All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 34 It's finally a pet

Chapter 34 It's finally a pet
Ying Jiao felt that this worm would pretend to be pitiful, but she still pushed all her leftover lo mei in front of it.


"Thank you master!"

Don't look at the ugly egg's small body, but he has a lot to eat.

When Ying Jiao woke up from his afternoon nap, he had already eaten up almost a pound of lo mei on the table, not even the soup left.

Ying Jiao looked at the ugly egg's body, which was no bigger than a palm, and wondered where all the food it ate went.


Ugly made a nest for himself with paper towels, and seeing Yingjiao looked at him, he was a little shy, "What's the matter, Master?"

"Are you full?" Ying Jiao asked.

The ugly man twisted his body, "I'm sorry master, I ate a little too much..."

It means that you are not full yet.

Ying Jiao's eyelids twitched, thinking that this bug still needs to be thrown away.

It would be nice to throw it to the military, they should like it.

Although the ugly egg is a worm, it is very good at reading people's faces. When it sees Ying Jiao like this, it knows that she dislikes him for eating too much.

So he hurriedly waved his front two feet and explained: "But master, I am already full. Thank you master for giving me such delicious food! Humans have always disliked me since I was born, and I have never eaten human food." What about..."

Ying Jiao: "..."

This worm is really good at pretending to be pitiful.

Ying Jiao took out the grass nutrient solution she had saved before, "Drink it."

"Master, I'm not hungry."

Having said that, his eyes glanced at the nutrient solution from time to time.

He looked like he wanted to eat but didn't dare to eat.

Ying Jiao looked at her teeth sorely, "Drink as much as you want."

Ugly Egg's eyes lit up, "Thank you Master!"

The nutrient solution is too long for the ugly egg, two or three times longer than its body.But it hugged the glass tube tightly with its two little feet, and drank a tube in a short while.

"Thank you master..." I'm not full yet.

Ying Jiao heard what it meant, and gave it the rest of the box of nutrient solution.

It's done.

"Thank you master."

The tone is very shy.

Ying Jiao: "..."

This worm should be roasted.

Scared by the sudden murderous intent, the ugly egg hurriedly hid behind his nest, "I'm full, master!"

Actually not yet.

It fell asleep for hundreds of years this time.It has not eaten for hundreds of years, how can this be enough for it?
But it didn't dare to say that it was hungry anymore, otherwise the human would definitely lose it!
If it wanted to leave just now, but now this human being is not only not afraid of it, but also feeds it.It doesn't run away, it wants to cling to this human being and eat her up!
"I'm not hungry anymore Master, don't want me~"

"Stay here and don't run around," Ying Jiao threw a metal box to the ugly egg, and put a handkerchief in it that was supposed to be a rag but didn't have time to use it. "If you are seen running around, just wait and see." Get roasted."

"Master, are you going out?"

"Go to class."

"Oh, then I'll wait for you at home, Master, remember to come back early~"

Yingjiao had goosebumps when she heard the babbling words, and she quickly put the remaining three boxes of grass nutrient solution on the table, "Drink it first, and I'll buy it for you when I get back from get out of class."

With food, the ugly egg was very happy, "Thank you, master!"

"Bang!" Ying Jiao went out.

The ugly egg waited for a while, then quickly climbed to the window to have a look.


That human is gone!
The ugly egg cheered and jumped, so happy that the four legs on the back were propped up and circled around, and then jumped onto Ying Jiao's table.

It is lying next to the nutrient solution, and its legs in the last three rows are dangling leisurely, imitating the way humans cross their legs.Humming while dangling, he opened the nutrient solution with his front two uncrossed feet and drank it leisurely.

"Ah~ delicious!"

This is the day that 4S bugs should live!

Not in vain it has been hiding from XZ for thousands of years, and has evolved to 4S through hard work.Now, the ugly bastard is finally going to enjoy himself!
After drinking three boxes of nutrient solution, Ugly was a little sleepy.

It crawled into the box that Yingjiao gave it, and lay down on the soft veil.

"Ah~ so soft~~"

The ugly egg couldn't help rolling a few times.

"It's nice to be a human's pet~"

"It's a pity that humans didn't like the Zerg before. They wanted to kill me when they saw me. Hmph, the Zerg wanted to kill me, and humans wanted to kill me too. How annoying!"

"It's all right now, I finally get the same treatment as cats and dogs!"

The ugly egg rolled a few more times, "That's great~"

Although the shell was broken and roasted by fire today, it doesn't matter, it is doing well now!
Ugly was very satisfied with his current treatment, and fell asleep happily.


Ying Jiao's first class in the afternoon is mech combat.

Teaching teacher, Zhao Xinchong.

Ying Jiao brought three medicines with her when she went out, and when she saw Lu Yuan, she gave him one, "Take it internally."

"Is this the potion made by Senior Sister Sheng Ling?"

Lu Yuan took a sip.

It's cool, and the taste is not very strong. After drinking it, it didn't take long for the wound that was beaten in the morning to feel much better.

Lu Yuan sighed, "As expected of Senior Sister Sheng Ling." The effect of this medicine is really immediate.

"Where's Xiao Zhu?" Seeing that Zhu Xingchen was not with Lu Yuan, Ying Jiao asked.

"He went to dinner with his friends at noon and didn't go back to the dormitory. I signed for him for the things you sent him at noon."


"Ying Jiao, are you going to cooperate with Teacher Mei Yan?" Lu Yuan asked.

"how do you know?"

Ying Jiao felt that Lu Yuan was also quite mysterious.

Sometimes he seems to be poor like himself; sometimes he knows a lot of things that he shouldn't know if he is really poor.

For example, now, he said: "Originally, Shangshanxi only served the rich. After Teacher Mei Yan took over, she launched cheap products like fructose series. She doesn't quite fit with Shangshanxiu's business philosophy, I guess Sooner or later, she will come out and start her own business."

As Lu Yuan spoke, he took another sip of the potion.

"This medicine works really well." He sighed.

Then he continued: "In the morning you said that Teacher Mei Yan was looking for you, and at noon I ate what you sent, and it tasted very good. You said you could cook before, so I guess you made it yourself. You have The recipe, and Teacher Mei Yan took a fancy to it, she came to you to buy the recipe or cooperate. Because you used the cooking classroom at noon, so I guess it is cooperation."

Ying Jiao suddenly felt that the cooperation with Lu Yuan was more and more hopeful.

As far as this young man is concerned, it will not be justified if he does not make a lot of money in the future.


"How do you know so much?"

Although half of it is speculation, ordinary people probably don't know that Teacher Mei Yan wants to set up his own family.

"My dad told me." Lu Yuan replied vaguely.

He didn't want to say too much, so Ying Jiao stopped asking.

Just at this time Ji Hanyu walked into the classroom, Ying Jiao gave him a potion, "How about the lo mei at noon? Do you still like it, classmate Xiao Ji?"

"It's okay." It's delicious.

Ji Hanyu liked it very much, and she ate for a whole lunch, feeling a little full.

The scent of roses is stronger.

Ying Jiao raised her eyebrows, it seemed that Xiao Ji was quite happy.Braised meat...he should like it.

I'll make it for him later when I have time.

Ying Jiao looked at the get out of class schedule, there are two classes tomorrow morning and no class in the afternoon.

I can do it after class tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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