All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 307 There May Be a Conspiracy

Chapter 307 There May Be a Conspiracy

Wei Xian was indeed suspicious.

But he should have nothing to do with the Liang family.

Ying Jiao showed classmate Xiao Ji the information she had found - there was only a small piece of text that had been torn to pieces.

There is only one surname on it: Liang.

Beyond that, the information was ripped out.

Ji Hanyu frowned slightly, and he took the book and read it carefully: the torn corners were fringed, and the degree of yellowing was lighter than other papers in the same volume.

Therefore, this should not be torn off before the book was collected.

after that.

Ji Hanyu put the book on the table, turned around and walked to the place where the control panel was called up just now, "I'll check the browsing history."


Ying Jiao nodded and leaned over.

Browsing Records - Chaos Plan - Browsing Times: 1
The browsing time is five hours ago.

Viewer: Ji Hanyu

Status: not returned

Therefore, only Xiao Ji has checked these things.

Ying Jiao glanced at classmate Xiao Ji, and the other party clicked on the registration of personnel who have entered the reference room for nearly a thousand years.

Take a look: all the seniors of the Ji family have entered, and no outsiders have entered.

Ji Hanyu was silent for a while, and said, "I'll ask my father."


Ying proudly nodded.The two left here after sorting out and returning the materials.

There is no signal underground.

After Ji Hanyu came to the ground, he sent a video message to ask Ji Xun

"What's the matter, Yuyu?"

Ji Xun originally had a kind face, but when Ying Jiao purposely leaned into the projection, his face stinks.


As soon as Ji Hanyu made a sound, Ji Xun immediately straightened his expression.

Soon, his face was full of kindness.

"So Xiaoying and you are here." Although the tone was a bit reluctant, Ji Xun had already tried his best.

"Hello, uncle!"

The smile on Ying Jiao's face was very sincere and natural.

Ji Xun choked.

look away.

Don't look at her anymore.

"What is Yuyu looking for father?"

"About the reference room..." Ji Hanyu told Ji Xun about the disappearance of Liang's ancestors' materials.

Ji Xun finished listening.

I was a little surprised at first, but then felt less strange, and said, "I remember, my great-grandfather seemed to have done this."

Ji Xun thought about it carefully.

Nodded: "Great-grandfather did it. His old man does things more casually, so there is no record after tearing it up..."

While speaking, Ji Xun glanced at Ying Jiao intentionally or unintentionally.

Although my great-grandfather was more eclectic and similar to this person, my great-grandfather never forgot the family motto of the Ji family.So I was a little uninhibited when I was young.When the interstellar was in turmoil, it was the great-grandfather who stood up without hesitation, leading the Ji family, leading the entire interstellar fighting insects, and quelling the civil strife.

For great-grandfather, it was his duty to lead mankind to peace.

But this one is different.

The bastard doesn't want to take any responsibility at all!

The most important thing... Although I don't want to admit it, this bastard's combat power is indeed much higher than that of his great-grandfather.If she messes up, she can be a demon king than her great-grandfather when he was young.


Ji Xun didn't expect it back then.

He released this person, but she could still find Lu Qingyang!And now Lu Qingyang has become her employee!
A jerk isn't scary.

Terrible to see two unruly bastards get together!
Thinking back to Lu Qingyang back then...


Almost instantly, Ji Xun's complexion became much older.

Things have developed to the way they are now, which is beyond his control.But he has decided to seize this opportunity to bring Interstellar into a new era, so he can no longer hesitate.

Ji Xun straightened his expression.

Hopefully, this person has a sense of responsibility that matches her abilities.

Ji Xun: "The matter of Jiang Hongfei and Jiang Qian has been dealt with." He looked at Ying Jiao, and asked in a businesslike manner, "Do you want to see the execution result?"

Ying Jiao:?
Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?

But she really needs to see if the military department's handling of the two is appropriate.

Ying Jiao nodded, "Yes, please trouble uncle."


