All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 364 This Miraculous Transformation

Chapter 364 This Miraculous Transformation
"I see."

Although I still hate pride.

But the love for his younger brother made him hypnotize himself: Ying Jiao is not bad, Ying Jiao is not bad, Ying Jiao is not bad...

When you open your eyes again.

Although still a bit reluctant, when Ji Chunsi thought of Ying Jiao, his friendly attitude towards her was not so stiff anymore.

"Ying, that person Ying Jiao, she...she..."

Ji Chunsi originally wanted to boast and be proud.

to express their determination.

But for a while, I really can't find anything good to say.

He put out all the infuriating words that he usually heard: "She became a lieutenant general at a young age, not to mention her combat prowess, and the people she made friends with are also good. She is smart and has a leader's demeanor." , the future achievements will definitely...definitely..."

Say more.

Ji Chunsi's cheeks became more sour.

Gradually, his whole body became sour.


He can't go on!

"Just, still, not bad!"

Ji Chunsi finished quickly, and then looked at his younger brother helplessly.

"Thank you, bro."

Ji Hanyu knew that he had tried his best.

He didn't force it any more, and even took the initiative to give him a hug.

Just a little bit.

Just let Ji Chunsi, who had been struggling just now, come back to life.

"It's nothing, I should do it!" Ji Chunsi tried his best to suppress the corners of his lips.After his younger brother left, he was finally able to say something sincerely in an extremely small voice: "That person is okay..."

The younger brother is emotionally restrained.

To be able to get this hug today is also thanks to someone...


Now Ji Chunsi couldn't be too happy, he didn't even feel disgusted when he thought of Ying Jiao.

very nice.

The younger brother hugged him.

Brother still loves him!

"Why are there so many?"

Ying Jiao looked at the manpower assigned to him by the 100th Army, which was [-] more than what Ji Chunsi had promised.

Compared with the millions of people in a large-scale battle, although the extra 100 people is not enough to see, it is enough to surprise Ying Jiao.

After all, this is the man assigned to her by Ji Chunsi!
That Ji Chunsi who disliked her as soon as they met and gritted his teeth when he saw her!

"What did you do?" Ying Jiao quietly asked Xiao Ji, who was next to him.

Ji Chunsi can make this change.

Except that Xiao Ji doesn't want to do what he thinks.

And classmate Xiao Ji just stayed in Ji Chunsi's office for a while, it must be something he did that made Ji Chunsi start to show a little bit of kindness to her.

"Did not do anything."

Ji Hanyu frowned, not really wanting to tell Ying Jiao what she said before.

Because... a little shame.

He tilted his head.

The roots of the ears are a little red.

This made Ying Jiao realize very quickly: he must have said good things about her!

I didn't really want to ask about it.

But now, she really wants to know!
Even on the battleship, I kept pestering him, wanting to hear classmate Xiao Ji praise himself in person.

"Actually, it's nothing..."

Ji Hanyu was a little helpless by her entanglement, so she could only tell the other party: "I just told my brother how important you are to me."

In fact, only part of it was said.

There are a lot more.

He corresponds to proud love.

Couldn't say it out loud.

"Is that so?" Ying Jiao touched his chin and asked, "You told him you love me?"

The words fall.

He also pretended not to care and carefully stared at classmate Xiao Ji.

For fear that he would deny it.

Ji Hanyu: "..."

Probably, almost.

So he nodded slightly.

So Yingjiao was happy.

I was so excited that I walked around in the lounge for a few times, and finally I couldn't hold back, and hugged Xiao Ji again and kissed him hard.

"I love you too!" she said.

Because of the excitement in his heart, he said it directly without even stuttering.

As soon as he finished speaking, he met Xiao Ji's slightly surprised eyes.

Ying Jiao: "..."

After realizing it, I began to blush.

"Then, that, that..."

Ying Jiao's hand seemed to be scalded, and she let go instantly.

People also start to retreat.

"Hugs, sorry... I, I, I, I...?"

She only took two steps back, and then couldn't move back.

Ying Jiao glanced at him in panic.


It turned out that he had already retreated to the sofa in the corner, and there was no way out any further.

Yingjiao froze.

But at this time, classmate Xiao Ji even pushed her.

Ying Jiao:? ? ?
Before she could react, she was pinned down on the sofa by classmate Xiao Ji.

Ying Jiao:! ! !
Oh? --Oh. --Oh! !
No no no!

Be proud to stand up.

She had decided to save the fun for her wedding day.

Not yet!

Yingjiao repeatedly jumps between "follow" and "not follow" and "reverse push" and "enjoy in advance" and "want to enjoy in advance".

Originally, she was very firm in her will to respect classmate Xiao Ji.

But the beauty is in her arms.

She probably seemed as if... might be overwhelmed!

"You should be proud..."

Ji Hanyu blushed surprisingly.

The rich rose fragrance exploded with an unprecedented sweetness.

Ying Jiaoguang felt a little elated when he smelled it.

Xiao Ji's hand was still holding the clothes on her shoulders.

Hold on tight.

A long time passed after that.

Classmate Xiao Ji didn't speak any more, and didn't do anything else.

The sweetness in the fragrance of roses has not retreated in the slightest.

Ying Jiao hesitated for a moment, then put his arms around Xiao Ji's waist and hugged him in his arms.

Neither of them spoke any more.

Just hug each other quietly, let the other person's scorching temperature be captured and felt by yourself through the clothes.

three hours later.

The warship has reached its destination.

Both Ying Jiao and Ji Hanyu came out of the lounge as if nothing happened.

"lead the way."

Ying Jiao raised his chin and let Xi Qingke go ahead.

"……is teacher."

I don't know if it was his own illusion, but Xi Qingke felt that the teacher seemed to be in a good mood.

Because of Red Crow?


Although the red crow is extremely precious, but the teacher can dig a few pieces from those families with profound backgrounds.

A mere piece of Red Crow would not make the teacher so happy.

Xi Qingke took another sneak peek.

Discovery: As long as the teacher looks at the second young master, the originally well-disguised expression will be exposed, the corners of the lips are raised high, and he is not angry when he finds that he is peeking.

so amazing! !

Xi Qingke was amazed.

Then he quickly shifted his gaze to avoid being recorded by the sometimes very cautious teacher.

"right here."

On the planet map of Y41, Xi Qingke pointed out the approximate location where he found the Red Crow in his dream.

She was a little nervous.

Those nightmares that once made her desperate, whether they were illusory reveries or mysterious and mysterious doors, will be revealed soon.

"This is a lake, very deep."

The officer of the Eleventh Army stationed on Y41 frowned, "Many people have drowned in this lake, and the locals think it is unlucky, so few people go there."

He came to guide Ying Jiao and the others.

This is the advantage of having the passport of the Eleventh Army. Not only will there not be too many obstacles on the sailing route, but after arriving at the place, there will be people who are familiar with the terrain to guide them.


Ying Jiao didn't care what was auspicious or inauspicious, after he casually glanced at the large lake, he said, "Go and have a look."

She came here by transmigrating herself, so she still believed in Xi Qingke's dreams.

In addition, the officer who led the way said that people often drowned in that lake, so he was a little more sure about the problems under the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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