Chapter 551

this moment.

The noisy Hong Kong station was instantly quiet.


Everyone rushed towards Zuo Chen who was surrounded like crazy.

Most people interviewed step by step and asked some relatively normal questions.

But there are always ghosts who don't feel dead.

I want to show my otherness.

"Your Majesty, only the little Highness is here to pick you up today. There are rumors on the Internet that you and the queen seem to be in harmony. I wonder if this is true?"

As soon as this word comes out.

The surroundings were instantly silent.

Some people twisted their necks stiffly, looking at the reporter with eyes full of thirst for knowledge, breaking out in cold sweat.

Did this reporter come out to be scary?

Even if those rumors are true, it's not their turn to talk about them here!

Which reporter is this?
We must not communicate in the future!

Terribly stupid!

Zuo Chen's eyes were cold.

He stretched his hand behind him.

The slender fingers were tightly wrapped in black dark pattern leather gloves, and the blue veins under the skin could not be seen.

Qu Jian'er heard his voice before seeing him, and she appeared with countless eyes: "Here, come, what's the hurry, I'm going to win this good hand soon."

She stands before the crowd.

Looking far away from a large crowd of people.

Her appearance directly shattered the dark thoughts of some people, and made those who were suspicious and suspicious only feel pain in the face.

The reporter who asked the question lowered his head.

She is obviously a member of the black fan group, and seeing the editor-in-chief retire, she desperately needs a reason to be famous.

She carefully read the linked video sent by Qunyi sister no less than ten times in order to confirm the accuracy of the information.

And when she confirmed it, and learned that the lord was about to return in triumph, she drafted the manuscript overnight.

She enjoys being in the spotlight.

No guilt at all.

But Zuo Chen's cold eyes were too horrified.

She dared not look up.

A female voice is heard inside the battleship.

The reporter became more and more sure that his conjecture was true. Didn't he watch Zuo Chen go to war against the Zerg, and didn't he forget to bring a beautiful girl?There is no doubt that this female voice is the little canary raised by Zuo Chen.

Thinking of being raised by Zuo Chen.

The malice in the reporter's eyes almost gushed out.

She is so jealous of this kind of person.

It is because of a good appearance that one can win a luxurious life that no one else has in a lifetime.

How can she not be jealous?

If possible, she also wants to...

The reporter thought enviously.

When slowly raising her head, her gaze happened to meet Qu Jian'er's face, and she didn't even have time to dodge it.

Qu Jian'er's demeanor was not cold.

On the contrary, it is gentle, and it is such a gentle person who is most likely to make people feel timid.

Qu Jian'er's smiling face looked very innocent.

She stood beside Zuo Chen.

The gentle smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly cooled down.

Qu Jian'er raised her eyebrows: "Are you welcoming us?"

Zuo Chen held Qu Jian'er's hand so affectionately: "Someone is questioning your disagreement with me."

His deep voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, as if it was filled with overwhelming anger.

Zuo Chen's tall body turned sideways.

Keep Qu Jian'er behind.

In an instant.

The space became deadly silent.

Countless people shouted in their hearts.

Who is it that is blindly spreading the relationship between the empress and the emperor?
Is there such a discrepancy?
Not suitable enough to go out of your way to greet people in person.

It's like three autumns without seeing each other in a typical January.

Damn it!
Especially that reporter, she fell to the ground, only thinking that her career was going to be completely over.

If what she just said was true, she would raise all boats, but what she said turned out not to be true.

Then, what awaits her will be endless darkness, her sin is not unforgivable, and she is also unforgivable.

Countless mech fighters walked coldly, their bodies full of evil spirits that belonged exclusively to the battlefield.

Their ferocity and majesty pounced on the enemy unobstructed, making people feel intimidated and retreating.

Zuo Muqu was wearing a palace attire.

I saw my parents walking towards him.

Zuo Muqu puffed out his chest proudly.

Look, this is his handsome father and beautiful mother. The family is so happy that others are envious.


As a son, he would really be worried by his parents.

Zuo Muqu thought, he must have worked hard in his previous life, that's why he couldn't be at ease in this life.

When Zuo Muqu was thinking deeply.

Zuo Chen and Qu Jian'er came over.

Hi-five someone.

Zuo Momo, who was only one year older than Zuo Muqu, fell into deep thought after witnessing the strange way the family greeted each other.

Can't help but sigh with emotion.

Uncle and aunt's house is really different!

Just like her mother told her, Qu Jian'er gave her name, and she has a lifetime relationship with the Zuo family.

Her aunt is really a fairy.

Zuo Momo clenched his fists.

There seems to be light shining in the eyes. If there is a name for the light, it must be "Mimeiguang".

Zuo Momo grabbed Zuo Muqu's back collar: "Xiaomu, tell my elder sister that I'm stealing from a teacher this time... Ah bah, what are the chances of my success in learning from a teacher?"

She talked about "bribing" with sugar.

Zuo Muqu thought of the fact that his mother limited his supply of sugar every day in order to prevent him from tooth decay.

After catching a glimpse of the candy, he couldn't take his eyes off the gluttons who belonged to his age group.

He quietly opened the pockets of his trousers.

Zuo Momo was so skilled at stuffing it.

Then blink your eyes wide.

Zuo Muqu saved his little collar: "I don't know the probability of success, but I know that no matter how rude you are, no one will marry you in the future."

He speaks the truth.

Qu Jian'er's acceptance of apprentices depends entirely on his mood.

Uncle Ryan is a perfect example.

If Zuo Momo wanted the lazy Qu Jian'er to take him under his wing, he had to work hard.

I didn't see that he was self-taught~

Zuo Momo looked happy: "Don't worry, I've already reserved the baby in Aunt Bai's womb, you kid can't snatch it from me."

Zuo Muqu: "..." I feel sad for that child, you missed him even before he was born.

All the bright sunlight fell on the ground, but the layers of crowds covered part of the light for the two of them.

The dialogue between the two little milk dumplings has a sense of mystery of secret transactions on the ground.

On the way where the crowd is gradually going away.

There are two little radish heads chasing and fighting.

Qu Jian'er looked back at the two children.

Zuo Chen asked for the child: "Why don't you teach?"

Qu Jian'er shrugged and said truthfully, "Because I figured out that her teacher is not me."

She still remembered the scene of the little fierce spirit after reincarnation.

It was also at that time that she noticed the fate of Gu Siyu, Zuo Zhijing and the little evil spirit... no, with Momo.

Qu Jian'er asked a few more questions.

I just learned from Gu Siyu that 2 years ago, she and Zuo Zhijing went to the mine star for work and travel.


They met a little girl, and that little girl was Mo Mo who had not yet become a little evil spirit.

Momo is an abandoned orphan.

She stayed in an orphanage since she was a child, and she always appeared near the mine to help people pick some jade.

That is, on that ordinary day, she led the way for free for Zuo Zhijing and his wife, who were not familiar with the mine star map.

Get along for a while.

Gu Siyu felt deeply that she once had the heart to adopt Momo, but Momo was unwilling to leave Mine Star.

They gave up adoption.

Donated a sum of money to the orphanage where he was located.

But no one could have imagined that within 2 years, the disaster belonging to the mine star would come quietly.

Many innocent families were destroyed, and Mo Mo was one of the humble victims.

(End of this chapter)

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