All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 24 You cheat!

Chapter 24 You cheat!
Lu Yuan turned around and frowned at Liang Wenxun who was aloof.

"Yingjiao, right? Do you dare to fight me?"

Liang Wenxun looked haughty, glanced at Tan Xiu who had just stood still, and taunted: "The garbage that only dares to squeeze persimmons, what's there to pull?"

He patted his dark gray school uniform, turned his head and taunted Lu Yuan again: "The trash from Garbage Star plays with trash? I heard that if you win, you need autographed photos, so what if you lose? What can you show if you lose?" ?”

Lu Yuan ignored Liang Wenxun's nonsense, he only looked at Ying Jiao with some concern.

With Liang Wenxun's attitude, if we don't fight today, I'm afraid he won't give up easily.

Liang Wenxun is a junior this year, with combat department and SSS mental strength, ranking tenth on the ranking list.Its strength is indeed not comparable to Tan Xiu.

He didn't know if Ying Jiao could beat him well.

"Why don't you speak?"

Neither Ying Jiao nor Lu Yuan opened their mouths, and Liang Wenxun became more and more rampant, "Why, are you afraid? If you know you are afraid, go back!"

Liang Wenxun smiled contemptuously, "A mere freshman dares to challenge the Tianjiao ranking? Who are you to be so crazy?"

It was also the first time Ying Jiao saw someone speak like that in front of her.


Not very nice.

"Liang Wenxun?"

"Know me? If you know me..."

"Just found out."

Ying Jiao pulled her lips, "If I lose, I will drop out of school today. If you lose, ordinary photos are not good enough for you, so you can take some exciting ones."

"Be proud."

Lu Yuan whispered in her ear, "Why don't we forget about it today?"

Liang Wenxun's mental strength is also SSS, and he is a junior, the key is that he still has advanced mechas in his hand...

Yingjiao will suffer a lot if they fight.

Ying Jiao rejected Lu Yuan's proposal, "No, I think senior's half-light photo album sold well."

Maybe you can get rich by doing this vote.

"Want my photobook? Yes!" Liang Wenxun was very generous, "As long as you can win, I can shoot whatever you want."

"Of course, the premise is that you can beat me. Is this possible?" Liang Wenxun didn't think he would lose at all, he would definitely win today!He will teach this new student what the rules are.

"Of course, if you lose, I don't want you to drop out of school. If you lose, just kneel down and admit that you are trash, and I will upload the video to the campus forum. How about it, do you dare?"

"Dare, what is there not to dare?"

Like Liang Wenxun, Ying Jiao didn't think he would lose.

She has never lost since she started a mission at the age of 15.The worst record is to die with the Zombie King.


"Oh, just be brave."

Liang Wenxun jumped onto the stage first, "Then I will teach you well today, the Tianjiao Ranking is not something that trash like you can challenge casually!"

In response, Jiao didn't walk up step by step as calmly as before.

She also jumped onto the stage.

As soon as she took the stage, Liang Wenxun couldn't wait, "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. Let's start!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and kicked Ying Jiao.

This time Ying Jiao didn't hide, she was very fast, she went directly to Liang Wenxun's side, grabbed his arm and fell over her shoulder.


Liang Wenxun, who was lying on the ground, had some doubts about life.

The speed of this newborn is too fast.

He barely saw her whereabouts just now!

This is not right.

This is not common sense.

——How can human beings have such a fast speed!

Liang Wenxun stood up, stepped aside, and said indignantly, "You cheated! You used a weapon!"


It is impossible for human beings to have this speed. The only explanation is - what kind of latest secret weapon did this person use, so she is so fast!

"Using weapons in close combat, is this shameless trash?"


Ying Jiao sneered: "Which eye of yours saw it?"

"Otherwise why are you so fast!"

"Why, you can't make others move faster if you can't do it yourself?"


The people watching the battle were a little commotion.

"Is there really any weapon used?"

"I don't know, but I haven't heard of any small arms that can speed up the speed. Could it be medicine?"


"If you can't take medicine, you will be punished by the school."

"What if the freshmen are bold?"

"Then what about her grades in the entrance exam? It's impossible to cheat, right?"

"How is it impossible? Didn't there just be..."

"Didn't that be found out? Now there is an extra check in the entrance exam. It is impossible to be admitted if you take medicine."


Liang Wenxun did not believe that Ying Jiao did not use weapons.

Ying Jiao didn't bother to do anything to prove it.

She said directly: "If you refuse to accept, you use weapons."

Anyway, even if the opponent uses the mecha, it's just a little troublesome, she just needs to put in more effort.

The problem is not big.

"Oh, of course I want to use it!"

Liang Wenxun released his mecha directly.


There was an exclamation from the audience.

Lu Yuan frowned, no one knew better than him whether Ying Jiao had used a weapon or not.

He knew that Liang Wenxun was difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect that he would be so shameless that he would use a mecha against freshmen.

"Use mechas for freshmen? Liang Wenxun, you are too shameless!"

These words uttered Lu Yuan's heart, but they were not what he said.

Zhu Xingchen stood up from the crowd, "Slander people for using weapons if you can't beat them, Liang Wenxun, your Liang family is really getting more and more shameless!"

Liang Wenxun blushed at the words, he jumped up angrily, pointed at Ying Jiao, and said, "She's already used it, why can't I!"

"Go to the hospital if you have bad eyesight. Where did she use the weapon?"

"Then why is she so fast!"

"That's because she..."


It's almost noon, and Ying Jiao wants to finish it quickly so that he can go to lunch, "It's just a mech, you can use it if you want. Hurry up and don't be verbose."

"Yingjiao! Are you stupid!"

Zhu Xingchen felt that Ying Jiao was crazy.

Fight mechs with your bare hands.

Where is her brain?When did you run away from home!

"Xiao Zhu, let's play."

Don't stop her from finishing her meal.

"..." I'm playing with a hammer!

I wish Stardust exploded.

He turned his head and wanted to leave, but after taking two steps, he fell back and threw a light gun and a lightsaber onto the stage.

Ying Jiao picked up the lightsaber and returned the light gun to Zhu Xingchen.

"Thank you, Xiao Zhu."

She turned on the lightsaber button, turned to Liang Wenxun and said, "Continue."

Without the slightest hesitation, Liang Wenxun made a decisive move.

Liang Wenxun, who drove the mech, was completely different from the speed and strength just now.

"Hey," Zhu Xingchen walked to Lu Yuan's side, "Do you think she can win?"

He knows that Ying Jiao is powerful, but people are fighting mechs.

It would be ridiculous to win.


In one word, Lu Yuan said it firmly.

When Liang Wenxun first took out the mecha, he was still a little worried, but after Ying Jiao picked up the lightsaber, he knew that Ying Jiao would win.

Should be proud to have the confidence to win.

And he believed her.


Zhu Xingchen looked at Lu Yuan inexplicably, "Don't break the pot, why don't you find her a doctor first?"


Lu Yuan was silent, and then said no.

Zhu Xingchen still felt the need.

Turned on the optical brain and was about to find one, but was held down by Lu Yuan, "She has the potion given by Senior Sister Sheng Ling in her hand."

(End of this chapter)

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