Chapter 241 Hand Knitting
After Xie Wen heard Su Guoan's idea, he also felt that it was feasible.

Among other things, Xie Wen himself came from the provincial capital.

Although it is a provincial capital, it does not mean that everyone's life is very easy.

Most people are still very economical, and now that all kinds of supplies are in short supply, the things that the country people look at inconspicuously, the city people may not need them.

It should be said that people in the city need it, but they have nowhere to buy it.

These things are all hand-woven, and the raw materials are ready-made. People in the city go to the supply and marketing cooperatives to buy these things. Tickets are not required for these things. It is much easier than buying some enamel pots and the like.

Xie Wen passed it here, and it will be discussed at the commune meeting soon.

At the same time, Xie Wen also made a phone call with his family, thinking of using his family connections to help him make more inquiries.

On the other side, Su Xiaoruan and Huo Yunting also went to the county together, and it happened that Gu Da was also there.

In front of outsiders, Gu Da's attitude towards Huo Yunting was not so respectful, so it was hard for people to see his flaws.

"It's not difficult. I'll ask someone, and I can give you news tomorrow at the latest. Oh, by the way, do you have any samples now?"

Su Xiaoruan shook his head and said: "Basically every household in the countryside has these things, and they are all using them. These things don't look down upon, but they are very durable and not easy to break."

Gu Da smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll contact them and see if they can come over and see for themselves. It's always easier to accept what you see with your own eyes."

Su Xiaoruan thought the idea was good and agreed immediately.

Coincidentally, the corn in the village has also begun to enter the harvest period.

Everyone is busy.

When the farming season was busy, Su Jianye didn't want to be lazy by himself, so he went to the field to cut corn stalks every day.

Sorghum stalks are generally called sorghum stalks in the countryside, and they are thin and long.

The sorghum stalks are generally one foot high, and its outer skin, like bamboo, is very suitable for weaving mats.

First peel off the skin of the sorghum stalk leaves, then soak them in water, and then use a knife to split them from the middle, that is, divide them into two or four.

Bundle them into bundles, press them into the pit and soak them, then dig a peg on the ground, lean the knife against the peg, pull the straw to dry, scrape off the pulp, and then it becomes a rice seed, put the rice seed on the flat ground and use a stone Grind it back and forth until it is smooth and soft, and then you can start weaving mats.

Su Guoan arranged the personnel and various tasks very compactly.

Someone cut off bundles of sorghum stalks on one side, and someone pulled them back to the village with a cart on the other side to start making various preparations.

The sorghum straw can not only be used for matting, but also can be used on the roof. It can be said that the wisdom of the working people has used everything that can be used.

Grandma Su also has this kind of craftsmanship. In fact, she didn't know it when she got married earlier, but she learned it from Grandpa Su later. After so many years, this skill is also a coincidence, and she is very proficient in weaving mats.

A flat and clean area should be used for mat weaving. If you have no experience, you can draw a rectangular mat on the ground as needed, and draw as big a bed as you want.

Rural people generally weave according to the size of their kangs.

But this time, Su Guoan specially emphasized the size, and only compiled two types for the time being.

One is ninety by two meters, which is used for single beds.

Generally, the beds used in dormitories of schools and factories are of this size.

Whether it is a bunk bed or a single bed, this size can't be wrong.

Another kind is 1.5 meters by two meters, which is a double bed, and people in the city usually prepare such a bed when they get married.

Some people use two single beds together, and the size is slightly larger, but this one of 1.5 meters can be used.

Su Xiaoruan had seen Su Jianye make mats. Grandma Su hadn't made mats for several years, and now she felt that she could contribute, so she asked to participate.

Grandma Su started, and Su Xiaoruan was on the sidelines, helping to pass things.

Grandma Su first took out six stalks of sorghum straw and put them on the ground in the north-south direction, then took one in the east-west direction and passed it under the No. Go through it and keep close to the first one, otherwise there will be gaps and it will not be compact. The hand-woven mat can not leak, even if a child wets the bed, it will not retch the bed.

This seems simple, but only those who are familiar with it know how to measure it, and their hands have kung fu.

If a novice does this, he will always get it wrong.

For example, Su Xiaoruan, she tried it, but she couldn't get it right.

It's not too tight, this thing is stacked, but it's too loose, there is a gap and it can't be used.

Grandma Su lifted up one, three, five, and took one to pass underneath.The general purpose is to lift up the lower one, press down the upper one, and wear one, which is similar to the principle of weaving.

It's just slower, and if you don't grasp the strength and angle well, it's easy to scratch yourself.

Su Xiaoruan saw that a rice seed was used up, and immediately handed one over.

Grandma Su started to connect, took one and plugged it in, and continued to weave, so that the joints could not be seen, the mat surface was smooth without thorns, and it would not prick people when lying down.

If it is a wedding mat or a bed mat used to surround the wall and the ceiling mat above, it needs to weave a pattern, a whole set of patterns, and red lace, which requires red sorghum straw to match. That is, the pattern is red, and the others are white.

Grandma Su is making up wedding banquets now, and she plans to make them up for the people above to see.

If someone is right, the price of this kind of mat will be higher.

In the entire Red Star brigade, there are not many people who can arrange such a banquet, and most of them are elderly.

Ordinary people make up the ordinary ones, without any pretense.

When the size of the mat is woven enough, turn the whole mat over. The jargon is called holding the edge. It means cutting the excess part into four fingers long. Hold them all in, and the mat is finished.

Finally, grind it with a stone roller until the porcelain is flat enough to make a bed.

However, not everyone can weave a mat that can be sold outside. This is a delicate job, and it takes many days for an expert to weave.

If it's for your own use, don't worry about it, some people's mats are even uneven, that is, make do with it.

But Su Guoan obviously intends to create an industry, so this time he screened out more than a dozen experts.

In the countryside, some people who don’t know how to weave will ask someone to weave it. Although they don’t pay wages, they still have to take care of the food. If a man is doing the weaving of the mat, he may have to take care of the family’s smoking.

Grandma Su and Grandma San made more complicated wedding banquets, which couldn't be done in a day, it was a pure handicraft.

Su Xiaoruan was helping to deliver things to Grandma Su, when Huo Yunting called her from outside the door.

"Ruanbao, Uncle Da has brought someone here."

(End of this chapter)

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