All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 350 Jealousy Makes Me Ugly

Should be proud of doing these.

Liang Xu has been quietly watching her from the side.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, and his expression was full of pride.

Ying Jiao, who accidentally caught a glimpse of his reaction: "..."

This man is so strange.

Just now too.When the residents rushed up just now, he subconsciously wanted to stand in front of her. If Liang Si hadn't grabbed him in time to stop his movement, Ying Jiao felt that he would be very embarrassed.

Suddenly, she regretted using the Liang family.

In addition to seeking funding from the First Army and allowing the Liang family to resume their old business, there is no other way to rebuild the planets in the jurisdiction.It's just a little troublesome.

It also takes longer.

But, it's better than now!
What happened to Liang Xu?

He can't be the father of this body!

Suddenly, Ying Jiao was taken aback by his conjecture.

In the last days, the word father means nothing to her.But this is Interstellar, and the humans in Interstellar... seem to treat their children quite differently.

Even Zhu Yi who dislikes Zhu Xingchen every day, is a kind old father in his heart.

Ying Jiao also has a father in the last days.

But now she can hardly remember what the other party looks like.

Very strange.

Obviously she has a good memory.

"I say!"

When Liang Xu followed him again, Ying Jiao finally couldn't hold back and asked him, "You know I hate the Liang family, right?"

More than annoying.

Liang Xu knew that she had no chance, and if she had the chance, she would definitely bring down the Liang family without mercy.

Just like treating the Jiang family.

As long as she catches her, the Liang family will be the second Jiang family.

"I know." The expression on Liang Xu's face remained unchanged, as gentle and refined as ever."That's who you are," he said.

Hate sin.

Show no mercy to the bad guys.

In her eyes, she is also a bad person.

His reaction made Ying Jiao choke for a moment.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I'm not the one you expected!"

Ying Jiao didn't know what was going on with this body before.If there were people in this body before, and after she died, she occupied this body.

And Liang Xu misunderstood himself as her again.

Isn't that too bloody?

Liang Xu:?
Ying Jiao's words stunned him for a moment.

Afterwards, he smiled and said softly, "I know. This July is your first time here."

Ying Jiao: "..."

She frowned, and then her expression became a little complicated.

Ying Jiao's lips parted, but in the end he left without saying anything.

For the next month, Ying Jiao went around killing insects on various planets in the Seventh Army where the insect infestation broke out.If the situation is not urgent, she will lead someone to kill the insect mother and leave; if the situation is urgent, she will spend a few more days to kill all the insects before leaving.

But in January.

Everyone in the Seventh Army should be proud of this acting general.Everyone knows that it was Ying Jiao who saved the Seventh Army, so that all those who suffered due to Wu Yuanzhong's arbitrariness in the Seventh Army could see the light again!

A month later.

The Seventh Army gradually stabilized.

It's time for Ying Jiao's internship.

School is about to start.

Ying Jiao found classmate Xiao Ji and discussed with him, "Student Xiao Ji, can you ask my brother for a favor?"

Ying Jiao asked Zhu Xingbai.

On the planet Xi Qingke mentioned that had the Red Crow, no trace of Zerg has been found yet.Ying Jiao has no evidence, so he just asks Ji Chunsi for help, but the other party will definitely not agree.

So she could only ask classmate Xiao Ji for help.

Although she really wanted to help Ying Jiao, Ji Hanyu didn't rush to nod.

He first asked, "I'm looking for brother, what's the matter?"

"It's not difficult." Ying Jiao said, "I just want to go to the Eleventh Army for an internship..."

She wasn't telling the truth.

Ji Hanyu found out right away.

He looked at Ying Jiao calmly.

Ying Jiao immediately stood up straight and let him look at her.

"You." Ji Hanyu pursed her lips several times before finally asking out the thought that had just flashed by just now.He asked Ying Jiao: "Do you want to go back and see Wen Yuan?"

Wen wish?

Ying Jiao looked bewildered.

She thought hard.

I finally recalled: Oh, it was the boy from the litchi garden.

"Why should I go to see him?" Ying Jiao was very puzzled.

Seeing her like this, Ji Hanyu knew that it had nothing to do with that delicate young man.

"Yeah." Ji Hanyu said, "Let me ask for you."

Classmate Xiao Ji agreed.

Ying Jiao:?
So what did he mean just now?
Ji Hanyu turned around and dialed Ji Chunsi's video call.

As a qualified younger brother, when he heard that his younger brother wanted to ask him for help, he agreed without even thinking about it.

But then what did he hear?
Why did he help Yingjiao submit the call file!

He can't.

He disagrees!

He doesn't want to help! !

Ji Chunsi really wanted to regret it, but in the face of his well-behaved and cute younger brother, he couldn't regret it no matter what.

"Yes! Proud!!"

Ji Chunsi knew that that bastard Ying Jiao must have sent his brother here!
He gritted his teeth and called Ying Jiao's name, for a moment, he forgot that he was in video chat with his lovely brother.

"elder brother."

Seeing her elder brother like this, Ji Hanyu walked a little further away with her optical brain.


He said, "Brother, don't do this."

What about me?
What about me!
The cute younger brother is on Ying Jiao's side, Ji Chunsi is very jealous.But under the quiet eyes of his younger brother, he still put away his sour face.

"What does it matter?" Ji Chunsi said, "Anyway, she doesn't want to enter our house!"

Ji Chunsi is different from Ji Xun.

Before, Ji Xun just hated that Ying Jiao didn't say anything to his precious son, he only did some misleading things to catch his son, and he kept hiding from the military affairs, for fear that he would be contaminated.Later, the misunderstanding was resolved, Ying Jiao proposed to his son, and became so diligent again.Ji Xun was beyond satisfied with her.

Especially should be proud of the handling of the Seventh Army.

Ji Xun couldn't be more satisfied.

Now I can't wait to tell the whole world: Ying Jiao will be a member of his Ji family in the future!
And Ji Chunsi...

He didn't have as much thoughtfulness as his father from the beginning, he hated Ying Jiao, but simply hated that she would marry his younger brother away.

It would be fine if Ying Jiao married in.

But she is not!

She is going to marry her lovely brother!

Therefore, unless Ying Jiao gave up her family status, Ji Chunsi's dislike for her has no explanation.

"Brother." Ji Hanyu pursed her lower lip and said, "I like Ying Jiao, so don't hate her."

My younger brother rarely speaks.

Originally, Ji Chunsi should be happy after talking so many words to himself - if the cute brother didn't talk to him for so long for the sake of arrogance.

"Yuyu..." Ji Chunsi turned out the old calendar aggrievedly, and complained, "She is not a good person! She doesn't even know her identity..."

The more Ji Chunsi talked, the more unhappy his brother became.

So the sound became smaller and smaller.

"elder brother."

For the first time in his life, Ji Hanyu frowned at Ji Chunsi, and his voice was serious.He said: "I know what kind of person Ying Jiao is, she is very good. If brother doesn't like her, we will rarely appear in front of brother in the future."

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