All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 306 The Basement Reference Room

Chapter 306 The Basement Reference Room

Ying Jiao doesn't know what relationship her marriage has with instant noodles.

——Teacher Mei Yan: Student Ying Jiao, is there anything else you want to give Er Shao?Give it all to me, and I'll prepare it for you!

The intent to want a recipe is pretty obvious.

Should be proud to think about it.

Indeed there is.

She wants to make some chili sauces, so she can serve Xiao Ji with rice and noodles with steamed buns.

very convenient.

So Ying Jiao wrote some chili sauce recipes for Mei Yan.

——Teacher Mei Yan: Student Ying Jiao, don’t worry, the teacher in your class will cover all the meals!
There is no shortage of materials for May Banquet.

Will be making this soon.

Ying Jiao didn't care anymore.

Those things are indeed much more convenient for Teacher Mei Yan to prepare.

"I'll go out for a while." Ying Jiao said to Ugly Dan and Xia Feng: "I'm not sure when I'll be back. Teacher, if you are hungry, you can order takeaway."


Xia Feng nodded.

After finally seeing the legendary giant phagocytosis, he didn't want to leave yet.

The ugly egg hugged the snacks, "Master, don't worry, I will take good care of the house!"


Ying Jiao went out, ready to go to the military headquarters to check the relevant materials of the chaos plan.

On the road.

The news in the group suddenly broke out.

Zhu Xingchen poked Ying Jiao several times.

Should be proud.

He sent another video.

Ying Jiao frowned, but still took it.

"Old Ying!!"

The place where Zhu Xingchen was located was very noisy.

He projected his surroundings and said, "Look, Brother Xiaowei has found it!"

From the opposite side, it looks like a party.

The people in the group, except her, Xiao Lu and Xiao Ji, have all arrived.

Everyone is full of energy and relaxed.

Ying Jiao who hasn't slept since busy last night: "..."

Almost crushed the refreshing potion in his hand.

Zhu Xingchen didn't notice Ying Jiao's numb face at all.

He was very happy: "Old Ying, are you free tonight? Xiaowei's brother said he would treat us to dinner, thank us for finding his brother for him!"

Ying Jiao didn't know about Wei Zhuo's brother.

So not very interested.

Zhu Xingchen was more than happy to introduce to her: "Before Xiao Wei said that his brother was missing, we were fine recently, so we helped him look for it, and finally found it!"

So it's not helping Xiaowei's brother to find his younger brother.

Instead, he helped Xiaowei find his brother.

Zhu Xingchen: "Should you come? Xiaowei's brother said he wanted to thank us for taking care of Xiaowei!"

"I'm busy."

Yingjiao is really not free.

"There are things to deal with," she said.

"That's it..." Zhu Xingchen felt a little regretful, "That's fine, I'll ask Lao Lu again."


Yingjiao hangs up the video call.

It feels like he suddenly understands a little bit, Xiao Lu is busy every day but looks at his mood when he is idle.

Suddenly my conscience ached.

But only once.

Soon, that erratic conscience went to nowhere.

When Ying Jiao rushed to the military headquarters, Ji Hanyu also temporarily put down her work.He took Ying Jiao to the reference room of the First Army.

After a lot of identity checks.

Ying Jiao and the two finally arrived at the reference room where the First Army went deep underground.

But still didn't get inside.

Ji Hanyu pulled out a control panel from nowhere and entered the chaos plan.Afterwards, a bunch of information was automatically sent out.

Ying Jiao who didn't even see the door: "..."

That's it?

Was the identity check just now playing with her?
"These can't be taken out." Ji Hanyu said apologetically: "This reference room, only the Ji family has permission to enter..."

Ying Jiao is not from the Ji family.

He couldn't take her in.

Ying Jiao: "..."

My heart choked.

The tone was very aggrieved: "I can marry..." This is a family.

Ji Hanyu: "..."

He carried all the books to the spacious desk outside, seeing Ying Jiao standing still, he even looked at him with some resentment.

Ji Hanyu: "..."

I laughed secretly in my heart.

He fell back, held Ying Jiao's hand, kissed the corner of her lips lightly, and coaxed softly: "Let's check the information first, shall we?"

After speaking, he hooked her fingers.


Ying Jiao is not picky, even kissing the corners of the lips is fine.

Lie... No, once you earn it, you get it once.

It is still more important to check the information now.

Ying Jiao sat down at the desk.

Flip through the pile of books from the beginning.

"What are you looking for?"

Although it is only the information of relevant personnel, there are quite a few of them, and they all add up to about one meter high.Ji Hanyu wanted to ask Ying Jiao if there was anything he could do to help.

"I want to see information about the Liang family."

Ying Jiao didn't look up, and said: "I heard that a very good ancestor of the Liang family was sent to the Chaos Laboratory thousands of years ago. I want to find out if there is any information about him."

"I'll help you."

Ji Hanyu sat down opposite.

Ying Jiao nodded, and pushed another part of the information to him: "If there is anything unusual, you can pick it out."

"it is good."

Ji Hanyu nodded.

The speed of both of them checking is not slow.

Ten lines at a glance.

You can read a book in less than ten minutes.

In the huge room, the only sound left is the sound of flipping a book.

Time passed little by little.

at last.

Ying Jiao read the last page and closed the last volume.

"How about it?"

She asked Ji Hanyu if she had gained anything.

Ji Hanyu handed Ying Jiao a specially reserved book, and pointed, "Here."

Should be proud to look at it.

This page records a researcher named Wei Xian.

Ji Hanyu: "He didn't support this plan at first, but later became the main force of this project. After the Ji family overthrew the Kou family, most researchers were liquidated, only he..."

Ji Hanyu turned to the next page.

"He disappeared."

not only that.

After Ji Hanyu heard that Ying Jiao had inquired about the plan to gossip, he asked his elder brother how much he knew about the plan.

Ji Chunsi's description: When he was young, the former marshal, the grandfather of the two, liked to tell him stories. He said that his grandfather told him that the military did not find any traces of the missing persons until an unknown person The address of the laboratory was revealed to them.

At first, the military thought it was a scam.

Later, after sending people to search for it secretly, it was discovered that all the missing people in the interstellar space had been sent there.

Counting 10 people have all become victims.

The Kou family has been doing a lot of evil for a long time.

This incident directly became the fuse for the military to explode.

Let the military decide not to be patient.

Ying Jiao also knew what happened after that.

She has made up for this bit of history.

Ying Jiao: "Do you think Wei Xian is the mysterious person who delivered information to the Ji family?"

Ji Hanyu nodded: "Very likely."

He opened another book and handed it to Ying Jiao.

"The curse of chaos, you should have heard of it?" He pointed to a few people above, and said, "These are the fanatics who most admired this plan. After they were executed by the military, their descendants also disappeared. .”

Yingjiao saw the curse on campus before.

It is said that the descendants of the personnel related to the chaos plan will disappear mysteriously.Because the reason for the disappearance could not be found, everyone called it the curse of chaos.

Ji Hanyu: "I think that only Wei Xian disappeared by himself."

He might have sensed something, so he hid.

(End of this chapter)

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