All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 376 Meeting Sheng Yu for the First Time

Chapter 376 Meeting Sheng Yu for the First Time
Ying Jiao didn't go to her office, but went directly to Lu Qingyang.

The cages for the ducks are ready.

Ugly is very happy.

It finally doesn't have to hold the worm and be delayed by it to eat!
"Hurry up!"

Ugly was jumping on both feet as he walked, wanting to quickly hand over the hot jelly in his hand.

"No hurries?"

Lu Qingyang first put a restraining weapon on the duck mother, and then put it in the cage.

This cage is not big.

Recently, Lu Qingyang was short of good materials, so he actually learned to save money.

not easy.

"Thank you uncle."

Ying Jiao carried the cage, tested it, and after confirming that the worm mother was very safe inside, she handed the red crow to Lu Qingyang.

This time Lu Qingyang was very happy.

Because this red crow also has his share.

Although it was only a small portion, it was enough for him to make something good.

"Okay, let's go! I'm off to work. If you have this kind of work next time, you can come to me again!"

With Red Crow as a reward, Lu Qingyang is still willing to work.

Of course, he, Lu Qingyang, is not someone who has never seen the world.

He has also used ultra-rare materials.

It's just such a large piece of ultra-rare material, and he hasn't seen it so often.How long has it been since the last Gu Yuanjing, and now there is such a big piece of red crow again.

I'm jealous.

Even Lu Qingyang couldn't help being envious.

"Will do."

Ying proudly nodded.

To do something, the first choice is of course Lu Qingyang.He dabbles in a wide range of fields and can basically do anything.And still do it well.

Thousands of expeditions have been made.

Ying Jiao first took the poor ugly egg who worked hard to pretend to have a meal.

Then he took it and went to Xia Feng's laboratory with the mother of duck insects.

The laboratory is inside the school.

Firstly, it will be convenient for Xia Feng to teach; secondly, the school is safe - the entire interstellar, this is the only place where the level of security is comparable to that of the military.

With Xia Feng's authorization, Ying Jiao can go in directly.


When Ying Jiao entered, he found that besides teacher Xia Feng and his assistant, there was a man in a research uniform next to him.

It looks good.

The appearance is somewhat similar to that of Senior Sister Sheng Ling.

The temperament is also as high and cold as her.

"Teacher." Xia Feng stared at the small cage in Ying Jiao's hand, with a gloomy and excited expression.But he only looked at it for a while, then tried his best to look away, and introduced to Ying Jiao, "This is, I, teacher."

Really Sheng Yu.

Ying Jiao nodded, "Hello, Teacher Sheng."

Sheng Yu is also a teacher at the First Military Academy.

Just not out of my lab very often.

And rarely teach.


Sheng Yu's tone was cold, and there was no expression on his face.

If someone else does this, it must be because they can't understand the other party and deliberately look at others.

But Sheng Yu was not.

He also likes to be proud.

Just after saying hello, he took out ten boxes of potions from the space button.

"Meet and greet."

Very hardcore meeting ceremony.

Very much their style of doing things.

But Ying Jiao was a little surprised—Mr. Sheng Yu actually knew the word greeting ceremony.

not easy.

"Thank you, Teacher Sheng."

Ying Jiao took the medicine and handed the duck to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng: I told the teacher that I have a duck and a worm mother, so he wants to see it too...

Xia Feng: Shy.jpg
Xia Feng: Is it okay, student Ying Jiao?
It is safe to keep ducks in the cage, but it is very dangerous after being taken out.

Unless Ying Jiao is watching.


Ying proudly nodded.

She said, why did Teacher Sheng Yu leave his laboratory.It turned out that I made a special trip to see the mother of duck insects.

Since Ying Jiao said that he would give the insect mother to Xia Feng, he immediately arranged a place for her.

A dedicated research room.

"Student Yingjiao! Hurry up!"

Xia Feng was very excited.

Both he and Sheng Yu had changed their equipment, and were waiting for Ying Jiao to release the worm mother.

A key is required to open this cage.

This key can only be possessed by Ying Pride.


As soon as the insect mother was released, she rose up and resisted.

The huge tentacles stretched out almost in the blink of an eye.

"crack clack"

Ying Jiao raised the knife and dropped it, its tentacles fell all over the ground.


The foot duck insect mother is extremely unwilling.

The mouth that does not know where it grows keeps making "chichi" calls.

"How dare you scold my master!!"

The ugly egg gave it a kick when it went up.

There are many insect mother tentacles on the ground.

The ugly egg picked them all up, because it had just had enough to eat, and it was no longer hungry after eating a few pieces.

"Xiao Feng, do you want it?" The ugly egg handed the rest to Xia Feng.

If it wasn't for Ying Jiao being nearby, it would have wanted to keep it private - there was a space button on Ugly Egg's body, which Lu Xingyao gave it with materials for its cooperation.

It never told Ying Jiao.

Just secretly store things in it.

Mainly food.

Others, if there is a fancy, it will stay.

Over time, there are many good products in its space buttons.

Ugly was very cautious, even Ying Jiao didn't notice the clue.


Xia Feng hurriedly brought a bunch of containers, ready to put all the tentacles of the duck-footed mother.

"Xiao Feng, you have to be careful." Ugly Egg has eaten the leg duck jelly for so many days, and he has some experience. He told Xia Feng: "Just such a small whisker can grow into a 3S leg duck!"

The ugly egg knows that the 3S bug is very dangerous to normal people.

Especially its good partner is a rookie who can't even open a mech.

It's even more dangerous!
"Be careful!"

The ugly egg gave another warning with concern.

"Eat them all." Ying Jiao didn't let Xia Feng raise so many ducks, it was too dangerous, so he asked the ugly egg to eat all the tentacles that were cut off.

"Okay... okay."

The ugly egg opened his mouth and finished the jelly in a few mouthfuls.

——Xia Feng and Sheng Yu showed the same eyes.

So Ying Jiao used supernatural flames to chop off a few tentacles that would not regenerate.Said: "This tentacle will not regenerate, the two teachers can use this for research."

Sheng Yu and Xia Feng:!

The two solemnly put the tentacles into the container.

Both Sheng Yu and Xia Feng had smiles in their eyes.

Xia Feng: I used to be very envious of my teacher for having such a good student as junior brother Ruan Yi, but now I don't.Student Ying Jiao, you are better than Junior Brother Ruan Yi!
Xia Feng: When the potion is researched, the teacher will definitely send you some boxes!

Because of its strong regenerative ability, the foot duck has a very high research value.

Even Sheng Yu, who doesn't study worms, is very interested in its abilities.

So much so that Ying Jiao, who sent out a worm mother, was as important as Ruan Yi in the hearts of the two of them.

Ying Jiao: "..."

She actually saw Teacher Sheng Yu nodding beside her.

I don't know how Dr. Ruan will feel after hearing the news.

Ying Jiao didn't reply.

Because both Sheng Yu and Xia Feng had already taken out their tools to work.

No one listened to her.

With Ying Jiao watching, the worm mother didn't dare to act rashly.The key is that it can't move. Now it's body is covered with lines condensed by the flames of Yingjiao's ability. As long as it moves, it will hear the sound of "Zi la la".

Then Sheng Yu and Xia Feng had research materials to pick up.

After the two of them studied the worm mother roughly, Ying Jiao put it back in the cage again.

(End of this chapter)

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