All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 12 Marshal Ji Xun

Chapter 12 Marshal Ji Xun
Ying Jiao never refused Zhu Xingbai's thank you gift.

The optical brain is similar to the re-produced mobile phone after the apocalypse is slightly stabilized, and can surf the Internet.Going online is the quickest and most comprehensive way to understand the world, and she really needs this right now.

Zhu Xingbai: "Because we haven't found out your identity and you lost your memory, we created a new identity certificate for you, which has been bound to this optical brain for you."

Ying Jiao: "Oh." It's quite considerate.

"Then," Zhu Xingbai stood up, "Goodbye, Miss Ying."


As soon as Zhu Xingbai left, Zhu Xingchen slowly came back.

"What did my brother tell you?"

"It's nothing."

"He gave you an optical brain?!" Zhu Xingchen pointed at the optical brain on Ying Jiao's wrist, jumping up in shock, "It's the latest limited edition!"

Ying Jiao didn't say anything, just watched Zhu Xingchen perform.

Zhu Xingchen leaned closer to Ying Jiao's wrist, and looked at it enviously: "This optical computer is not easy to buy, and it is not something that can be owned by rich people. When I asked my brother to buy it for me, he refused."

After finishing speaking, he pouted and asked, "Why did my brother send you off?"

Ying Jiao: "Do you want to go back?"

"No, no, no," Zhu Xingchen shook his index finger, "I'm not so stingy. Besides, this is given to you by my brother, and it has nothing to do with me. What right do I have to go back?"

"Oh." I will not give you what you want.

Zhu Xingchen put his hand on Ying Jiao's shoulder, wanting to bring the relationship between the two closer, "Xiao Ying, tell me, why did my brother give you this thing?"

Ying Jiao avoided Zhu Xingchen's hand, "Want to know?"


I wish the stardust chick to eat rice, nodding wildly.Ying Jiao smiled and spit out two words: "Confidential."

Zhu Xingchen: "..."

What kind of secret could this be?
Don't this buddy lie to me!

Under Zhu Xingchen's suspicious eyes, Ying Jiao turned on his brain.Now the battleship has not yet entered the garrison range of the [-]th Army, and it can still access the Internet.

Zhu Xingchen didn't ask Ying Jiao when he saw Ying Jiao.

After all, he is not a stalker.

When the battleship landed at the headquarters of the Eleventh Army, Ying Jiao saw Ji Hanyu, and he took her to an office that seemed to be very confidential.

"Father, you should be proud."

"Well, you go to work first."


As soon as Ji Hanyu left, Ji Xun pointed to the sofa beside him, "Please sit down, Miss Ying."

With a faint smile on his face, Ji Xun looked like a moderately kind middle-aged uncle.His appearance is very similar to Ji Chunsi, a bit like the middle-aged version of Ji Chunsi, but a discerning eye can tell that this person is much more cunning and cunning than Ji Chunsi.

Ying Jiao glanced at the office, then sat on the sofa.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ji Xun, and I am the Interstellar Marshal, that is, the person in charge of the interstellar army."

Ying Jiao guessed that this person had an unusual status, but he didn't expect him to be the leader of the military.

She was a little surprised.

They all knew a little about their own strength, yet he dared to talk to him alone?

Are you confident or sure that she won't do anything?

As if seeing Ying Jiao's doubts, Ji Xun explained with a smile: "Miss Ying, don't worry about me. There are many weapons installed in this room, all of which are targeting you."

Ying Jiao: "..."

Is it okay to be so frank?
Hearing what he said, Ying Jiao felt relieved, "What do you want from me?"

"There are some."

Ji Xun took out a thick book, opened it, and saw that it was a photo album.

Ying Jiao:? ? ?
What's the matter with this uncle?
Ji Xun turned to the first page, pointed to the photo above and said to Jiao Jiao: "Look, this is when my family A Yugang was born."

Ying Jiao: "..." Even more confused.

Although the baby is very cute, what does it mean to show her?
After reading the first page, Ji Xun turned the page.

There is a picture of the baby in the back.

"This is the second day after Ayu was born, and this is the third day..."

With a look of nostalgia on his face, Ji Xun slowly turned the pages to introduce each photo to Ying Jiao.

Should be proud.

what is happening?
What on earth does this uncle want to do!
Ji Xun's photo album is very thick, and it has been three hours since he finished flipping through it.However, this is just Ji Hanyu's photo album before he was one year old.

And Ying Jiao saw that on the bookshelf behind Ji Xun, there were seventeen copies of the same album!
After finishing the first book, Ji Xun wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, his eyes were reddish, and his face was filled with emotion, "Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, Ayu will go to the First Military Academy."

Ying Jiao was convinced.

Although the photos are really cute and the little fairy is really super soft and cute, but what do you mean by showing me for three hours?
I thought you were going to get down to business.

Then you show me this?

That's it?

That's it!

Just when Ying Jiao was doubting his life, the photo album in Ji Xun's hand changed again.

This time it was a photo of Ji Hanyu when she was one or two years old.

Ji Xun explained for another three hours.

Three hours after three hours.

Sometimes when encountering a photo with a story, Ji Xun would tell Ying Jiao the story behind it vividly with tears in his eyes.


By the time Ying Jiao finally walked out of Ji Xun's office, it was already the afternoon of the second day.She leaned on the wall with her hands, and her steps were a little vain.

"Yingjiao? Why are you here!"

Zhu Xingchen had just come out of his brother's office, and when he walked out of the building, he saw Ying Jiao leaning against the outer wall of the building with a weak face.

Zhu Xingchen was shocked, and hurried over to help him, "What's wrong with you, Ying Jiao? What happened!"

Ying Jiao waved her hand, "It's nothing." It's just that her mentality was almost broken by that uncle.

From yesterday to now, the uncle forced her to look at the photos for more than [-] hours continuously.Just like that, I only read nine of the eighteen albums, and I haven't had time to read the other nine!

Although Xiaoxianzi was really cute, soft and cute when she was a child, she couldn't bear to watch it for more than [-] hours in a row!
For more than [-] hours, she watched the uncle there: nostalgic for the past—crying—praising his cute baby son—crying—my son is so good and cute, I want to protect him...

And so on and on.

During this period, Ying Jiao was about to lose her polite expression several times and wanted to get up and leave, but she finally held back when she thought of the unknown weapons all over the room.

I have endured until now.

"Is there a nutrient solution? I want to drink some."


Zhu Xingchen suspected that Ying Jiao was hungry like this, so he hurriedly took out two tubes of nutrient solution, opened them thoughtfully, and handed them to Ying Jiao.

"..." Two tubes of nutrient solution were obviously not enough, but Zhu Xingchen only had so much in his hand.

Zhu Xingchen: "Shall I find some more for you?"

"No need," Ying Jiao forced himself to stand up, his face tired and vicissitudes, "I'll go to the doctor to give me some prescription."

At this time, she wanted to drink something exciting.

Zhu Xingchen: "..."

Zhu Xingchen let go of Ying Jiao's hand, and instantly stepped out of the ten-meter range of her: "You go by yourself, I have something else to do!"

His meaning is obvious: don't even think about taking me there, I won't go even if I die!

I wish Xingchen will never drink Ruan Yi's nutrient solution again in this life, the next life, and the next life! !
Zhu Xingchen was firm, so Ying Jiao had no choice but to find excitement alone.

(End of this chapter)

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