Chapter 308
Lu Yuan knew that Ying Jiao was also very busy recently.

According to Ying Jiao's character, if it's not important, she won't bother to care about it.

As for what she wanted to ask, Lu Yuan probably guessed some of it.

"Need not."

Ying Jiao shook his head, and after reporting his dinner to Xiao Ji, he chatted with Lu Yuan about the recent events.

"So, you think Fu Xingyuan might not be human?"

Lu Yuan quickly grasped the point, and speculated according to the train of thought, "Is he a Zerg?"

"I thought so at first." Ying Jiao said, "But Huo Xun's change shows that he might just be a minion."

This outcome is also very likely.

Lu Yuan nodded, thought for a while, and asked, "Where are those insect eggs, what kind of insects are they?"

"It's not clear yet."

Ying Jiao shook his head, "Teacher Xia Feng is still asking the ugly boy."

The ugly egg has lived for a long time, whether it is the history of the human race or the secrets of the Zerg race, it knows something.

It probably has clues of those bugs there.

"Then Liang Xu..."

Lu originally wanted to ask Ying Jiao if he had any guesses about Liang Xu's identity.

But Ying Jiao suddenly saw a message.

Then the meal on the plate was finished very quickly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yuan asked.

"Something happened on the front line."

Ying Jiao let Lu Yuan look at his own optical brain.

Lu Yuan opened it and took a look.

It's a mass message from the military.

The nematode swarm broke out ahead of schedule, and the First Army required the students in class A1 who signed up for the holiday internship to rush to school ahead of schedule.An hour later, the express battleship will take them directly to the front line to kill insects.

Of course, if there are special circumstances, you can also apply to go to the front line three days later according to the original plan.

Lu Yuan closed his optical brain and asked Ying Jiao: "Do you want to go there now?"


Ying Jiao finished the soup in one gulp and said, "Student Xiao Ji will definitely go."

This is true.

Lu Yuan nodded and helped Ying Jiao tidy up the dinner plate she had just finished eating.

"You will come back in three days." Ying Jiao said while sending a message: "The matter of sailing in the imperial capital is more important, you should take care of it before you come back. By the way, bring the things that Teacher Mei Yan prepared for us. And senior sister , she also prepared some medicine."

"it is good."

Lu Yuan had no objection to Yingjiao's arrangement, "I'll see you in three days."


After Ying Jiao finished sending the message, he turned around and strode out of Qian Zheng's door.


Ying Jiao had just sent the ugly egg a message, saying that she was going to the front line.

The ugly egg immediately said that he would go with her.

Yingjiao said no.

She didn't have time to pick it up.

And little brother Xingyao still needs to get some more materials.

Ying Jiao asked Ugly Dan to come with Lu Yuan in three days.

The ugly guy saw that his master was going to leave a bug behind, and soon sent a video message crying, "Are you going to leave me?"

As he spoke, tears fell down in big drops.

"I said, you come with Xiao Lu."

Ying Jiao opened the car door, "I've said it many times, I don't want you."

Ying Jiao explained.

The ugly don't listen.

Still crying.

Ying Jiao: "If you cry again, just stay at home."

The tears stopped immediately.

But still couldn't help sobbing.

"I, I won't cry anymore..." It wiped its tears with its front feet and said, "Then remember to ask Brother Lu to pick me up, I want to be with you."

"Yeah." Ying Jiao agreed, "Drive, hang up."


Ugly is depressed.

Xia Feng on the side can't comfort humans, but as a Zerg expert, his mind is spinning very fast.

Xia Feng quickly arranged more than a dozen big cakes for the ugly egg.

And promise: "These three days, I will take care of you. We can order takeaway, serve food, taste, whatever."

"Really, really?"

As soon as he heard that someone invited him to eat takeaway, most of Ugly Egg's sadness disappeared immediately.


Xia Feng nodded and showed it the big cake he had just ordered.

Now, the ugly egg is not sad at all.

"Teacher, you are such a good person!"

Ugly climbed onto Xia Feng's shoulder and promised him: "In the future, I will protect you!"

"Thank you."

Xia Feng was a little embarrassed.

Because the ugly egg is a bug, there is no obstacle for Xia Feng to communicate with it.

One person and one worm appreciate each other very much.



Ying Jiao arrived at the First Military Academy within half an hour.

"Old Ying!!"

Zhu Xingchen and the others have arrived.

He frantically waved at Ying Jiao, "Hurry up! Here! Here!"

"Student should be proud!!!"

Xiao Yihe jumped out from nowhere and stood in front of Zhu Xingchen.

She was also wearing a very delicate light blue cheongsam, "Student Ying Jiao, you've come!"

Xiao Yihe's cheongsam was embroidered with blue butterflies.


With her movements, it's like dancing lightly.

Seeing that Ying Jiao noticed her skirt, Xiao Yihe was very proud, she spread her hands, twirled around, and asked, "How is it, isn't it pretty?"


This skirt is really nice.

And Xiao Yihe is good-looking, if she doesn't speak, she will be very deceptive.

"Hee hee hee!" Xiao Yihe put his hands on Ying Jiao's shoulders, and said happily: "It's all given to me by Qin Yin's younger brother, he is so kind, he gave me a lot of clothes!"

It turned out to be from Qin Yin.

No wonder.

"Old Xiao." Zhu Xingchen looked at Xiao Yihe, and asked curiously, "Is it convenient for you to fight?"

"Convenient and convenient!"

Xiao Yihe lifted the cheongsam.

Showing the denim shorts inside, he said, "It doesn't affect my performance at all!"


Zhu Xingchen gave her a thumbs up.

"low profile!"

Xiao Yihe said so with his mouth, but his body ran wildly on the field, showing off his new clothes everywhere.

"You said..."

As soon as Xiao Yihe left, Zhu Xingchen began to gossip with the people in the same group: "How could Lao Xiao accept such expensive things from Brother Qin?"

Xiao Yihe also came from a military family.

Generally speaking, children born in families like theirs are taught from an early age not to take things from other people indiscriminately.

The same goes for the Xiao family.

But now...

"What's this?"

Meng Si didn't quite understand: "It's just a few clothes."

"Probably..." Liu Mianmian thought for a while and said, "They have a good relationship?"

Wei Zhuo: "But didn't they just know each other?"

Zhu Xingchen: "Tell me, does Lao Xiao have a crush on Qin Xiaodi?"

After Zhu Xingchen experienced Ying Jiao and Ji Hanyu's incident, he was particularly sensitive to this aspect.

He opened his mouth and began to guess in this regard.

"Probably not." Yu Yan said: "Student Xiao Yihe, he probably just likes skirts."

He turned on the optical brain.

Find a picture.

projected in front of the crowd.


As soon as the photo came out, the audience gasped.

"This--" Meng Si asked with trembling hands, "What is this?!"

on the projection.

The trumpet Xiao Yihe wore a crown on her head, her long hair was slightly curly, she was wearing a pink tutu skirt, and she had a reserved smile.

It's a proper little princess.

Everyone: "..."

Yu Yan: "Student Xiao Yihe, I used to like wearing skirts."

(End of this chapter)

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