All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 335 Ask Xiaofeng to Help Me Raise

Those who came to kill insects today all ate two big bowls of fragrant preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

We all know the preciousness of ingredients.

So after enjoying one bowl, everyone eats the other bowl with nutrient solution.

In this way, even if they consume a lot after killing the insects and need to eat more, they will still be full.

Eat and drink enough, and then rest for half an hour.

Spirit again!
Killing insects is also powerful!

Nie Yang called in more and more people.

The sun sinks slowly.

After killing insects continuously for a day and a night, everyone felt tired.But fortunately, there are no more insects rushing over.

They finally killed all the bugs!

Ying Jiao walked up to the worm mother and asked if there were any fish that slipped through the net.

The worm mother collapsed on the ground.

Nothing happens.

"Master! Let me eat it!"

The ugly egg is eager to try.

This worm cannot be eaten, so Ying Jiao threw a can of candy to the ugly egg and let it play.

Although Ugly was sorry, he didn't dare to bother to eat worms anymore, so he could only happily hide and eat while holding the sugar bowl.

"Don't want to talk?"

Ying Jiao raised his sword and slowly pierced the worm mother's Achilles' heel.


Another howl of pain.

Then the worm passed out.

Everyone thought it was dead.

But it didn't.

Ying Jiao didn't use her fire ability, so she raised her sword and cut the worm mother in half.The ugly egg watched eagerly—wanted to eat!
But Ying Jiao only gave it a part.

The other half belongs to Teacher Xia Feng.

He wants it too.

When he heard that he was going to share it with Xia Feng, Ugly was reluctant for a while, and said goodbye to the remaining half of his ration.

"But there is only half of this worm left and it can grow again." Looking at the Qiu Yin worm that is still not dead, the ugly egg is very happy: "If there are more Xiaofeng in the future, I will definitely give it to me!"

Think about it this way.

The ugly egg also contributed the part of the dot that he had allocated, and wanted to send it to Xia Feng.

"Master, master!" Ugly Egg raised the worm above his head, and said bouncingly, "Give mine to Xiaofeng too, let him raise it for me! Help me raise it!"


Ying Jiao didn't know when her worm had such a good relationship with the teacher.She turned on the optical brain and conveyed what the ugly guy said to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng said yes.

"Xiaofeng Xiaofeng! My food can be researched for you~"

The ugly egg sent a voice message to Xia Feng.

Very bizarre.

What Teacher Xia Feng replied was also voice.

"Thank you," he said.

Ying Jiao: "..."

So, the teacher's social fear is only aimed at people?
Ying Jiao said that she had already dealt with the worm, and she could ask the people from the First Army to help bring it back to the Imperial City, and the people from the Third Army also promised to help escort it to Xia Feng's research room.

Ying Jiao: "I can arrive in three days at the latest."

Xia Feng: Thank you, student Yingjiao!

This time it was text.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Xia Feng: Hug, sorry! !

Xia Feng: I just, just...

"It's okay, Mr. Xia Feng." Ying Jiao packaged Qiu Yinchong quickly, and said, "I need a batch of potions. If the teacher is free, can you prepare it for me?"

Xia Feng: Yes, yes!
Xia Feng: Student Ying Jiao, just send me the list!


Ying Jiao handed the packed worms to Xiao Yiyun who was going back to the Imperial Capital Star for vacation, and said, "I'm sorry, Second Lieutenant Xiao."

"No need." Xiao Yiyun said, "I should thank you."

If it weren't for Ying Jiao, the third army's mission would have to be carried out for a long time.Needless to say, there were more casualties, and it was impossible for her to take a vacation so soon.

Think of the person who invited you to your house to eat vegetables.

Xiao Yiyun's usually tough gaze softened a little.

"Xiao Yun!"

As soon as Xiao Yiyun turned around, he was pulled away by Xiao Yihe.

This expression.

this action.

Xiao Yiyun took out his wallet very consciously.

"Give you!"

Xiao Yihe avoided people, sneakily stuffed a tube of potion into Xiao Yiyun's hand, and said, "I asked senior sister Sheng Ling to help me make this at a high price. You take it, it's very useful!"

Xiao Yihe had already given Nie Yang the tube, but he still gave two tubes—the other tube was asked to help his grandfather.

Xiao Yiyun didn't expect that this time, she would be stuffed by her cousin.

Strangely, she wasn't happy about it.

Instead, lower your eyes.

The hand holding the wallet trembled twice.

"If, if..." Her voice was hoarse, and it was difficult to speak: "If it's not enough, I can..."

"What's not enough?"

Xiao Yihe was afraid that her potion would be seen by others, there are so many people here, she can't afford to take one by one!

So he quickly asked Xiao Yiyun to put things into the space button.

Xiao Yiyun was not very willing.

The whole person became stubborn and stiff.

Xiao Yihe: "..."

Her head hurts a bit.

He hurriedly taught his cousin the experience that Ying Jiao taught him.

Finally, she said: "If I spend your money again, I will definitely be looked down upon by others! It's fine in the past, but don't drag me down in the future! I want to be a serious partner!"

It turned out to be the case.

Xiao Yiyun reluctantly accepted this reason.

But she still didn't accept the potion, she said: "Sister Yihe, you can keep this potion for yourself."

"No, no, no." Xiao Yihe waved his hand and said, "We all have them! Every time Brother Ying goes on an expedition, Senior Sister Sheng Ling will make a few boxes for her. The students in our class can use them if they are injured!"

In addition to bringing one for each person just in case.

Everyone who is injured can go to Lu Yuan to get it.

Of course, everyone is very conscious. If it is not a serious injury that needs to use Shengling Potion, just use the medicine prepared by yourself, or wait for the military doctor of the Third Army to treat it.

Xiao Yihe: "You don't know, Senior Sister Sheng Ling, Dr. Ruan Yi, and Teacher Xia Feng, they all like to give Brother Ying some self-made nutrient solution or medicine. If we need it, we can all use it!"

Sheng Ling, Ruan Yi, Xia Feng?
After Xiao Yiyun listened, she silently accepted the medicine Xiao Yihe sent.

After fighting side by side with Ying Jiao, Xiao Yiyun, who felt that the other party and the second young master were really suitable, now admires her even more.

Able to have a good relationship with three of the four who are notoriously difficult to get along with.

You should be proud of this man, he is not ordinary.

Not only the force value is admirable, but also the ability to make friends is amazing.

In addition, the leadership skills are also top-notch.

Now not only those in A1 class of the freshman, but even the A1 class of the junior year are under her command.

But one day.

Xiao Yiyun's evaluation of Jiaojiao changed from being barely worthy of the second young master to: All Stars, only she is worthy of the second young master.

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Yihe patted Xiao Yiyun's back heavily, and said, "Go on a date! Don't delay my work here!"

Xiao Yiyun usually would not return to the Imperial Capital even if he was on vacation.

She was both in training with the Third Army.

It won't work if you don't practice.

She suffers even if she doesn't practice for a day.

Now that she is on vacation, she is rushing to the capital city, she must be going on a date!

Xiao Yihe grinned and said, "How about it, is the senior I introduced to you a good fit? Our school's Department of Plant Agronomy has a guaranteed level of vegetable cultivation!"

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