All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 10 The First Military Academy

Chapter 10 The First Military Academy
Ying Jiao took the file and browsed it roughly.

After reading it, she was stunned for a moment—this document is the summary report of yesterday's battle.

Yesterday's 3S Zerg is a speed type, and it can also escape from the earth. It lives in the deep underground all year round, and even the most advanced interstellar detectors cannot detect it.

Before that Zerg rushed out of the ground, they didn't know that there were so many Zergs underground.

So it was really bad luck for her.

3S Zerg has wisdom.The 3S worm yesterday originally wanted to send half of the elites and a large number of A-level soldiers to attack frontally, while it brought the other half of the elites to go around from here to the rear of the front line for flanking attacks.The strategy is good, but it is a pity that it was killed within two steps after it came out.

I don't know if there is no death.

"It should be," Ying Jiao returned the document to Ji Hanyu, "after all, I drank so much nutrient solution from you."

You can't eat and drink for nothing.

Even if she has a thick skin, she can't do such a thing easily.

Besides, they didn't completely cheat her, at least the prison clothes she wore when she went out yesterday were not the usual ones.

The usual set can't stand the devastation of yesterday.

Holding the document in hand, Ji Hanyu stated his last purpose for coming here: "My father wants to see you."


The little fairy's father wants to see him?

What do you mean?
Ying Jiao didn't react for a moment.

Ji Hanyu: "My father is the Minister of the Army, and I want to talk to you about something."

Oh, that's how it is.

"Okay, when?"

"There are still three and ten minutes, and the battleship takes off."

"Then I'll go say hello to someone, and I'll be there right away."


Ying Jiao finds Yu Li and tells him that he is leaving and that he will return the shirt when he has a chance—the trousers and shoes that Ying Jiao is wearing now are all new military uniforms that Yu Li found, and only the shirt is his private possession.It is said that he likes it very much and has never been willing to wear it.

Yu Li was flattered when the idol said goodbye to him before leaving.He rejected Ying Jiao's offer to return the shirt, saying that he gave it to her.

In fact, he found a short-sleeved military uniform yesterday, but he thought it was too ugly to be worthy of an idol, so he carefully took out his treasure.

The idol looks really handsome in his collection.

His taste was right!

Ying Jiao didn't know that Yu Li had a biased aesthetic towards shirts, so she went to find Ji Hanyu with a box of nutrient solution he gave her.

Ji Hanyu should have boarded the battleship at this moment, Ying Jiao walked slowly to the place he said.

On the way, she met Zhu Xingchen.

He held one of the tentacles of yesterday's 3S Zerg, looking very excited.

Seeing Ying Jiao, Zhu Xingchen coughed lightly, pretended to be calm and restrained his expression, "Xiao Ying, you did a good job yesterday." He seemed to be pleased with everyone, but his purpose was obviously not that.


Before Ying Jiao could speak, Zhu Xingchen shook the Zerg tentacles in his hand, and said triumphantly, "But it's worse than me."

"oh oh."

Regarding his showing off, Ying Jiao is very perfunctory.

Seeing that Zhu Xingchen seemed to be wanting to "ba ba" for a long time, Ying Jiao opened the nutrient solution given by Yu Li in an orderly manner, and drank breakfast contentedly.

He didn't agree with Zhu Xingchen's question about his glorious deeds.

Zhu Xingchen: "..."

This indifferent reaction gave him a bucket of cold water, and Zhu Xingchen's enthusiasm for showing off was instantly extinguished.Afterwards, he very solemnly put the Zerg tentacles into the box that he had finally found, and turned to chat with Ying Jiao about something else.

He approached her and asked, "Ying Jiao, how old are you this year? I'm eighteen this year, the same age as Ji Hanyu. Hmph." The last hum was very soft and a little sour.

Ying Jiao gave him a sideways look, wondering which muscle he had made a mistake again.

"Eighteen." Ying Jiao replied.

Originally, she didn't know the age of this body, but she sneaked a peek at the medical examination report given to her by the doctor before, and it said eighteen.So she's eighteen.

She looks younger by several years, Ying Jiao is quite satisfied.



"Then where do you go to school?"

……go to school?
This touched Ying Jiao's knowledge blind spot.

— She never went to school.

Children in the last days actually need to go to school. When Aunt Yang is working, she likes to praise her children how they are doing in school. Sometimes she regrets that she has never been to school, saying that children should go to school.

Although Ying Jiao never went to school, she has a special teacher.Each of them is a leader in all walks of life, and each of them has worked hard for her to cultivate her abilities to level ten as soon as possible.

Ying Jiao: "It's just a small school, not worth mentioning. What about you, where do you go to school?"

"Small broken school?"

Zhu Xingchen couldn't hide his pitiful eyes again.

Although Ying Jiao is not as good as him, he is still very good. It is a pity that he only went to a small poor school.

Zhu Xingchen patted Ying Jiao's shoulder, and suggested sincerely: "Xiao Ying, you are no longer a suspect, why don't you try to study in the First Military Academy? The First Military Academy is the place where geniuses should go, small broken school No future."

First Military Academy?

it again.

Ying Jiao finally came to her senses, and she asked, "Are you a student of the First Military Academy?"

Zhu Xingchen straightened his back, "There are only a few more days!" To be precise, there are still eleven days.

Zhu Xingchen's tone was very proud. It seems that the No. [-] Military Academy has some background.

"Oh." Ying Jiao nodded, and asked again: "How do you know I'm not a suspect now?" Even she couldn't be 100% sure about this, how did Zhu Xingchen know?
Did his brother tell him?
It should be impossible.

The members of the Eleventh Army are very tight-lipped, no matter how she clichés, she can only make out some interstellar common sense, and there will be nothing more.

"Isn't it?" Zhu Xingchen pointed at Ying Jiao's empty wrist, and said in a very firm tone, "If it wasn't for verifying your identity and confirming that there is no problem, how could they release your mental imprisonment!"

Ying Jiao: "..."

I almost forgot, this thing broke itself yesterday.She was too lazy to pick it up at the time, so she let it go there.

Ying Jiao remembered that the little fairy seemed to have glanced at his wrist indifferently yesterday, but he didn't say anything.

Of course, Ying Jiao would not tell Zhu Xingchen that the bracelet was broken by himself, but only asked with a serious face: "Now keep it secret."

"I know~" Zhu Xingchen looked like I understood, "Don't worry, my mouth is very firm!"

Ying Jiao nodded, "Well, I believe you." Damn!
But this is not important.

It's all my nonsense anyway, it doesn't matter if you say it or not.

Zhu Xingchen, who was trusted, was very pleased and decided to try her best to persuade Ying Jiao to go to the First Military Academy for her future.

The small broken school really has no future!

"Xiaoying, let me tell you that the little broken school is really not good, the first military academy is..."

Zhu Xingchen blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, ying jiao extracted four useful information from it.

One: The food at the First Military Academy is good and you can eat enough.

Two: The first hundred tuition fees for the entrance examination are free, and there is also a good amount of scholarship.

Three: The above can register for admission, and can take the entrance test at any time before the school starts.

Four: There are still eleven days until the first military academy starts.

Thinking that the uncle had purposely teased the existence of the First Military Academy, Ying Jiao felt that he might need to go to school.

And you have to go to the First Military Academy to study.

(End of this chapter)

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