All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 33 The Zerg Ugly Egg

Chapter 33 The Zerg Ugly Egg
"Damn human beings, stop quickly and let go of me! Otherwise, I will make you look good!"

This egg is a bit irritable, and his speech is not pleasant.

Ying Jiao casually smiled, and the fire in his palm instantly intensified.

"Wow wow wow!!! It's hot, it's hot, it's hot!"

Accompanied by a scream, the previously invulnerable egg finally cracked open.

A spider-like worm crawled out of it.


so small?
Ying Jiao shook the worm in his hand, and it seemed that it was less than [-] grams.But it's small, it has eyes, nose and mouth, which is completely different from ordinary spiders.

The worm also looks like a spider.

"Damn human, you dare to roast my uncle with fire, see if I don't teach you a lesson!"

Xiao Chong's eight legs began to jump, and they stabbed at Ying Jiao's palm neatly.


The flame in the palm grew bigger.

"Wow wow wow - it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!"

The bug howled and ran away.

Ying Jiao didn't chase after him, instead he controlled the flames to wrap the spider-like bug, making it roast wherever it went.

When the worm was about to escape by jumping out of the window, Ying Jiao grabbed the beaker that Sheng Ling usually used for experiments and grabbed it.

This beaker is not ordinary.

This is the beaker that has survived many explosions in the Shengling experiment.

Has a good quality that has been tested.

The fire around him was finally extinguished, and Xiao Chong lay on his back, his skin a little blackened.

"Master, I'm scared to death. What the hell is this fire? It's so hot! Damn humans, how dare you treat me like this! When I unify the Zerg race one day, I will let the bugs under me teach him a lesson!"

Xiao Chong turned around cursing.

This time, it finally saw Ying Jiao outside the beaker.

"Human, don't burn me with that weird fire again, let me go!"

"Did you hear that? You bloody human!"

"I can tell you, my uncle is the only 4S worm in the interstellar world, and it will do you no good to offend me!"


While shouting, Xiao Chong kicked the wall of the beaker with his leg.

Only a "click" sound was heard.

Sheng Ling's beaker cracked.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Ying Jiao wondered if she could afford to pay for the beaker.

"Oh, you're fine."

She smiled coolly, and then threw a cloud of level nine supernatural flames at the bug.


If the fire made the worm uncomfortable before, then the fire will kill the worm now.

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Master, master! Please let me go!"

Knowing that he can't afford to mess with this human being, Xiao Chong recognizes him very quickly.

Human beings who were just hateful, now have one master per bite.

After yelling, seeing Ying Jiao was unmoved, it endured the severe pain and ran to Ying Jiao's feet with its eight legs, bent its rear two legs, and knelt very neatly:

"Master, I was wrong, and I will never dare again, please let me go! Let me go! Hey--"

Ying Jiao felt that this worm was a bit immoral.

She withdrew the flame and moved her foot, trying to shake it off.As a result, the bug hugged her so tightly that she couldn't get rid of it no matter how much she moved her feet.

"Woooo~~ I'm such a pitiful worm. It's okay to be chased and killed by other worms since I was a child, but now I have to be roasted. I haven't eaten well since I was a child, and I don't have much meat due to stunting. It’s not tasty! Woooooo~Master, please let me go! Master~~~”

Ying Jiao didn't know why a worm could cry with snot and tears.

And it has eight legs, the back four kneeling.The front four feet: two are holding Yingjiao's shoes, and two are wiping their tears.

There is no delay in selling miserably and admitting counsel.

The worm cried miserably, Ying Jiao was a little annoyed listening to it.

"To shut up."

"Hic! Well—"

Xiao Chong obediently shut his mouth, and gently let go of Ying Jiao.

Ying Jiao: "Go aside."

Xiao Chong nodded fiercely.

Ying Jiao picked up the broken beaker, turned on the optical computer and checked online to see if the beaker could be bought.

Can buy.

80 interstellar coins.

Ying Jiao felt a little regretful—the worm should have been roasted just now.

After looking at the beaker and turning his head, the insect had already climbed to the edge of the window and was trying to escape.

Seeing that she was found running away, the worm chose the latter between "don't worry about her and keep running" and "immediately confessed and knelt down".

"I was wrong, master!"

Ying Jiao ignored it and ordered a beaker online.

After that, he picked up the worm and pulled the four legs with one hand and pulled it hard.

She used the ability, starting from the first level, and gradually increasing the power.

At first, the worm was humming and chirping shyly, saying that it was a boy, so the owner didn't need to look at it.

It wasn't until the strength reached level six that the worm began to cry out for mercy, but listening to its voice, it shouldn't be in much pain.

So I should be proud and add.

It wasn't until the eighth level that the bug really started to hurt.

It started to cry and chirp at the ninth level, and only started howling at the tenth level.

After the test, Yingjiao threw the bug away.

"Tell me, what are you?"

"I... I am a cute little spider! Master~~"

Although the worm is small in size, it does not delay its facial expression at all. It blinks to show innocence, and closes to show embarrassment.

It does everything.


This is obviously a bug!

Ying Jiao raised his palm, and a cluster of flames ignited in his palm, "To be honest, otherwise..."

Xiao Chong instantly bent his legs and knelt down.

"I'm a 4S Zerg!"

"Oh, and then what?"

"My master is very powerful! I can spin silk, dig holes, sneak attack, and eat! Leave me as your worthy master!"

"……What is your name?"

"I, my name is Ugly Egg."


"Yes master, this is the name I gave myself!"

Speaking of his own name, Ugly Egg was a little shy and coy: "As soon as I was born, the Broken Shells were killed by other insects, so no intelligent insects gave me a name. Later I hid in a human village, and they called it a cheap name. It was easy to feed. My only wish at the time was to survive, so I named myself Ugly Egg.”

After finishing speaking, Ugly was worried that his name would be disliked: "But I chose it casually, if you don't like it, Master, you can change it!"

Ugly Egg waved his front legs to show that he could do it.

"No." Ying Jiao refused.

She still hasn't decided whether to keep the worm or not.

This is Zerg after all.

Interstellar has strict control over Zerg, and private breeding is not allowed.If this bug is discovered, she will be invited to the military headquarters for tea.

"Master, is this something to eat?" Ugly Egg pointed to the lo mei that Ying Jiao brought back, "I'm hungry, Master~"

"Oh, be hungry."

Ying Jiao put Sheng Ling's share on her table, then opened her share and ate slowly.

Ugly just stood and watched, drooling all over Ying Jiao's table.

Ying Jiao felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by it, "Can you eat human food?"

"Yes, yes! I can eat anything!" Ugly Egg nodded frantically.

Ying Jiao gave it a piece of bean curd.

"Thank you master!"

Ugly Egg hugged the bean curd with his front legs, took a bite, and said, "It's delicious!"

Then the storm inhales.

A large piece of bean curd was eaten by him in the blink of an eye.

Ying Jiao came out of the shower, and saw Xiao Chong staring at the lo mei on the table and drooling.

Without Ying Jiao's consent, it didn't dare to reach out to take it.

It has been wandering for thousands of years, and it knows best what kind of pet is not liked by its owner.It wants to stay, but it can't mess with the owner's things.

(End of this chapter)

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