All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 314 I Love You Too

Chapter 314 I Love You Too
After a big battle, everyone has half a day to rest.

But should be proud not.

As soon as she landed, she was dragged to the training ground by the officers of the First Army.

On the way, everyone looked at the ring on her hand with burning eyes, and then patted her on the shoulder very enthusiastically, saying that we will be a family in the future.


They tried their best on the simulated competition platform, trying to rub their families on the ground.

Ying Jiao: "..."

She wanted to take off the gravity belt and end the battle early.

But Yu Wei stopped her with a smile and said, "Major General Ying, give everyone a chance?"


what chance?
A chance for you to beat me up?

Ying Jiao was silent - these people, don't they have thick skins?

"Then what..."

One officer was a little shy, but his words were extremely brazen, "Can I use mechas? If I can, Major General, don't use them."

Ying Jiao: "..."

The fist is a little hard.

"I'm only going to play for half an hour," she said.

Gravity belt not removed.

Didn't take out the armor either.

But the people of the First Army can use it at will.


Ying Jiao came up with a spinning and flying kick, kicking the mechs on the field into a big depression.

The mecha flew off the competition platform.

The battle is over.

Seeing this, the officers of the First Army watching the battle trembled in their hearts—what's going on, the major general seems to be a little ruthless this time.

So it was inevitable that the next officer who entered the field was a little apprehensive.

"Major General Ying, I have admired your name for a long time. Please..." He swallowed, "Please give me more advice."


Ying Jiao nodded and replied, "Please give me your advice."

Then the battle ended within another minute.


"Major General Ying..." This man wanted to praise Ying Jiao and ask her to show mercy, but Ying Jiao didn't want to hear it.




"Major General Ying...Major General Ying and the Second Young Master are a perfect match!"

Before Ying Jiao could make a move, the man hurriedly said his lines, "Major General Ying is extremely powerful and friendly, it's great that Second Young Master can find a partner like you!"


Ying Jiao's expressionless face finally looked better.

Password is correct.

The officer's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: "I'm different from them! I support you and the second young master! Today I just want to ask the major general to guide me and see if I have room for improvement!"


It turned out to be for guidance.

I should be proud to understand.

He didn't eliminate people from the beginning, but really gave the officer some guidance.

Ying Jiao has received top-notch training since she was a child, and it is no problem to give guidance to others.

"Thank you Major General!"

The officer was eliminated with satisfaction, and the whole person was very happy.

When the others saw it, they were also a little jealous.

"Then what..." With the previous example, the people behind will immediately understand how to operate, "Major General Ying, happy wedding!"

Ying Jiao: "..."

Even if you're not married yet, it's okay.

So he was a little more merciful.

The officer was beaten, but he was satisfied with his guidance.

Half an hour later, Ying Jiao officially called it a day and went back to rest.

It was the same room as before.

The lights were on inside.

open the door.

Classmate Xiao Ji is already inside.

He had already prepared pajamas for Ying Jiao, and asked her, "Will you take a bath?"


Ying Jiao nodded, took off her coat and went into the bathroom.

The combat uniform has already been changed, and the coat that Ying Jiao just took off was bought when he arrived in StarCraft.Although she didn't buy it for a long time, she only had two sets of clothes and changed them back and forth. In addition, she usually "exercises" a lot, so she looks older.

There was even a hole in the hem of the clothes.

Ji Hanyu looked at the clothes in his hand, thought for a while, and put them into his space buttons.

Then a brand new set was taken out of it.

At first glance, it is much more expensive than Ying Jiao's own set, much more comfortable to wear, and much better looking. The clothes are placed on the small cabinet next to the bed, so that Ying Jiao can wear them tomorrow.

The new clothes were custom-made by Ji Hanyu a long time ago.

Because Ying Jiao doesn't seem to be very good at buying.

He prepared everything for her.

Many sets.

Wear it for any occasion.

Soon, Ying Jiao came out after washing up, and was surprised to see that Xiao Ji hadn't left yet, "Is there anything else, Xiao Ji?"

They will go to battle tomorrow.

She thought he had gone back to rest.


Ji Hanyu sat on the edge of the bed, lifted the quilt as usual, and signaled Ying Jiao to lie down.

Should be proud to understand.

"No need." She didn't want to bother him: "Tomorrow..."


Ji Hanyu urged.

The attitude is even a little firm.

Because Ying Jiao was not in a good mood after going to the battlefield, so he insisted on coaxing her to sleep.

Ying Jiao: "..."

It feels a little weird.

But classmate Xiao Ji kept looking at her like this.


Ying Jiao lay down on it.

Ji Hanyu sat closer to her, "Pajamas, do you still like it?"

The pajamas are also new, and the material is different from Ying Jiao's previous ones.What he prepared was the fabric he often wore, and the style was similar to his.


Ying Jiao didn't notice any difference in her pajamas.

She wanted to sit up and see the difference.

But Ji Hanyu pushed her back, "Go to sleep." He said.

Then a soft tune was sung softly.

You should close your eyes.

Soon fell asleep.

She dreamed again.

It is still the end of the world.

She holds a flame knife in her hand.

The zombies are endless.

Today will be very tiring.

Should be proud.

And when she goes back, there will be no more delicious meals, and no one will ask her if she is tired with a gentle face - because Yang Yao sacrificed.

Aunt Yang is no longer in the mood to work.

She resigned.

Ying Jiao touched her pocket, there was a gift she had prepared in it.

In a few days, Yang Yao's birthday will be celebrated.

But that eye was shining, and every time he saw her, he would smile sweetly and say that my sister, the most powerful boy in the world, is gone.

Ying Jiao looked at the knife in his hand and suddenly had doubts: Is she really the most powerful person in the world?
If it was true, then why couldn't she save Yang Yao?If not, then... can she really save the world?
"Should be proud? Should be proud?"

Seeing that Ying Jiao frowned, Ji Hanyu called her in a low voice.

no response.

"Ying Jiao?" He reached out and touched her face, smoothing her frowning brows, trying to dispel the nightmare for her.

But still not.

Ji Hanyu took off her shoes, lay gently on her side on the bed, kissed Ying Jiao, and held her hand.

"I love you, should be proud."

After speaking, the humming sound became a little louder.

Ying Jiao is still killing zombies.

Killing day and night.

Surrounding her are all rotten and smelly corpses, and her teammates don't know where they are. She has no time to think about this. She has to kill the zombies quickly, otherwise——

Suddenly, Ying Jiao's lips softened, and immediately afterwards, he also held a cold and easy-to-touch hand?

whose hand?
Yingjiao can't see clearly.

But gradually, a familiar singing voice came from my ear—oh, it was this voice, he seemed to say that he loved her just now... So, this is not an illusion?
Ying Jiao was at a loss for a while.

The hands in the palms became hot and damp.

Finally, Ying Jiao remembered: her ability is already at level ten, not level eight; the Zombie King is gone, she killed her; she is no longer in the last days, but in the interstellar world.

She no longer has to save the world, no longer has to fight desperately day and night.

She can rest now.

good night.

Classmate Xiao Ji.

I love you too.

(End of this chapter)

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