Chapter 9
Eleventh Army Headquarters.

There was silence in the huge meeting room.

In the center of the conference room, a projection of Ying Jiao beheading the Zerg was playing.

There were not many people who could attend this meeting, and all of them were Ji Xun or Ji Chunsi's confidantes.

"What do you think, tell me."

As soon as Ji Xun spoke, everyone came back to their senses.

"This person is a bit dangerous. If this is really a Zerg spy, we should start as soon as possible." One person said.

The other person disagreed and retorted: "Is your brain just a display? Of course such a powerful person should be kept to contribute to StarCraft. If she joins, our army will be invincible!"


"It's really dangerous."

"The stakes are high."

"If it gets out of control..."


Everyone expressed their opinions, and most of them felt that Ying Jiao was dangerous, but they did not deny that her fighting power was indeed unparalleled.

After arguing for a while, no one came up with any definite opinions.

They are also very tangled.

Do you want to give it a go?
If they win, they get a super genius; but if they lose...

That loss will be immeasurable.

After half an hour.

Everyone has said the same thing.

Only then did Ji Xun speak again: "Hanyu, what do you think?"

Ji Hanyu, who had been silent all this time, was called. He looked away from the projection, pondered for a while, and said, "She is very strong."

Everyone: "..."

This is obvious to all, and it is almost as good as not saying this.

But immediately afterwards, Ji Hanyu added: "My opinion is to keep her."

"Oh? Why?" Ji Xun asked.

There was no change in his expression, and it was hard to tell whether he was in favor or against.

Ji Hanyu replied: "Although there are many doubts about her, as far as she is concerned, she is not targeting humans. It will be a good thing if she can stay on the side of humans unswervingly."

Everyone thought: Is it not just a good thing?

This Ying Jiao didn't drive a mech, but he could kill 2S Zerg with just a lightsaber, and his combat power was simply heaven-defying!

And she also has super 3S mental power and can drive advanced mechs.She's so popular without driving a mecha, if she is given a mecha, wouldn't she want to go to heaven?

Everyone cursed in their hearts.

As Ji Hanyu spoke, his cold eyes glanced at the person who had proposed to strike first, and said, "Of course, the most important point is that I don't think she can be dealt with easily. If you want to strike first, it will only irritate her and make her suffer." She's against us."

Ji Xun's confidant who has already spoken carefully: "..."

so awkward.

I just raised this possibility, I didn't say that she must be killed.

The man tried to change the subject to win respect: "Second Young Master thinks she is so powerful, the army can't do anything about her?"

Ji Hanyu turned her head to look directly at the other party, her tone was as cold as ever: "Her strength is more than that, there is no need to hurt both sides."

"more than?!"

Everyone was shocked.

Now they already feel that Ying Jiao's fighting power is against the sky, but the second young master actually said that this person is not only so bad? !


is it possible?

Everyone was dubious.

It's not that Ji Hanyu is unreliable, but that if Ying Jiao is even more powerful, it's too fucking outrageous!
Ji Hanyu didn't explain much, and stopped talking after saying this.

It's normal for them not to believe it. If it wasn't for his personal experience that day, it would be hard for him to imagine such a powerful spiritual force in this world.

"All right."

Ji Xun scanned the crowd and asked, "Do you have any comments?"

The crowd was silent.

Ji Xun: "If that's the case, then keep her, take her to the Imperial Capital and send someone to watch her. If she enters the First Military Academy, then withdraw her."

"The First Military Academy?"

Everyone suddenly realized: "It is indeed a good place."

It seems that the marshal wants to gamble.

Everyone agrees, so Ji Xun announced: "From now on, all information about Ying Jiao will be kept by the Eleventh Army, with special encryption."

The meeting adjourned.

Throughout the meeting, Ji Chunsi hardly made any remarks, and was not named.

After the meeting, he approached Ji Xun, "Father, are you sure you can subdue her?"


Ji Xun suddenly smiled, narrowed his eyes, and said bluntly, "No."

But he had a pretty good idea.

But need to wait and see.

Ji Chunsi always felt that his father seemed to be plotting something terrible, but his father didn't say anything.

Ask is no.

The question is that he thinks too much.

Ji Chunsi was speechless.

He was taught by his father himself, and he didn't believe that his father would not hold back if he dared to do this.

He didn't believe it.

I don't believe it at all.

However, he had no idea what his father was planning to do, so he could only wait and see.

the next day.

Ying Jiao just woke up and smelled the fragrance of roses, but the fragrance is very light, so the little fairy should be far away from her.

After walking out of the temporary tent, she realized that a warship had arrived from the headquarters of the [-]th Army.The little fairy also came along.

Ying Jiao washed up, put on the shirt and army trousers and boots that Yu Li found for her, put her hands in her trouser pockets, walked around and followed the scent to find Ji Hanyu.

Ji Hanyu's demeanor was indifferent, he stood there quietly, at first glance he looked like an unpicked flower of high mountains.

"Morning, little fairy."

Ying Jiao's smile was bright, and he didn't leave the picture of freezing to death after yesterday's battle. He looked very energetic early in the morning.

There was a hint of sincerity in her smile.

In Ying Jiao's two lifetimes, this is only the first time she has shown her kindness to others - no way, this is her lifesaver.

It is very hard to repay the kindness of life-saving.


Ji Hanyu didn't speak, Ying Jiao saw that he was also wearing a shirt under his coat.

It's white, with no wrinkles visible on the exposed part, and the buttons are carefully buttoned to the last one.Ying Jiao's mind uncontrollably came up with the word "abstinence boyfriend".

Ying Jiao: "..."

Ying Jiao felt that his brain had offended Little Fairy, so he averted his eyes without a trace.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at her shirt.

The sleeves were casually rolled up to reveal the elbows, and there were still two buttons on the collar... Ying Jiao guessed that he might look very coquettish now, and he didn't fit in with the painting style of the little fairy Gaoling Zhihua.

No wonder he doesn't talk to himself...

Ji Hanyu really felt that Ying Jiao was loose and frivolous.


Perhaps it was because of her aura, Ying Jiao's sense of personal existence was too strong, so her outfit didn't violate the slightest even on the frontline battlefield.Ji Hanyu even had a feeling—it wasn't that Ying Jiao was in this environment, but that this environment was behind Ying Jiao.

The environment has nothing to do with her.

She is proud and a little crazy.

But she hides well, and this frivolous disguise on the outside can make her seem approachable.

Ji Hanyu looked away and handed Ying Jiao a stack of neatly bound paper documents: "Yesterday's 3S Zerg attack on the camp was not within our expectations. We are very grateful for your help."

That sort of explains what happened yesterday.

It seems that they decided to recruit her.

Ying Jiao thought for a while: She has revealed some strength now, if there is no problem with this army, it is not impossible to ask her to join.Moreover, she seems to be a black household without a legal identity. These days, it is not convenient for black households to do anything. If she joins the army, she should be able to have an identity.

Not bad either.

(End of this chapter)

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