ying think that he was going to be burned on the grill.

Hei Ying pretended to be calm and asked leisurely: "What's the matter, did I say something wrong?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Ah, does the adjutant agree with Xuetong's ability?"

"I have to say that she is a general who can train the star bandit group to be well-trained in a short period of time."

"It's not very good to say this, let's talk about the facts, I am really a fan of Xuetong's strength!"

Qu Jian'er understood.

She has collected a large number of fans virtually.

Who dares to say that she is not doing her job properly?

She obviously has a steady stream of fans.

Qu Jian'er deliberately asked, "This blood pupil?"

Hei Ying looked at Qu Jian'er: "Your Excellency also knows him?"

His eyes lit up.

There is a vague feeling of being a fan, and I can't wait to share everything about idols with Qu Jian'er.

Hei Ying continued: "Do you know Xue Tong?"

Qu Jian'er was silent.

She thought that there was no one in this world who knew more about Xue Tong than she did.

But is this something you can casually tell others?

Can't stop~

True Blood Pupil Qu Jian'er shook her head: "Not very familiar."

Zuo Chen muffled a smile.

Qu Jian'er gritted her teeth: "What are you laughing at?"

Zuo Chen thought of a very impeccable answer: "Well, I remembered a happy thing."

Qu Jian'er stood up.

He rubbed his hands and walked towards the person.

She grabbed Zuo Chen's neck.

The white hands are in stark contrast to the black military uniform, and the extreme contrast between black and white has a thrilling beauty.

Zuo Chen hurriedly begged for mercy.

A look of surrender.

The people around me felt overwhelmed.

They silently looked at the two people who looked like no one else.

Regarding the gossip about the incompatibility between the gods and queens on the Internet, I just feel that the real horse is born out of nothing.

Anyone who sees the affection between Qu Jian'er and Zuo Chen will not tell such nonsense that they seem to be in harmony with each other.

at this time.

The gang's starship requests a connection.

The image of Bluebeard appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing Zuo Chen and Qu Jian'er.

He was so respectful that he performed an imperial salute.

Blue Beard said: "Good day, Your Majesty, Blue Beard and 18365 members of the star cluster send their greetings to you."

Zuo Chen smiled, and said softly: "You are not part of the empire, so there is no need to salute."

But Blue Beard said: "Your Majesty's wise, decisive, and mighty image is deeply established in the hearts of everyone in our star cluster. This is not a salute, but our respect from the heart."

(°Д°) Everyone on the battleship: Good dog leg, I learned it, and write it down in a small notebook!
Qu Jian'er clicked her tongue a little.

Is this still her deputy leader who can't speak?

Could it be that it has changed.

Blue Beard then looked at Qu Jian'er: "Your Highness."

Qu Jian'er breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the other party knew and didn't call the leader directly.

It's better not to expose her vest.

Who knows how those boring netizens will comment after the truth is posted on Xingwang?
She doesn't want to worry about it.

I want to keep a vest that never shows up.

Zuo Chen talked about cooperation with Blue Beard from Star Cluster.

Those who had long known that Zuo Chen and others had returned in triumph waited quietly to stop in Hong Kong, hoping to witness the first-line news.

In sunny weather.

After a moment of restlessness, the people who were stopping at Hong Kong and Taiwan picked up the microphone very neatly and methodically.

Different styles of follower also started to work.

At the same time, everyone's eyes turned to the exit, and many mecha fighters with cold temperament came out one after another.

Carve out a path through the crowded crowd.

in the spotlight.

A man with a handsome appearance and a cold temperament came out. The black military uniform set off his majesty and sharpness, which was a demeanor that no one could hide.

(End of this chapter)

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