All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 334 Too Kind

Nie Yang accepted Ying Jiao's proposal.

When the red dot ran to an open plain that was good for killing insects, Ying Jiao let everyone retreat.

She used the previous method again, making a deep hole in front of the fleeing worm mother, and jumped into it.


Ying Jiao threw the insect mother, which was nearly twice the size of the other insects, on the ground.

Beckon Ugly to come over and do the translation.

"Let it call back all the worms."

"Okay! Master~~"

The Ugly Man talked too much, and he didn't forget the way the Zerg communicated.

Soon Ying Jiao's words were conveyed to the worm mother lying on the ground unable to move.

"Master, it doesn't agree!"

The ugly egg was very angry.

Opening his mouth, he wanted to eat this ignorant insect in one bite.

"Don't rush."

Ying Jiao stopped the ugly egg, she released her spiritual power and invaded the spiritual realm of the worm mother.Then, spread out the mental power net, close it, and strangle it.


Accompanied by the painful scream of the worm mother.

The Qiuyin insects that had been hidden underground and stood still came out in full force.

"Boom boom-"

Ying Jiao let the ugly egg look at the worm mother, while she herself started to work hard to save money.

For a little faster.

Ying Jiao also covered the outer layer of the long sword equipped with the mech with a fire ability.

Even an ugly egg can restrain this fire.

Not to mention these mound worms.

So this time, no matter whether he slashed vertically or horizontally, Ying Jiao was able to send the bug away with one sword.These long worms like to entangle and attack humans, which was a headache for humans before.

But here is Yingjiao.

It's very easy.

With one strike of the sword, a large group can be dealt with.Killing a dozen or so at a time is much faster than killing other insects.

Ying Jiao's actions were quick, and he killed a large area in a short time. The originally flat and open plain soon turned into a mountain of insect corpses.



The sky was bright.


Ying Jiao sent away the last mound worm on the ground with a sword.

This time, the insects in the entire nest were killed.

All eyes were on Ying Jiao, including the Third Army—even their commander-in-chief.

no way.

It's so cool to follow this insect killer, they have brought a whole insect nest in just one night!

This efficiency makes everyone happy.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Ying Jiao walked up to the insect mother.

Even without a nose and eyes, Ying Jiao felt an unprecedented anger from its long, plump body.

It twists.

His mouth was still squeaking.

The ugly egg kicked the worm mother's tail, and when Ying Jiao looked at it, it complained angrily: "Master, it scolded you!!"

After speaking, he kicked the worm angrily.


With a scream from the fat worm mother, another part of its tail fell off.

Ugly ran over to pick it up, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"How does it taste?" Ying Jiao asked it.

"It's okay." The ugly egg said: "But brush with oil, sprinkle some salt and pepper and roast it, sprinkle with chili powder, it will be even better!"

Think of the oily taste.

Ugly couldn't hold back, and wiped his saliva.

This worm is pretty good at eating.

Ying Jiao glanced at it, and then raised the sword.


Another fat tail fell off.

This time the ugly guy rushed forward at the right time, opened his mouth, and said "bajibaji" twice, and he finished off another part.

"Master, it's delicious!" Another slice!
Yingjiao ignored it.

However, a new way of eating was introduced to it-Qiuyinworm sashimi.

Ying Jiao first took out a large basin and poured a five-liter barrel of soy sauce and a tube of half-jin mustard into it.

Then he stepped on Qiu Yinchong's head with one foot, and raised the sword again with the other hand.


A large pot of sashimi with uniform thickness is ready.

Ying Jiao even gave Ugly a pair of chopsticks.

The ugly egg rubbed his little feet.

Can't wait to taste it.

"Oh!! Good! Good! Eat!!!"

The ugly egg's big eyeballs were scorched with two small tears, but even so, its mouth did not stop for a moment.

Soon, it finished its pot amidst the screams of the worm mother.

"Master! This is it!!"

The ugly egg still wants to eat.

Ying Jiao flicked it out of its mind and let it get down to business first - let's see if the worm mother, who is curled up on the ground, is willing to call back the worms all over the planet this time.


The ugly egg stood on the shoulder of Yingjiao's mecha, and ordered the insect mother in a vicious voice-call all your insects back quickly, or I will eat you up!
In his heart, the ugly egg wanted the worm to reject him.

After all it is really delicious!

To its delight - the worm actually refused!
"Master! It doesn't agree!!"

The ugly bastard's joy almost overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he sucked it quickly, but he didn't dare to leave any traces on the master's mecha.

will be beaten.


This time, Ying Jiao didn't fulfill the ugly egg's wish.

She let it play with the basin.

Then put away the long sword on the mecha.

Pick up the worm mother's tail.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" and fell to the ground.

Every time Ying Jiao fell, the ground trembled.

The first army and the third army had a bad sense of balance, so they quickly supported each other so as not to be shaken to the ground.

The screams of the worm mother were endless.

But it remains unwilling to compromise.

Ying Jiao let out a "tsk".

He asked Xia Feng where the pain center of this bug was.

Then along the ground, it was crushed inch by inch.


From a long distance, the first army and the third army could clearly hear the screams of the worm mother.

Everyone couldn't hold back, and wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads with their hands—fortunately, they were their own people, and the major general would not treat them like this.

But everyone is still a little scared.

Especially the third army.

Those who had just been beaten last night almost huddled together in fright—this Major General Ying is too cruel!What on earth were they thinking?I don't believe that the major general can let the worm mother summon those worms back!


It really shouldn't be!

"How about it?"

Just when a group of people were slightly remorseful, Xiao Yihe deliberately walked in front of them, and said with a little hesitation: "Brother Ying is kind to you, right? Everyone, this is all for my sake, Brother Ying I just let you go!"

Indeed, let them go.

But it's hard to say in whose face.

But Nie Yang was also very pleased that his own child could get on such a thigh, he told Xiao Yihe: "Follow others."

"of course!"

Xiao Yihe was very proud.

She secretly told Nie Yang: "Brother Ying told me that after the internship, he will take me to the [-]th Army to gain experience!"

Eleventh Army?
That's not bad!

Nie Yang thought it was ok, but he still told Xiao Yihe to be careful and pay attention to safety. After speaking, he wanted to give Xiao Yihe the bottle of high-grade potion that Ying Jiao gave him.

Xiao Yihe said no.

Brother Ying also gave her a bottle.

Such a big bottle, she can't finish it!

While the two were secretly chatting, Qiu Yinch and the worm mother finally couldn't bear Ying Jiao's torture, and began to summon the worms she had sent to kill humans all over the planet to come back for rescue.

The Qiuyinworms that got the order kept rushing back.

Because it was an emergency recall, all the bugs chose the fastest way - to drill from the ground!
The first is nearby.

The 3S worms drilled the fastest, and when they emerged, they were cut off by Ying Jiao in the blink of an eye.

Followed by 2S, S.

These insects are easier to kill.

Finally, a lot of A-level bugs.

After killing one piece, it will take some time for the worms who went to a distant place to make trouble to come back.

They can rest for two hours.

Ying Jiao asked Ugly Dan to watch the insect mother carefully, while she took out rice, meat, and preserved eggs from the space button, and asked the logistics staff who came to set up a bunch of cauldrons.

Preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

There are also small pickles.

Tens of thousands of people ate with relish.

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