All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 377 Lemon Qufei

Chapter 377 Lemon Qufei
The curriculum of the First Military Academy is changed every academic year.

So the class of Yingjiao this semester is still the same as before.

Today is Friday.

Yingjiao only has two classes.

One section for mech combat and one section for equipment maintenance.

Classes are in the afternoon.

But it was almost dark now.

and so……

Yingjiao can directly rest on the weekend.

Teacher Xuan He: Student Ying Jiao, I heard that you have returned to school?Come to the teacher to get the textbooks and study materials for the past few days.

Teacher Qu Fei: Come to get the materials.

Zhu Xingchen: Lao Ying, we all want to go out for dinner together, do you want to come?Teacher Mei Yan gave us a [-]% discount card for a taste!

Liu Mianmian: Congratulations.

Wei Zhuo: I have found my brother, thank you Ying Jiao.

Teacher Mei Yan: Xiaoying, do you have any new recipes recently?I think a new taste can be released again.

Several unread messages popped up in succession.

You should skip it first.

Tell Xiao Ji: I have already arrived at school.

Then, in order, they returned messages to people one by one.

On Zhu Xingchen's side, Ying Jiao agreed.But she has to go to the teacher's office building to get textbooks and explanation materials.

Zhu Xingchen: I knew you were coming!We are waiting for you at the school gate!
Ying Jiao: Yes.

Xuan He's office is not in the same building as Qu Fei's.After Ying Jiao received the geographical analysis materials, Xuan He praised her a few words, and then let her go.

The process went smoothly.

As for Qu Fei...

"Student Ying Jiao." Qu Fei smiled kindly, but Ying Jiao could feel the chill from his words.

Ying Jiao glanced at the small light gun he was carrying with him.

He...can't do it, can he?

"Teacher Qu Fei."

Ying Jiao's expression was very calm, but in fact he was already vigilant in his heart.

"I heard that idiot Lu Qingyang has something to do again? It's amazing that Ying Jiao can get so many ultra-rare materials."

At the end of the conversation, Qu Fei's gentle tone had changed.

Sour chirping.

The soft smile on his face was gone.

It is the first time Ying Jiao sees Qu Fei expressionless.

To be honest, he has the same temperament as Mr. Xia Feng now.

"Teacher Qu Fei." Ying Jiao didn't panic, she explained: "Director Lu is an employee of our company, I just found some jobs for him. I didn't produce those ultra-rare materials."

"Of course I know it's not yours." Qu Fei snorted: "If so many materials are yours, all the mecha masters in the interstellar will miss you."

That bastard Lu Qingyang actually waited until he ran out of the ultra-rare materials that cost more than [-] kilograms before sending him the pictures before the start of work to show off!

Qu Fei's teeth are not only sore now.

His whole body is sour.

Close the office door.

Qu Fei was sour and angry, "I'm also an employee of Qianzheng, why didn't Mr. Ying give me a job?"

Ying Jiao: "..."

You are only in name, did you forget?

You still have to build materials!

Moreover, Qu Fei's specialty is mecha, and Lu Qingyang is indeed superior in terms of defensive weapons.

The key is that he is free.

The few materials given to him were originally intended for their family of three...

Yingjiao thought so.

You can't say that for sure.

She said with some embarrassment, "Actually, I am also worried that you are not free, teacher. After all, there were a lot of orders before, and I will not be able to finish them in a while."

Compared with the two socially disadvantaged households in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Qu Fei is serious about teaching students.

He wants to lead class A1 of the mecha department, and it is usually not very empty.

Qu Fei knew that he should be proud to talk about people, and to talk nonsense when he saw ghosts.

He didn't believe her words.

But he wasn't as groggy as before.

Qu Fei took a sip of tea slowly, and asked Ying Jiao: "I heard that your mecha still lacks black bandit stones to be perfect?"


Ying Jiao didn't wonder how Qu Fei knew about this, anyway, nine times out of ten Lu Qingyang slipped his tongue when showing off.

"I know where there are black bandit stones." Qu Fei didn't hold back, and he said directly: "The Liang family wanted to send a black bandit stone to me to make a defensive weapon. I refused. "

Lu Qingyang definitely won't take orders from the Liang family.

That's why they turned to Qu Fei.

As a result, Qu Fei also refused.

Not everyone's ultra-rare materials are like Ji's, in large chunks.

Ultra-rare materials, use a little less.

If he accepts the order, what if his student's mecha can't be perfected?
Qu Fei refused at that time.

"Thank you teacher." Ying Jiao accepted Qu Fei's favor. She searched in the space button and took out a bunch of worm mother materials. "These are the worms I killed during my internship. They are not precious materials. Don't be disgusted."

The insect mother is not easy to kill.

Therefore, insect mother materials are more expensive than rare materials.

It's not that Qu Fei has never seen the world.

But such a large pile was still given to him by the students.

The smile on Qu Fei's face became gentle again.

"Don't dislike it, I like it very much."

Immediately let the butler robot take the things to the warehouse and put them away.

"Here are your textbooks, study materials, and homework."

Qu Fei is in a good mood, so he doesn't say anything weird anymore.He directly handed everything over to Ying Jiao.

"Thank you, teacher."

Ying Jiao got the things and was ready to leave.

But Qu Fei said awkwardly: "Cough, hum... If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

"Okay teacher, I will."

"You did well in the exam last semester, full marks."

The papers for the final exam are not easy, and the scores of some mecha departments are not as high as they should be.

So much so that on the day the results came down, class A1 of the mecha department had winter vacation homework.

"Well... I would also like to thank the teacher for the notes."

Ying Jiao felt that Qu Fei seemed to have something to say.

Just embarrassed to speak.

Qu Fei blushed a little.

He opened his mouth.

want to talk.

But before the voice came out, he took a sip of tea in a panic, and swallowed the words again.


Qu Fei looked at the teacup with regret in his eyes.

Should be proud and silent.

Afterwards, he tentatively said, " you want to see my mecha?"

Peak No. [-] was built by Lu Qingyang himself.

It also fused with more than ten kilograms of Gu Yuanjing.

Lu Qingyang must have shown off to Qu Fei.And Qu Fei was so hesitant to speak, probably because he didn't want to admit that he wanted to see the mecha made by Lu Qingyang.

Ying Jiao took the initiative to speak.


Qu Fei's eyes lit up.

He put down the teacup in his hand, stood up, and tried to make himself smile as usual: "Since you have kindly invited me, teacher, I will reluctantly help you take a look!"

Ying Jiao: "..."

When will these two graduate from kindergarten?

Ying Jiao took out the peak number one.

Soaring sour gas came out.

But soon calmed down again.

When he started to inspect the mecha, Qu Fei was serious and serious.

Although he always said he didn't like Lu Qingyang, at this moment, Qu Fei had to admit: that idiot really has two brushes.

Seeing the core energy, Qu Fei almost drooled.

Gu Yuanjing weighed more than ten kilograms, and some top mecha masters really never saw it in their entire lives.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about Lu Qingyang's refining method.

this core.

Not only the materials are unique, but also the construction method is flawless.

"Perfect, so perfect!"

Take off your gloves.

Qu Fei said seriously: "Mr. Ying, if you have any work in the future, you can come to me. I am also an employee of Qianzheng, and I should go to work when I have time."

(End of this chapter)

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