All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 347 Is a Silly White Sweet

at noon.

After numerous reviews, nearly ten thousand people from the Seventh Army were arrested.This is still the result of Yingjiao letting go of some insignificant fish and shrimps. If all the people who passed the review were arrested, there would be tens of thousands of people.

"These are punished according to the regulations; this one, bring it to me."

The one Ying Jiao mentioned later was the one who informed Wu Yuanzhong and Jiang Hongfei.

At the beginning, Lou Zhao was well prepared. If he hadn't been betrayed, his actions would not have been discovered.

The result can be...


The former lieutenant generals who were forced to stay in the meeting room with Ying Jiao to purge the Seventh Army couldn't help shaking when they heard Ying Jiao's request.

But one day.

This young acting general cleaned up the entire Seventh Army.The other party is as meticulous as a pen and has a photographic memory. After reading the information, even some corners and corners can be dug out!

This speed, this means.

I'm afraid he can't even compare to the Marshal!
I heard that this person has some relationship with the Second Young Master... Everyone looked at the ring that Ying Jiao kept turning when he was upset.

If so.

After that...

Everyone lowered their eyes and warned themselves in their hearts: Don't provoke this person!
Having the rights of the Ji family, being associated with people like Lu Qingyang, and most importantly, his own strength is terrifying to the point of horror - this is simply invincible!

Such a person, looking at the whole star, who would dare to provoke him?

Anyway, they dare not!

Soon, the person who exposed Lou Zhao to Wu Yuanzhong was brought into the meeting room.

The meeting room just changed to a new table, and there were many people sitting beside it.

Everyone looked at the young man brought up by the First Army.

This is Lou Zhao's former friend, Chai Yin.

By virtue of stabbing a friend, he became the colonel of the Seventh Army.

"Lieutenant generals." Chai Yin, who was brought to the meeting room, looked blank, as if he didn't know why he was brought here.

He concealed his inner panic well.

Looking up, he asked innocently, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Ying Jiao didn't sleep for a long time.

Xiao Ji had already urged her several times. She didn't want to talk nonsense with this man, so she beckoned directly to let the interrogators of the First Army come on stage.

Then, she said to the others in the meeting room: "If you can't bear it, you can go out first. Those who don't want to watch can go back."

She finished.

No one left.

Then start.

These interrogators are professional, and Chai Yin suffered a lot when they first got started.

In bursts of screams.

Chai Yin finally stopped pretending and began to beg for mercy.But just when he was about to plead guilty, he was suddenly speechless.

Chai Yin's eyes were full of horror.

three hours later.

Ying Jiao opened his eyes.

She raised her hand to signal the interrogators to stop, then walked slowly to Chai Yin, "How are you, are you willing to explain?"

Someone who can backstab a friend.

Chai Yin is not a tough guy.

He obviously wanted to plead guilty from the very beginning.

But he didn't have this chance.

He was tortured repeatedly for three hours. His screams made his vocal cords dumb, and the interrogators stopped.

Everyone can see it.

Yingjiao is intentional.

The remaining former lieutenant generals are fortunate again: they are more sensible.Now, being demoted two grades is no longer a severe punishment for them, as Ying Jiao said—it was indeed the result of her kindness.


They have also seen Wu Yuanzhong punish Lou Zhao many times before.Wu Yuanzhong not only tortures people, but also laughs and abuses people without quality.

It was very uncomfortable to watch.

But this one is different.

She was very calm the whole time, and even closed her eyes indifferently after glancing at Guang's head halfway through.Everyone thought she was silently waiting for the First Army's interrogation to end.

But actually.

It was Ying Jiao who once again received a message from classmate Xiao Ji urging her to rest, but Ying Jiao had no choice but to sleep and wait.

Before, Ying Jiao would close her eyes when recalling the information, so no one suspected that she was actually sleeping openly in front of them.

After she opened her eyes.

Exactly three hours.

Chai Yin nodded hurriedly.

"I said! I said!!"

Regardless of the burning and painful vocal cords, Chai Yin hurriedly confessed the mistakes he had made.

Big and small, even some trivial matters have been explained.But he just concealed his secret informant.


Ying Jiao smiled lightly.

Turn around, "Continue."

The interrogator gave Chai Yin another potion.

Ying Jiao sat on the chair, just closed his eyes, "Major General, Doctor Sheng Ling is here."


Ying Jiao got up, handed this place over to Xiao Yihe, and went to see Sheng Ling herself.

It wasn't just Sheng Ling who came.

And Xi Qingke, Liang Xu, Liang Si, and... Lan Cheng?
Lan Teng, who was following Sheng Ling, made Ying Jiao a little puzzled. What is this person doing on the front line if he is not making money in the capital city?
Under Ying Jiao's skeptical gaze, Lan Teng's smile remained unchanged, and he explained: "Dr. Sheng was preparing for an important project of the company. I was worried that something might happen to her, so I came together."

Ying Jiao could see the reluctance behind his smile.

Also smiled.

Said: "Boss Lan came just in time."

She called Liang Wenxun over.

Tell the other party: "Treat Mr. Lan well, don't let him be bored."

"Brother Ying, don't worry!" Liang Wenxun patted his chest and assured, "I'll take Mr. Lan to experience our special projects!"

What special projects can the first line have?
Of course it is insecticide!

Lan Ling realized this and quickly hid behind Sheng Ling.The forced smile on his face was almost unstoppable, he said to Jiao Jiao: "Major General Ying, I don't know how to kill insects."

"Mr. Lan even has a mecha certificate, how can he not kill insects?"

No matter how unwilling Lan Teng is.

Ying Jiao let Liang Wenxun take him away.

"School girl..."

Sheng Ling was a little embarrassed, after all, Lan Teng came with her.If something happens to him, then she...

"Don't worry, sister." Ying Jiao said, "Just let Boss Lan experience it." So that he will know how to choose when faced with choices in the future.

She promised: "I will send someone to protect him. And even if something happens, you are here, senior, just to save him."


Sheng Ling is persuaded by Ying Jiao.

Xi Qingke who came back with Sheng Ling: "..."

She doesn't understand.

And was shocked.

In her dream, Xi Qingke met Sheng Yu, a household with social difficulties, and Ruan Yi, the head of dark cooking, and she even met Xia Feng, a social fear.Only the aloof Sheng Ling, who has been soaking in the laboratory all the time, is even older than her father, Xi Qingke has never seen him before.

Before meeting the other party, Xi Qingke guessed that the other party might be like her father, a taciturn and aloof beauty obsessed with medicine.

But after seeing me.

High cold is high cold.

Beauty is also beauty.

There is nothing wrong with being obsessed with medicine.

But, I always feel that something is wrong!

Now, Xi Qingke finally figured it out - this master who will become famous all over the world for his super recovery potion in the future is actually a fool!

Under the seemingly glamorous appearance, there is actually a senior who is fooled into believing by the teacher's mouth.

Xi Qingke: "..."

She knew why the teacher asked Lan Ting to go to the front line.

Because in the future, the Lan family will be the biggest minions of the Zerg.

Blue Teng...

Xi Qingke remembers: he turned against the wind when Lan Qi was the first to join the Zerg and gained the upper hand, and became the head of the Lan family.

The Lan family is not clean, Lan Teng, who will be the head of the Lan family in the future...

Xi Qingke thought: Did the teacher just want to take the opportunity to get rid of Lan Ting?

Ying Jiao felt that there was something wrong with the way Xi Qingke looked at her, so she stretched out her hand and flicked her head, interrupting her wild thoughts, and ordered: "Go and help Xiao Lu!"

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