Ying Jiao looked at the officers of the Third Army who were lying on the ground breathing, and smiled.

Said: "I know, everyone thinks that I am a student, but I just participated in a practical teaching and became a major general. I am more or less dissatisfied. I even have a dirty mind, thinking that I have walked through the back door of the Ji family."

She sneered.

I took a few steps leisurely and lifted my foot.

"Bang! Crack—"

In order to achieve better results, Ying Jiao also used a little strength ability.So the result of this kick was: a crack nearly half a meter wide was directly cracked on the ground under Ying Jiao's feet.

The gap was right next to the officer's cheek, leaving his entire head in the air.

Almost rolled his eyes and passed out.

Ying Jiao put away that casual smile, and said with a chilly tone, "I hope everyone here will know from today on: I became a major general because I was always at the forefront when killing insects, and because of 3S insects. It's not worth mentioning here. It's not because I think I'm young, so I don't deserve it. I don't think that the Ji family's house is broken and the back door is opened. Ji's family has a thousand years of reputation. Come to me, I will be happy to discuss with you.”

These words were clearly addressed to the person on the ground.

The people in the third army were a little embarrassed.

Although they have teased this more or less in private, few of them would really doubt the impartiality of the Ji family.

"Sorry, Major General Ying."

Nie Yang was the first to slow down.

He stood up, took the place of the third army, and sincerely apologized to Ying Jiao: "It's our short-sightedness that makes it hard to imagine the major general's strength."

The other Third Army officers quickly nodded in agreement with their general.

They stood up one after another.

Although the expression on his face was still distorted in pain, he was able to get up anyway.

After Nie Yang finished speaking, Ying Jiao remained silent.

When the atmosphere became more and more tense, Ying Jiao suddenly had the same smile on his face again.

Said: "It's okay. I'm too strong, don't blame everyone."

After finishing speaking, he also took out a bottle of high-level potion made by Senior Sister Sheng Ling, handed it to Nie Yang, and said, "Accidentally hit a little harder just now, I hope you don't mind. This is a high-level recovery potion prepared by one of my senior sisters. Everyone can use it."

This medicine is a spray.

With a light spray, the injuries of the people in the third army will be healed immediately.

This is good stuff!

The third army, which has always been poor, is a little reluctant to use it now.

Nie Yang got the spray.

Take a look at the logo above.


Why is this sign so similar to Dr. Sheng Yu's? !

Nie Yang looked at Ying Jiao in a daze, and was about to ask about the origin of the medicine.Xiao Yihe took the medicine back and said, "It's okay, Brother Ying! Everyone has rough skin and thick flesh, and this little injury will heal soon, so there's no need to waste the medicine of Senior Sister Sheng Ling!" Look down on me, brother Ying, so I can't use it for you!

It turned out to be Sheng Ling's medicine!
The top four doctors in the interstellar world are not easy to get close to, so their medicines rarely flow to the outside world.

It is also for this reason that every potion they make is precious.

After hearing about the origin of the potion, the officers of the Third Army almost stared at the small bottle with eyes that burst out.

Nie Yang, who just owned Sheng Ling Potion: "..."

Finally realized that Xiao Yihe's elbow turned outside.

"Then, what..."

Everyone is a person who often goes to the battlefield, so of course they know how precious good potions are.

Although the potions they usually use are not bad, but this is Sheng Ling's potion!
Sheng Ling!
Really want! !

For the medicine, the third army didn't even want the face anymore, so they opened their mouths to flatter Ying Jiao: "Major General Ying is young and promising, and he and the Second Young Master are a match made in heaven! If anyone says in the future that you are not worthy of being part of the Ji family, we The Third Army was the first to refuse!"


"That's it!"

"A character like Second Young Master, of course only Major General Ying is worthy!"

Everyone was chattering and boasting indiscriminately.Those who couldn’t find the words nodded fiercely, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Originally, Ying Jiao didn't know that he was not worthy of being part of the Ji family: "..."

It seems that he still deserves to be a marshal.

She smiled slightly, with a friendly face, and said, "Then thank you all."

After finishing speaking, he signaled Xiao Yihe with his eyes to give them the medicine.

Xiao Yihe reluctantly gave it.

When I gave it, I didn't forget to say: "Use it sparingly, this potion is a good thing, and Brother Ying doesn't have much!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

When the Third Army heard what Xiao Yihe said, they felt that the medicine was very precious.

In fact, there are still many things to be proud of: "..."

This little guy is good.

Let this bottle of medicine send out the effect of a box.

"About the plan you mentioned, Major General..." Nie Yang thought for a while, and felt that he still couldn't just completely deny Ying Jiao's proposal.

This person's strength is far beyond ordinary people, maybe she can really make that seemingly outrageous method work.

So Nie Yang decided to spare some troops for Ying Jiao to try.


Ying Jiao nodded and gave the formula to the military doctor of the third army.

After the other party sighed for a while about the exquisiteness of the formula, he quickly formulated the medicine.

Nie Yang is the commander-in-chief of the third army's mission. He allocated all available manpower to Ying Jiao, intending to let him try.

Of course, Yingzhuo is not the only one.

To be on the safe side, he will go himself.

Soon, the third army found a 3S Qiuyinworm.

When the third army was still trying to subdue it, Ying Jiao stepped forward, stepped on it with one foot, placed the locator in its body with one hand, and sprayed medicine on it with the other hand.

The whole process is done in 3 minutes.

The Third Army, who thought a fierce battle was about to take place: "..."

The first army that came to support:! !
Immediately straightened up - did you see, people from our First Army!

Yingjiao let go of the 3S Qiuyinworm.

The opponent quickly got into the ground.

Nie Yang was a little nervous. He wasn't sure how many worms were in the nest. Although he brought all the people he could mobilize, there were only tens of thousands of worms.

If there are too many worms in the nest, they won't be able to handle it.

At that time, you can only retreat.

Soon, this team followed the positioning on 3S Worm and chased all the way to Nanyuan City.

The insect swarms in Nanyuan City were more frequent than other places, and the third army also guessed that the insect nest was here.It's just that they haven't been able to find a specific location.

Until this time, they followed the positioning all the way to the center of a dense rainforest.

The red dot on the locator does not move.

The lair is underground.

Ying Jiao got out of the car.

After getting everyone ready, she ignited the insect attractant potion.


Countless mound worms scrambled to get out of the ground.

Ying Jiao was standing at the place where the Zergs were most densely populated, driving the mech, and splitting the rushing Qiu Yinworm vertically in half with a single blow of his sword.

The Qiu Yinworm, which was still alive in two, immediately stopped moving.


The teammates around him were all in admiration.

I also want to learn Yingjiao's technique, but I can't do it.

Forget it.

Ying Jiao solved most of the 3S bugs by himself, which greatly reduced the casualties of the military.

Four hours later.

There are no more worms emerging from the ground.

The red dot on the tracker started moving again.

Nie Yang originally planned to have someone stop the worm mother from escaping, but Ying Jiao said, "Let it run away for a while first."

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