Chapter 11
Yingjiao does not reject schooling.

She also wants to try what Aunt Yang said a child should do, so it doesn't hurt to go.

Since it was the place where he would hang out in the future, Ying Jiao inquired a little more: "Are all the people on the Tianjiao ranking really good?"

Just now, I wish Xingchen to make the rankings so hype, for example: the people on the ranking list are the arrogance of a generation, with super fighting power; the people above are all interstellar celebrities, with countless fans, etc.

All in all, great praise.

He also told a little shrimp like her not to challenge her casually.

"That's not right!" Zhu Xingchen had an expression of "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"The ones with strength are all on the top! Although only the students of the No. [-] Military Academy can participate in the ranking, which one with strength in the whole interstellar world will not go to the No. [-] Military Academy? Like me, isn't that going to enroll soon!"

When Zhu Xingchen answered, he didn't forget to bring his private goods, and he praised himself both openly and secretly.

Narcissism to the limit.

In the end, he was very excited when he was about to enter school, as if he would soon beat the current No.1 and become a new interstellar star.

Ying Jiao had no choice but to remind him: "Isn't your home in Imperial City, the same planet as that school?"

"Um... yes, yes."

Zhu Xingchen didn't know why Ying Jiao suddenly brought this up, "Is there any question?"

"Are you sure you're safe when you go back?"

"...What do you mean?" Zhu Xingchen suddenly felt a chill down his back.

Ying Jiao threw the finished nutrient solution into the trash can, and found a place to sit down and rest, "Doesn't it mean that ordinary people can't come to the front line? Are you okay here?"

Before this person was afraid of being beaten, he would rather sit in prison than inform anyone to mention him.It's only been a few days, and he forgot about it?

"..." It turned out to be this.

Zhu Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry," Zhu Xingchen smiled smugly, "I'm safe now!"

"How to say?"

"I used to be very afraid that my dad would beat me up, but it's different now. I threatened my brother this morning, saying that if he informs, he will come out. Yesterday he arranged for me to go to the battlefield to teach me a lesson, although he It wasn't intentional, but that 3S worm almost killed me, if I wasn't so good, I would have confessed there yesterday!"

Thinking of killing a 3S Zerg yesterday, Zhu Xingchen is still a little bit excited.

He was obsessed with his bravery yesterday, completely unaware that a human-shaped iceberg had already stood behind him.

Ying Jiao didn't remind him either.

Zhu Xingchen's mouth is still babbling:

"I really want to go to the battlefield, and I had a great time playing yesterday. But this doesn't stop me from threatening my brother with this matter! If my mother finds out that he almost killed me, she will definitely cry three times in front of him Three days and three nights! My brother will be afraid of death hahaha! So he promised to keep it a secret for me, and help me hide the past few days! Haha, how about it, am I very smart?"

"Yes, very smart."

I wish Xingchen was very proud.

But only for a while.

When he realized that Ying Jiao sitting in front of him didn't open his mouth, but the voice came from behind him, and the voice was exactly the same as his brother...

In an instant, the smirk on Zhu Xingchen's face froze, and he turned his head stiffly: " you you, why are you here?!"

The cold air on Zhu Xingbai's body almost spread to Ying Jiao.

Seeing this, Ying Jiao silently moved a little to the side.

Zhu Xingchen didn't dare to move, he was shivering from the cold in the center of the air conditioner, and the box containing the treasures and trophies in his hand fell to the ground, "Speak up if you have something to say, brother——"

Don't let the air-conditioning out at every turn, I can't stand it!


Zhu Xingbai smiled faintly.

"..." Even colder.

Zhu Xingchen's heart was beating wildly, and he picked up the box in a hurry, "I was wrong brother, I didn't want to sue you, really!" While speaking, Zhu Xingchen shrank back, trying to avoid his brother's air-conditioning attack .

But it didn't work.

I wish Xingbai's cold air could still cover his whole body.

Just when Zhu Xingchen thought he was going to die, he was suddenly handed two tubes of nutrient solution: "Drink it."

The expected beating did not come, Zhu Xingchen's eyes widened in disbelief.

Soon, he realized, "Okay!" He quickly took the nutrient solution and ducked to the side to drink it.

Zhu Xingchen, who finally escaped the air-conditioning attack, felt relaxed.Although I don't know what kind of kindness his brother showed today, but he made money.

Make big!

Ying Jiao thought that once Zhu Xingchen left, his brother would not stay any longer.

But she was wrong.

Zhu Xingbai sat down opposite her and handed her a small box.

"This is the optical brain I bought for you, Miss Ying. Thank you for saving Xingchen yesterday."

Ying Jiao: "..." I don't know why, but I always feel that this gift is a bit hot.

Ying Jiao smiled, "I wish you were polite, sir, I didn't do anything." At least on the surface, she didn't do anything.

"Miss Ying doesn't need to refuse." Zhu Xingbai pushed his glasses, "We have already dissected the 3S Zerg overnight."

"Oh, really?"

Ying Jiao is very calm.

At least on the face of it.

"Yes." Zhu Xingbai took out a few more documents and put them on the table, "The Zerg was not only pierced by the laser cannon, but also had some problems in its brain. Moreover, we found that it was destroyed before it was hit by the stardust. People control the action."

"..." Ying Jiao knew that she was going to be ripped off.

So annoying.

Zhu Xingbai took his time and pushed out the photo of Ji Hanyu when he found Ying Jiao: "I heard that Miss Ying can smash caves with her bare hands?"

Ying Jiao: "..."

Sure enough, she was exposed by the little fairy.

And it might be more than that, if not, Little Fairy even knew about her falsified mental power level.



So annoying.

Ying Jiao closed her eyes, opened her hands and leaned against the back of the chair behind her.When he opened his eyes again, his long legs overlapped, and Erlang's legs turned up very chicly: "Why, this is how I wish you, sir, to thank you?"

When she said that, she almost admitted it.

Admitting that she saved Zhu Xingchen, admitting that her mental strength is really extraordinary.

So Zhu Xingbai stopped being aggressive, and his expressionless cold face even softened a little, "Thank you."

What happened yesterday was indeed an accident, and she sent that team to support the front line just to see if she would help humans in the face of war.

That's it.

Letting Xingdust follow him was after many considerations.

They knew that according to Xingchen's personality, after being left behind by the team, he would definitely stick to Ying Jiao, the only person he knew well.So they kept it from him and installed all-round monitoring on him and his mecha to ensure that her every move would not leave their sight unless they explicitly monitored Ying Jiao.

No one thought they would encounter 3S Zerg.

Although he asked his superiors to arrange for four colleagues with rich combat experience to protect his younger brother, the mission content did not allow them to protect him blatantly, plus Stardust still had the duty of monitoring...

If it wasn't for Ying Jiao's attack, not only Xingchen, but everyone in yesterday's battle would have died.

Stardust chose to fight against the 3S Zerg, he was very pleased.But at the same time, he was also very afraid - if Ying Jiao was not strong enough, if she hadn't helped, then Xingchen...

He didn't know how he would explain to his parents.

Zhu Xingchen took out a business card and put it on the box containing the optical brain, "As long as Miss Ying needs it, the Zhu family will repay this kindness."

(End of this chapter)

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