All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 365 The Wu Yi I Seeed

Chapter 365 The Wu Yi I Seeed

The location Xi Qingke mentioned is still a lake.

The water is deep.

It also occupies a large area.

The Eleventh Army stationed here said that this is the largest lake on Y41.

"right here."

Everyone stopped by the lake.

The officer leading the way said: "Everyone, be careful, this place is very dangerous, please don't fall."

Just finished speaking.

There was a muffled sound of "gudong" in my ear.

The officer was taken aback.

I thought it was someone who was so disobedient and insisted on taking risks.

As a result, I turned around and looked.

Everyone is fine.

And the water surface here is still very calm, it doesn't look like someone has fallen.

so far so good……

But just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he found circles of weak water waves slowly swaying from below.

Leading officer: "..."

He felt a lump in his heart.

He quickly turned his head to Yingjiao and said, "I'm sorry, Lieutenant General Ying, I'll go and have a look first!"


Ying Jiao also brought others along.

It didn't take long for everyone to walk along the center of the ripple.

A few children who may be about the same age as Xi Qingke were found by the lake.

"You guys!" The leading officer hurriedly took out the simple detector, and found that no one had fallen, so he was finally relieved: "What are you doing here!"

Probably frightened by the voice just now, his tone was a bit harsh.

Several children shrank together in fear.

One of them is a little more courageous, it should be the head.Try to stand up straight, stretch your neck, and say: "We, we are here to explore!"


This reason for beating caused the officer's forehead to twitch.

Then, his tone became more fierce: "The parents didn't tell you that this place is very dangerous, why not come?"

"We are not afraid of danger! We are warriors!"

"Warrior?" The officer was about to laugh angrily. He took out his optical brain and said, "I'll call your parents over here!"

Let's see if you are still warriors!
As soon as I hear it, I want to call my parents.

The children in the back were scared, they pulled the clothes of the children in front, and whispered that they wanted to leave.

Apparently he was worried about being beaten by his family.

But the kid in front was unmoved.

He doesn't go.

"Then, boss, let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, the next few all slipped away.

They were all caught by members of the Eleventh Army before they even took two steps.It is not safe for them to go back by themselves, so they have to stay here and wait for their family members to come and collect them.

I still have to call my parents.

A few people couldn't hold back, and cried out with a "wow".

While crying, he said that he was wrong, hoping to let them go.

The voices of these people are not small.

Crying scared the birds in this area away.


Ying Jiao pushed Xi Qingke with his foot, "Go, tell them to shut up."

Xi Qingke: "..."

Xi Qingke also doesn't know how to coax children.

But no way.

The teacher is much more terrifying than these yelling little ghosts.

"You..." Xi Qingke took out a few candies from the space button, and asked a few dusty children, "Do you want some candies?"


Chi Yiyi bought Xi Qingke's candy for her.

Produced by Shangshan Shame.

Just the candy paper is colorful and radiant.

"Eat, eat!"

The Y41 star is relatively biased.

The sugar here is more precious than that of Imperial Star.

These children have only heard of this legendary delicacy, but they have never seen it.

Now when they heard that someone wanted to treat them to eat, they immediately stopped crying, and quickly took the candy from Xi Qingke's hand before wiping away tears.

"Thank you!"

Several children who were faster took one each.

There is a slower one.

Timidly took all the remaining sugar.


It is indeed a legendary delicacy!
It's sweeter than corn stalks!

"do you want?"

The one who didn't run didn't cry, and he didn't ask for candy.

But Xi Qingke still handed him two.


The child tilted his head and let his friends describe how delicious the candy was, but he refused to take it.

Seeing this, Xi Qingke didn't force it.

She withdrew her hand, turned around to find the kid who had just thanked her, and asked him, "Can you tell me why you came here to explore?"

"Brother Yi said there are worms here, if we can find them, they will be warriors!"

The child ate Xi Qingke's candy, but he didn't hide it, and exposed the friends' bottoms in two or three strokes.


The leading child is Wu Yi. When he passed by here with his grandfather last year, he met the Zerg. Wu Yi said that he saw a big Zerg tentacle that pulled his grandfather into the lake and ate him.

Only people from the [-]th Army came to see it.

No trace of the Zerg was found.

In addition, Wu Yi is young and has a bad reputation, so no one believes his words.

"Brother Yi has brought us here to ambush for a long time. We were planning to go back today, but just after taking two steps, Brother Yi suddenly said that he saw something inside, so he asked us to move a big rock and throw it into the lake Go see."

Ready to go back?
Xi Qingke turned his head and glanced at the one named Wu Yi.

The other party glared at her.

Xi Qingke: "..."

She took the child a little further away and asked him, "Where did you all ambush before?"


The child pointed to the other end.

a bit far.

He also said: "We came here following the traces of the Zerg from over there!"

Xi Qingke gave the child another candy and asked him to take him there to have a look.

"right here!"

The child ran ahead.

After a while, he pointed to a thicket of reeds and said, "We've been lying in ambush here before!"

Xi Qingke walked over.

Lie down at the place where Wu Yi was in ambush.


You can see the road they drove here.

I heard the officer of the Eleventh Army say: There is only one way to get here from the warship berth.

Xi Qingke thought for a while, then went to the place where the children were caught just now.

"This is where we threw the stones!" The child pointed to a place on the bank where the grass had been crushed.

You can clearly see traces of heavy objects being pushed down.

Also, it's not far from where they got off.

"Thank you for showing me the way."

Xi Qingke gave the child a few more candies as intelligence fees.The child was a little embarrassed at first, but he still couldn't resist the sweetness of the candy. After saying thank you to Xi Qingke, he accepted it.

When he was picked up by his parents, he was very happy.

There is no sadness at all about the imminent catastrophe.


Xi Qingke told Ying Jiao all the findings just now.


Ying Jiao glanced at Wu Yi, who had no one to pick him up, and handed over the routine task to Xi Qingke.

"Brother Ying, is what the kid said true?"

Xiao Yihe knew that he was here to kill insects.

Since Brother Ying brought them here, the worm is probably here.

"how could I know?"

Ying Jiao puts her hands in her pockets.

Look at the place where the child pushed the stone.

nothing special.

She circled around again.

I found that there are quite a lot of ducks in this area.

Seeing that Ying Jiao had been staring at the ducks, the officer leading the way explained to him: "Residents living near here used to like to raise ducks in the lake, but because the lake is unlucky, other residents gradually moved away. The duck probably slipped through the net at the time of the move."

"Fish slipping through the net?"

Ying Jiao turned her head, with a faint smile on her face: "This fish is not cheap."

(End of this chapter)

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