All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 315 Not a real brother

Chapter 315 Not a real brother

Ying Jiao slept very well this time.

When I woke up, I saw Xiao Ji sleeping next to me.

Ying Jiao:!
Probably because she felt cold at night, classmate Xiao Ji got under the covers and hugged her.

The bed in the military department is a little narrow, and classmate Xiao Ji is a little closer to her... With shallow breaths, a little bit of warm breath was also sent to her body.

Ying Jiao began to feel hot all over.

She dared not move.

For fear of waking up the other party.

Ji Hanyu's biological clock is similar to Ying Jiao's, even if Ying Jiao didn't move, he would wake up soon.Because as soon as he let go last night, Ying Jiao started to frown. He was worried that she would not sleep well, so he never left.


Both of their pajamas were a bit thin.

You can clearly feel the body temperature of the other person.

Perhaps because of the strange flame, Ying Jiao felt very warm.

"Good morning."

Ji Hanyu held back her heartbeat and embarrassment, pretended to be normal, and got up.

"Morning, good morning."

Yingjiao stuttered a bit.

Obviously Xiao Ji has already woken up, but she can still smell a faint fragrance of roses.


It smells good.

Ying Jiao couldn't hold back, turned over and buried herself in the other half of the pillow, and sucked it hard.

"Should be proud?"

Ji Hanyu didn't know what Ying Jiao was doing with her face buried in the pillow, she felt a little strange.

Then he asked her, "You, don't you want to get up?"


Ying proudly stood up.

Only then did she finally realize that her pajamas were very similar to classmate Xiao Ji's!

same style.

same fabric.

It's totally a couple outfit!

After realizing this, her mood became even better.

"Xiao Ji, our clothes—"


After Ying Jiao dawdled for a while, Ji Hanyu went to wash up.When she heard her calling him, he backed out and asked her what was the matter with calm eyes.

"No, nothing."

Ying Jiao wanted a good morning kiss.

I heard that newlyweds have this.

But she hasn't married classmate Xiao Ji yet.Even if the two are lying together on a small single bed, they are not married yet!
Ying Jiao suddenly hated the person who gave her the ID card.

Why?Why can't you fill in her birthday a little bit earlier?

At least let her get married on Xiao Ji's next birthday!

Oh, right.

After Ying Jiao brushed her teeth and washed her face, she remembered: Xiao Ji's birthday is coming.

Want to give a gift?

Although little brother Xingyao said that classmate Xiao Ji no longer celebrates his birthday, but... most people celebrate their birthdays, right?Even she, before Aunt Yang resigned, was able to eat a bowl of longevity noodles every year.

Sometimes the mission is delayed, and you can make up for it when you come back.

The taste is not bad.

And the side dishes will be a little more luxurious than usual.

It is said that humans before the end of the world will eat this, praying for a long life.

But the average age of interstellar humans is three hundred years old.

A hundred years old... doesn't seem like a very long life.

It can even be said to be a curse.

A short-lived curse.

No no no!

Ying Jiao shook his head, excluding longevity noodles.

In addition to this, it seems that the birthday before the end of the world still eats birthday cake.The end of the world seems to be coming, but only rich people can afford it, she...

It seems to be quite rich.

But I haven't eaten much.

Only occasionally, Yang Yao would bring a small piece of very sweet cream cake and give it to her with a happy face.

"Should be proud?"

After Ji Hanyu changed her clothes, she found that Ying Jiao hadn't finished washing, so she came to her.But found that she was distracted, "What's wrong? Is there any discomfort?"

He thought she had another nightmare after he fell asleep last night.

I regretted it for a while.

——He should have been guarding her all the time.

"It's nothing."

Ying Jiao came back to his senses and said, "I just think of a younger brother from before."

younger brother?

What brother?
Ji Hanyu pursed her lower lip, and asked in an unclear tone: "Do you have a younger brother?"

Is it my own brother; or...

There was a sudden sour smell in the fragrance of roses.

Ying Jiao looked at Xiao Ji suspiciously—what happened to him?
But she didn't do anything!
Didn't he eat her vinegar?This is impossible!
Ying Jiao carefully recalled Xiao Ji's words just now.


He asked her if she had any brothers.

"No." Ying Jiao said, "It's just a very well-behaved child." She is an only child and has no real brother.

Not a real brother.

Still thinking so ecstatically?
For some reason, Ying Jiao felt that she was stared at by classmate Xiao Ji.Although the other party's expression was still the same as usual, calm and cold - but she always felt that she was stared at just now!

Ying Jiao was dumbfounded, but she still finished the sentence, "It's a bit like Xingyao, with sparkling eyes." Just because he saved him once, he would give her any good things after that.

In fact, she saved many people, but only Yang Yao remembered her for a lifetime.Even Aunt Yang started to care about her because of Yang Yao.

"Unfortunately, I only saved him once."

When Ying Jiao said this, she had already turned her back and went to the bedside to change clothes.So Ji Hanyu didn't see the regretful and powerless expression on her face.

So there is a life-saving grace?

Besides Lu Xingyao and Wen Yuan, there were others.


The sour smell in the air was getting stronger.

Ji Hanyu was not in a hurry to go to training, he stood at the door and asked Ying Jiao in a low voice: "Do you have a good relationship with him?"


Ying Jiao changed her clothes, but Xiao Ji didn't seem to want to go to the training ground?
"You have a good relationship with him?" Ji Hanyu asked again.

At this time, the sour taste in the rose fragrance is gone.

Ji Hanyu calmed down, and felt that Ying Jiao was not a playful person, and he was very similar to Lu Xingyao, who should also be an admirer.

One, a close admirer.

Ji Hanyu lowered her eyes.

Realized again: He didn't understand everything about Yingjiao's past, maybe it wasn't about his younger brother, or it could be something else.

As long as Ying Jiao mentions it occasionally, he will continue to be jealous.

This is not good.

Ji Hanyu didn't want to become like that.

"It's okay." Ying Jiao said, "No one dares to approach me except him."

"Ying Jiao." Ji Hanyu suddenly approached, hugged Ying Jiao, and whispered: "I want to know about your past."

There was even a hint of pleading in the tone.

He really wanted to know.

Ying Jiao looked at the time and decided not to train.Anyway, I have to go to the battlefield today, and the training volume will exceed the standard by then.

Ying Jiao originally wanted to let Xiao Ji relax and sit on the small sofa to talk slowly, but he didn't let go, so he hugged her and held her clothes tightly.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Sticky, clingy classmate Xiao Ji!So... so cute!

Ying Jiao's heart fluttered for a while, and he simply picked up Xiao Ji and sat on the sofa.

"I used to... Actually, it's nothing special." Ying Jiao thought for a while, and roughly talked about all the things he had done since he could remember.

Very simple.

It is in a world where everyone is full of despair that she has tested her extreme talent, so the father who wants to save the world single-handedly made her a hero who can save the world and let her bring hope to everyone.Let others live by this hope.

So what she has to do every day is to study, train, and become stronger.

Every day is repeated.

So it will be over soon.

Only Yang Yao and Aunt Yang spent some time, but it took less than half an hour to finish the whole life.

(End of this chapter)

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