Ji Xun's expression softened a lot.

At least, from what happened to Jiang Hongfei, it can be seen that this person still has a sense of justice.

And when her son saved her, she also knew how to be grateful.The key is that she can become the Ji family in the future...


Ji Xun tried his best to comfort himself, and when he looked at Ying Jiao again, he felt much more pleasing to the eye.

It shouldn't be a loss.

Later, Ji Xun exchanged pleasantries with Ji Hanyu for a while, then hung up the video call.

"Uncle, he..." Ying Jiao hesitated: "Is it a bit strange?"

Obviously, I didn't like anything about myself before.

What's wrong with this now?
It's fine with her if she doesn't have yin and yang, but she even restrained herself from shaking her face.

Ying Jiao felt that there was a conspiracy in it.

Did he know that he wanted to anger him, so he used the method of using softness to overcome rigidity in advance, so that he could not find a chance to confront him?
"No." Ji Hanyu said, "Dad has always liked you very much." At least he has always been satisfied with Jiao Jiao's ability.

And after Ying Jiao proposed to him, he also talked to his father.He promised to get along well with Ying Jiao.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Although I really don't want to refute classmate Xiao Ji, but this is really ridiculous.

"Then what..." Ying Jiao hurriedly avoided the topic and said, "I'm going to Qianzheng."


Ji Hanyu didn't ask Ying Jiao what she was going to do, but followed her request and kissed the corner of her lips as a parting kiss.

"Remember to eat on time."

Ji Hanyu instructed.

Ying Jiao nodded and found Lu Qingyang again.

Lu Qingyang is resting.

Because Lu Yuan also returned to the company.In the past few days, he has also worked overtime continuously, and temporarily cleaned up all the people who sailed in the imperial capital.

Next, just wait for the imperial capital to sail and stabilize.


The time alone with his precious son was interrupted, Lu Qingyang hummed in dissatisfaction.

But due to the presence of his precious son, he didn't dare to make too much noise.

"Ying Jiao? Why are you here?" Lu Yuan asked.

"I want to ask my uncle something."

Ying Jiao also bought a meal, sat next to him, and asked while eating: "About the messy plan, and Liang..."


Lu Qingyang suddenly patted his chopsticks down.

He said to Lu Yuan: "Yuan Yuan, go and help Dad serve a bowl of soup."

Obviously, he wanted to send Lu Yuan away.

Lu Yuan looked at his old father, then at Ying Jiao.

Put down your chopsticks.


As soon as Lu Yuan left, Lu Qingyang suddenly became very angry.

But not corresponding to pride.

"I do know about the Liang family - a lot!!" He gritted his teeth and said, "But I will never tell you!"

The expression on his face was very complicated.

First hate, then guilt, and finally coldness.

"I promised Liang Xi that I would not tell anyone about those things." After Lu Qingyang finished speaking, he stopped eating, "Even Yuan Yuan and Yaoyao, I will not tell anyone!"

So if Ying Jiao asked them for help, there would be no result.

It will only cause a rift in their father-son relationship.

Ying Jiao thought for a long time before he remembered who Liang Xi was—the mother of Xiao Lu and Xingyao's younger brother.

Ying Jiao nodded and said, "I know Uncle."

Although Lu Qingyang spoke very forcefully, he was a little short of breath after finishing speaking: After all, his precious sons all turned to this person, if she really asked the precious sons to ask him, but he insisted not to say...

Ying Jiao saw that Lu Qingyang hesitated to speak.

I also know what he is worried about.

Said: "Since Uncle doesn't want to say it, I won't force Uncle. I won't ask Brother Xiao Lu and Xingyao for help to ask Uncle again."

With her words, Lu Qingyang was finally relieved.

He was relieved.

Then he plunged into the laboratory.

When Lu Yuan came back with the soup, Lu Qingyang had disappeared.

Lu Yuan put Tang in front of Ying Jiao, and asked, "Do you need help?"

(End of this chapter)

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