All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 346 Start Cleaning

Finish Lou Zhao's matter.

The meeting continues.

Ying Jiao didn't sit down anymore, and just walked slowly behind these people in the conference room.

As he walked, he said leisurely: "Everyone did not report the situation to the First Army. This is a fact. I am not an unreasonable person. In this way, I will only demote everyone here by two ranks. How about it?"

how is it?

Not much!
Everyone expected that they would be demoted, but they didn't expect to be demoted by two ranks!
Two levels! !
Why?This punishment is too heavy!

Even if they were afraid of Ying Jiao's strength, these people could no longer remain silent. They looked at each other and stood up together.

But, no one dared to speak first.

at last.

The person who mentioned Lou Zhao's situation was the first to say, "Major General Ying, isn't this punishment too severe? We..."

"Your task is to try to protect every interstellar citizen."

Ying Jiao stopped in his tracks, stared at him, and said, "Because of your inaction, how many people died in the Seventh Army and the Seventh Army's jurisdiction, do I need to emphasize this again?"

Her voice was a little muffled.

Every word he uttered felt oppressive.

Ying Jiao: "Jiang Hongfei didn't take full precautions. In your position, you obviously have many opportunities to tell Marshal Wu Yuanzhong what he did. But you didn't. You watched Wu Yuan repeat his stupidity, and watched the Seventh Army So many people died meaninglessly on the front line because of his hubris!"

"Is the punishment too severe?"

Ying Jiao sneered, and said: "It is the result of my kindness that I didn't kick you out to accompany Wu Yuanzhong!"

She removed the gravity belt.

"Boom!" Throw it on the table.

"Crack" "Boom—" the table collapsed.

Ying Jiao smiled coolly and said, "It happens that you all have objections, and I also like to reason. Then, let's all go to the simulation room to see whoever speaks is the truth."

After speaking, regardless of whether these people agreed or not, they all took them to the simulation room.

Everyone went obediently.

Don't go.

If you don't go, the First Army next to you will invite you to go!
Soon, the simulation room will arrive.

Ying Jiao, who didn't have a gravity belt, crushed and killed these dozen people four times in 10 minutes.Ying Jiao stopped after killing everyone without any dissatisfaction with the demotion.

"I like the rules of the Seventh Army."

Ying Jiao put on the gravity belt again, and said with great regret: "It's a pity that I plan to change the rules, otherwise...heh."


Everyone fell silent.

Mainly not to say.

The strength of this person is too terrifying, they are afraid of being killed.

"Oh, right."

Ying Jiao turned around and faced the crowd.

Her expression was a bit stern, and just when these people thought she was going to come up with some way to reason, Ying Jiao smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I just want to give you a chance to redeem your sins."

Ying Jiao led the people back to the meeting room.

Let Xiao Yihe give each of them a piece of paper and a pen.

"Let's write." Ying Jiao said: "Write down the names of the people you know that I should clean up. Write in more detail."

need cleaning?

They do know a lot.

But can you tell?
In case Wu Yuanzhong is still in the Seventh Army after what they said, then they...

"Everyone should think clearly."

Ying Jiao turned the ring on her hand.


Still decided not to do anything anymore, just said: "How Jiang Hongfei was imprisoned, I don't think everyone has forgotten?"

Of course I didn't forget!

Jiang Hongfei was maimed by this man!Even after the Ninth Army's all-out treatment, he was in a coma for more than ten days before waking up.

For more than ten days, no one in the Ninth Army took charge of the overall situation.

That's why the Ninth Army...

Thinking of this, everyone raised their pens one after another.

Compared with Wu Yuanzhong, this person is obviously more terrifying.They were able to hold the position of lieutenant general in the Seventh Army because they knew the current affairs.

But now the best choice is undoubtedly to cooperate with Ying Jiao.

These people are very good at fooling Wu Yuanzhong.

They can easily deal with their bosses.

But Ying Jiao is not Wu Yuanzhong. The moment several people's pens touched the paper, she added slowly: "I forgot to remind everyone. I am one of Qianzheng's bosses. Lu Qingyang, Qu Fei, They are my employees."

Few people who have achieved this position in the military have never heard of the name Lu Qingyang.

Therefore, everyone understood what Ying Jiao said.

Forget it, even if there is something wrong with Qu Fei, he is still a law-abiding person; but Lu Qingyang is different, he is really crazy...

Thinking of what Lu Qingyang did when he was young and vigorous, everyone present trembled in unison.

When writing again, everyone was a lot more solemn.

Racked my brains and finished writing.

He also checked it several times, for fear that some mistakes and omissions would be discovered and Lu Qingyang would be caught.

two hours later.

Finally finished writing.

carry out an assignment!

Ying Jiao looked at it, and some of the answers were very unified, so these few people should be taken care of.Another small part...

Ying Jiao scanned everything into text and sent it to Qin Yin.

As Lu Xingyao's assistant, Qin Yin learned a lot from Lu Xingyao's side, and doing these things now is easy.

But half an hour.

The information of those people with the same answer came to Ying Jiao.

Ying Jiao asked Xiao Yihe to print out a few more copies, so that everyone in the conference room would have a copy.

This information is very detailed.

As long as there are some traces on the interstellar network, they have been found and listed on it.Even if some things were destroyed, they were all restored.

Those who read the materials broke out in cold sweat.

Everyone is very worried, whether Ying Jiao will check himself like this.

They looked at Ying Jiao.

But Ying Jiao didn't speak, just smiled mysteriously.

Then, in front of everyone, he ordered the First Army to arrest him.

It was unusually quiet in the huge conference room.

These people, who were worried about being cleaned up again, even tried their best to breathe carefully.

After a while.

Ying Jiao smiled lightly, and said slowly, "You don't have to be so serious, if you still have any doubts in your mind, you can discuss it with your colleagues, so as not to miss anything..."

yes yes yes!

It's time to discuss!

More than a dozen people nodded quickly, gathered together, and murmured.

two hours later.

Another list was handed in.

Along with the list, there is also the information sent by Qin Yin.

Originally, Ying Jiao didn't want to trouble Lu Xingyao, after all, he has been very busy recently.But after Qin Yin revealed the news to him, Lu Xingyao said: This is the first time my sister is doing such a powerful job, and he wants to help!

Not only did he want to help himself, but Lu Xingyao also pulled over Lu Qingyang who was not so busy when he didn't get the materials.

Three together.

In two hours, everyone on the list was checked up and down.

Give the new list to a few people.

Ying Jiao read all the documents carefully again.While watching, she asked Xiao Yihe to write down some names.

The material several meters high should be seen in the middle of the night.

Close the last one.

Ying Jiao quickly integrated and processed all the information in his mind.

At two o'clock in the morning, the third list was released.

Check again.

Batch after batch of people were sent to military disarmament tribunals.

Seven in the morning.

Ji Hanyu sent someone to bring breakfast to Ying Jiao, and told her to go to bed early.

Ying Jiao drank three boxes of nutrient solution, and drank a refreshment potion.Then, she half-lyed on the chair and closed her eyes.

Between the lips.

Slowly spit out the names of some people.

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