After eating, Ying Jiao had no intention of continuing to entertain Liang Xu.

Liang Xu didn't care either.

He just followed behind her silently.

Ying Jiao drank another refreshing potion, and then handed over the rest of the Seventh Army to Lu Yuan, and she went to the front line to check on Lan Teng's situation.

Was sent to the front line for nearly an hour.

Lan Teng has already killed several S-class Zerg.

Because of Wu Yuanzhong, the situation of the Seventh Army is more instructive than other jurisdictions.Wu Yuanzhong looked down on the logistics department, so he greatly reduced the expenditure of the logistics department, causing the entire Seventh Army to be in chaos.

More than just headquarters.

Even the front lines.

There are undisposed corpses everywhere, human and Zerg, all mixed together.Although Lu Yuan had issued an order yesterday to approve a sum of money for the logistics department to clean up the battlefield, the purchased equipment has not yet arrived, so the logistics department is temporarily helpless about this situation.

Lan Teng was rich in food and clothing since he was a child.

Never seen such a scene.

The first time he came here, he began to think repeatedly in his mind: Where did he offend Ying Jiao?
Lan Teng is not someone who cannot bear hardships.

After realizing that Ying Jiao must let him be beaten here, he didn't try to escape in a whimsical way, but tried hard to accept the status quo.

As the best candidate of the Lan family's generation, Lan Teng's strength is not weak.

Soon, under the guidance of Liang Wenxun, he killed a S worm.

Killing and killing, the number of Zerg did not decrease but increased.

And it's not just the numbers that have increased.

And grades.

There are more and more 2S bugs.

Lan Teng and his teammates around him cooperated and killed one after another.At this moment, Lan Teng began to rejoice: he has the habit of exercising on time.Otherwise, he will definitely lag behind today.

"Boss Lan, you did a good job."

Ying Jiao walked leisurely to Lan Teng's side while he was resting, and handed him a physical recovery potion.

Lan Teng hesitated for a while, but drank it anyway.

"When can I go?" he asked.


Ying proudly smiled.

You look like you're talking nonsense.

Said: "Mr. Lan didn't see the Zergs everywhere? Neither the Seventh Army nor the First Army left. Mr. Lan is alone. Where do you want to go?"

Lan Teng:?
He thought that Ying Jiao was just trying to punish him, but he didn't expect that she would actually come for it!

"Major General Ying..." Lan Teng tried to let Ying Jiao know, "I'm just a helpless businessman, not someone from the military."

He really only makes money, not kills insects!

Should be proud regardless.

She said that Lan Teng could kill insects, so he had to know how to kill insects.

Not only did he not want to send Lan Teng back, but he also casually threatened the other party: "If Mr. Lan is not good at killing insects later, then I will tell my senior sister that Lan is always a useless bastard who can't even kill a small Zerg." Such a weak chicken is definitely not a good partner worth entrusting for life."

Lan Teng: "..."

The calm smile on his face finally couldn't be maintained.

"Major General Ying." He gritted his teeth and asked, "Where did I offend you?"


Ying Jiao leisurely drank the nutrient solution made by Ruan Yi, and said, "Boss Lan didn't offend me in any way, I just want you to know, Boss Lan, why you can enjoy yourself safely in Xingan, the imperial capital."

Lan Teng: "..."

He is not the only rich man who knows how to enjoy himself!Why only for him?
"Major General Ying..." In fact, Lan Teng already knew the result, but he still wanted to struggle, saying, "I'm just a businessman..."

"Oh." Ying Jiao said, "I know."

It's time for Lan Teng's 10-minute break.

Ying Jiao took out the mecha, and her usual casual expression became a little cold, she said, "That's why I came to protect Mr. Lan in person."

protect him?
Lan Teng didn't believe a single punctuation mark.


As soon as Ying Jiao arrived, he took Lan Teng and ran to the center of the insect swarm.

Lan Cheng:! ! !
Even if he is used to the big wind and waves in the mall, he still has to say at this moment——it's so f*cking scary!
Surrounded by 3S bugs that he had never killed before.

The defense is unheard of.

However, what is even more frightening is: Ying Jiao actually hacked one of them to death with a single strike!
This is not counting.

After chopping, she quickly kicked sideways, and dealt with another one in the next second.

Just like that, the interns beside him also sighed: This time there is no Qiu Yinworm to kill, otherwise Yingjiao/Junior girl can be faster!
Lan Teng: "..."

Although I already knew that this partner's combat power was amazing, but I never thought that it would be so heaven-defying!

After an afternoon of fighting, the team led by Ying Jiao successfully killed the insect mother.

The power of the Zerg has been greatly reduced.

Ying Jiao didn't continue, but threw Lan Teng to kill the insects.

The equipment ordered by the logistics department was delivered, and after a round of rough cleaning of the battlefield, the stench and unpleasant smell were no longer there.

Injured residents were accommodated in temporary shelters.

Too many people can be hurt.

Especially before they were given up by Wu Yuanzhong, even if they were not seriously injured when they were first injured, many of them are already terminally ill.

Treating them requires a lot of money.

"Save us! Commander, save us!!"

Walking into the temporary hospital, a large number of people wanted to stand up and stop Ying Jiao regardless of his injuries.Or persecution, or request, or threat, let Yingjiao must not give up on them.

The medical staff couldn't stop it at all.

Thousands of people swarmed forward.

Not just the injured, but their families as well.

There are also residents who were displaced because of Wu Yuan's willful and reckless behavior.

Gradually, even the officers around Ying Jiao could hardly resist them.

"Major General, please leave first!"

Everyone protects Ying Jiao and goes first.

But should be proud.

She opened her mouth lightly and said, "The medicine is in short supply now."

Ying Jiao's voice was not very loud.

But strangely, everyone heard it.

Ying Jiao said: "If you let all the medicine on your body go to waste, I don't guarantee that the military department will provide you with a second dose of medicine."

As soon as this word comes out.

The wounded patient and his family members were quiet, and quickly covered the wound, and lay back with the support of his family members.

Then, there are the homeless residents.

Ying Jiao said: "We have already contacted the Liang family, and they will help you rebuild your home as before. But everyone should know the rules, line up first, and then register."

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the people quickly retreated and lined up consciously.

While doing so.

But everyone did not fully listen to Ying Jiao's words.

They asked: "Will the Liang family really come? We heard that General Wu had forbidden them to come here long ago!"

"The Seventh Army has no generals."

Ying Jiao said, "I will take over the Seventh Army now."

Amid the shocked gazes of the crowd, she introduced herself lightly to the crowd: "The First Army should be arrogant, temporarily acting as the general of the Seventh Army. Until all the Zergs are wiped out, the future life of all residents in the jurisdiction will be changed." Guarantee—after the entire Seventh Army is stabilized, the First Army will send people to take over all matters here again."

First Army?
It turned out to be a member of the First Army!
Residents don't believe in the Seventh Army, but the First Army will always be their patron saint.

My heart, which was still restless just now, calmed down a lot in an instant.

Gradually, some people boldly raised their own doubts.

Ying Jiao answered some meaningful questions.

By the way, let the wounded who are free and able to move to publicize the changes in the Seventh Army, so that their relatives and friends don't panic.

To appease people's hearts, Ying Jiao is also handy.

After all, seeing a lot in the last days, Ying Jiao knows exactly what they need, and how to say it, they will cooperate with the work of the Seventh Army.

It's not difficult.

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