All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 23 The Curse of Chaos

Chapter 23 The Curse of Chaos
There are too many exclamation points, so Yingjiao skipped them directly.

The words that followed were almost ridiculing her overreaching, it was meaningless, Ying Jiao just glanced at it and skipped it.

She looked at other posts.

#盘一盘Top three in this year’s entrance exam#
Top three?

Maybe she doesn't know as much as she does, which is boring.


#Chaos Curse Reappearance#
Chaos curse? (熀: The sound is the same as a lie)

Ying Jiao hadn't heard of this before, it looked like a strange campus talk.

I didn't expect a school like the First Military Academy to have campus ghost stories, not bad.

Ying Jiao was a little interested and clicked in.

Gossip agent: Everyone, the last descendant of the Kou family disappeared three days ago. Where do you think he went?

Long-range shooting hands do not shake: The people involved in the incident are all gone, and now the descendants are also wiped out, alas...

Don't fail next year: Human experimentation is too cruel, which may be the curse of the victims back then.

Combat departments are all animals: It’s been 7833 years, where’s the curse?Believe in science.

My grass is growing well: It's a pity, the Kou family thousands of years ago is a family comparable to the Ji family.

Combat departments are all animals: what's the pity?If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself. The ancestors of the Kou family were too vicious.He ordered the persecution of so many people for the sake of a 4S Zerg that he had never seen before. How many geniuses were brought into trouble back then.If it weren't for the Ji family's iron-blooded reforms to save some of them, Interstellar would have been occupied by the Zerg long ago.

I have medicine: The Ji family is the number one family in the interstellar world, the one that deserves it.

Combat departments are all animals: very, very.

Big plans: Why bother to step down on the Kou family when you are touting the Ji family?The Kou family was also for All StarCraft back then.

Combat departments are all animals: Get lost!To sacrifice so many geniuses for StarCraft?To cruelly harm innocent people for the sake of interstellar?Then what's the point of our entrance into the First Military Academy!
I have medicine: that's it!Upstairs is right!

Big plans: What do you know, big things can be achieved regardless of small details!
Combat departments are all animals: What nonsense are you talking about, your brain was cut off?

Young planting expert: The Kou family’s evil deeds were not limited to this one, for the whole interstellar?cut!It's strange that someone still licks Kou's house without even thinking about it.

Big plans: We are all alumni, so don't speak too much!

Combat departments are all animals: Our alumni are the ones with normal brains, what the hell are you?

A fierce scolding battle followed.

It hasn't stopped until now, and there are constant comment updates.

Ying Jiao looked at it for a while and then withdrew.

It's eleven o'clock, it's time for bed.

Ying Jiao slept until dawn, she got up, and saw the message from Lu Yuan just after washing up.

—Ten o'clock, Central District.

Later, another opponent's information was sent.

Ying Jiao glanced at it briefly, but there was no important information, it might as well be eating after seeing this.

At nine forty, Ying Jiao went out.I met Lu Yuan on the road, and the two went to the competition venue in the central area together.

Lu Yuan: "Have you read the message I sent you?"

Ying Jiao nodded, "I see."

"That's good."

Lu Yuan didn't ask Ying Jiao if he was sure.

The first target he picked was not very high in the rankings. The opponent had strength, but it was still much inferior to the previous ones.

Should be proud to win.

He wasn't worried.

When the two arrived at the central area, there were already many people waiting to watch the show, and even Ying Jiao's opponent who was going to challenge came early.

The first opponent Lu Yuan picked was also from the Combat Department. His name was Tan Xiu, he had SS mental strength, and he was a junior this year.

"You are Ying Jiao, you want to challenge my freshman?"

Tan Xiu stood on the high platform, calm and composed, "Although it's not bad for you to be ranked second in the entrance exam, this is the No. [-] military academy, and it's not a place where you can be arrogant if you have a little strength. It just so happens that today I will take care of myself as a senior." I teach you, no matter how high the level of mental power is, a freshman who has never experienced training is nothing more than that!"

He shouted very loudly.


Ying Jiao: "Oh."

This attitude is somewhat perfunctory.

Tan Xiu felt that he was underestimated, "Heh, a freshman who has never experienced severe beatings is crazy. But it doesn't matter, you will soon realize your mistake, junior girl."

With that said, Tan Xiu performed a symbolic warm-up exercise.

After moving around a few times, Tan Xiudao:

"You're only a freshman, and you haven't learned how to drive a mech yet, so today we're going to compete in close combat, how about it?"


After the two talked, the game officially started.

Tan Xiu made up his mind to teach the ignorant school girl a lesson, and he acted quickly and ruthlessly.

Ying Jiao didn't really want to win too quickly, he didn't accept the move at first, and dodged it with a dodge.

Tan Xiu missed a hit, and instantly switched hands to attack Ying Jiao's face.

Ying Jiao leaned back and dodged again.

Afterwards, Tan Xiu made dozens of moves in a row, Ying Jiao dodged them all, and Tan Xiu didn't even touch Ying Jiao's corners.

After 10 minutes, Tan Xiu got a little annoyed.

"Why have you been hiding? You're fighting!"

The people who eat melons below also feel that this melon is a little bland and a little boring.

"Why does Ying Jiao keep hiding? Isn't she afraid?"

"Keep your eyes open. Didn't you see how easy it is for her to hide? She's clearly teasing Tan Xiu!"

"This is the first time I've watched the challenge to the Tianjiao Ranking so boring. It's been 10 minutes and the two of them still haven't matched each other."

"This pride is too crazy!"

"Is there any Tianjiao top ten here? Come out and teach the freshmen how to behave!"


Hearing what the audience said, Tan Xiu became more and more annoyed.

He yelled angrily: "Are you going to fight or not!"

Ying Jiao's feet flashed, "Fight, isn't this the fight?"

Another 10 minutes passed.

Someone in the audience was already yawning.

Tan Xiu became agitated.

He stopped directly and asked very violently: "Do you know how to fight?"


Ying Jiao reckoned that the time was almost up, and the competition could be over.

So he jumped to Tan Xiu's side, grabbed his arm and threw it hard before the other party could react.


Tan Xiu was thrown down.

The competition is over.

Yingjiao won.

"This is... the end?"

"What are you doing? This is a loss!"

"Ying Jiao didn't do it on purpose just now, did he? He made Tan Xiu violent just for this blow?"


"What a deep scheming!"


The competition is over, Ying Jiao prepares to evacuate.

"Wait!" someone yelled in the distance.

"Who's here?"

"Liang Wenxun, it's Liang Wenxun!"

"Liang Wenxun is here!"

"Is he going to fight Ying Jiao? This is a freshman..."

"What happened to the freshman? Such a crazy freshman should clean up!"

After Lu Yuan recognized the person, he immediately signaled Ying Jiao to come down with his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ying Jiao asked.

"You have won today, let's go."

Lu Yuan was a little anxious, probably the person who yelled "Wait" just now had some background.

"Go now?"

"Well, let's go now."

"It's too late."

Ying Jiao pointed behind Lu Yuan, "Everyone else is here. Is it this one?"

(End of this chapter)

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