Chapter 47

At noon, Ying Jiao and the others began to have lunch.

They killed bugs for hours in the morning without seeing a single bugger.

Zhu Xingchen felt a little strange.

As someone who knows how much hatred Ying Jiao has pulled on internal forums.

He thought it was very abnormal.

Zhu Xingchen held the nutrient in his hand, and approached Lu Yuan mysteriously: "Old Lu, you said it's already noon, why is no one coming?"

He asked Lu Yuan, but Lu Yuan didn't answer his question, but asked an irrelevant question: "Is the nutrient solution delicious?"


Zhu Xingchen was stunned.

After that, he replied: "It's...not bad."

"Drink more."

Lu Yuan patted him on the shoulder, and then went to find Ying Jiao.

Zhu Xingchen: "..."

Lu Yuan found Ying Jiao, the reason why he didn't answer Zhu Xingchen just now was because the seniors were gathering to them on a large scale.

There were so many of them that he worried that Zhu Xingchen might not be able to drink the nutrient solution after he knew about it.

So it's better not to tell him.

Lu Yuan walked to Ying Jiao's side, and Ying Jiao was also drinking the nutrient solution at this time.

While drinking, she thought about what happened to Xiao Ji?Why did he suddenly start to stay away from her?
Lu Yuan saw that Ying Jiao's eyes kept falling on the clump of grass where the stalker was hiding, so he asked, "Do you want to dispose of it?"

Eliminate the people who are following you now, so there won't be too many people coming over.

Don't worry about the risk of crashing the game.

"Dispose of it?" Ying Jiao wondered.

Who to deal with?
Lu Yuan: "A lot of people have come here, do you want to eliminate the latter one?"

It turned out to be the tail.

Ying Jiao understood, "No need."

After a while, when everyone is together, we can clean up together, no need to trouble.

As soon as she said that, Lu Yuan ignored that person.

He looked at the detector made by Qi Shen, and there were dense red dots around the five green dots. There were too many red dots, and some of them were connected together, which turned red on the monitor.

"That, that..."

Qi Shen also left a detector himself, so he naturally knows their current situation.

He looked at the bright red area around the green dot, and was a little panicked, "Are we... all right?"

Surrounded by so many people, is it really okay?

"Don't worry," Lu Yuan handed him a nutrient solution, "It's not a big problem."

But whether there is a problem or not, he can't guarantee.

But judging by Ying Jiao's appearance, he should be able to deal with it.

"That's good." Qi Shen heaved a sigh of relief.

Here, after Ying Jiao drank enough nutrient solution, he found a blind spot where no one was around and the flight monitor above his head couldn't see it, and took the ugly egg out of the bag.

"Drink more, I don't have time to talk to you at night."


The ugly egg looked at the whole box of nutrient solution in front of him, hesitated for a while, and said, "Thank you, master."

Then he drank a few bottles of nutrient solution slowly.

"I'm full, master."

Ying Jiao squinted at it.

"Why, what's the matter? Master?" The ugly egg retreated timidly.

This is not normal.

Ying Jiao lifted the ugly egg's feet and looked around.

Although the difference is not huge, this bug...

My belly seems to be a little bulging.

A very tiny bit.

If it weren't for her good eyesight, she wouldn't be able to tell.

"Say, what's going on?" She hasn't given it any food since she fed it two boxes of nutrient solution in the morning.

This stomach is still normal when I go out in the morning.

But now the stomach is slightly bulging.

is it full?


It has never done this before drinking so many nutrient solutions.

"What, what's going on?"

The ugly egg was hung in the air by his feet, his voice trembling.

There are ghosts at a glance.

Ying Jiao held the worm in one hand, and released flames with the other, "What's going on?" She asked again.

This time the ugly guy didn't dare to pretend to be stupid anymore, so he could only answer honestly.

"Master... I, I'm full..."


"Yes... yes."

It just ate a lot of worms and was too full.

And the worms in it are rare products with good quality and good taste, and they taste very good!
It loves it.

Ying Jiao: "Be honest, what did you eat?"

As he said that, the flame in his hand became even bigger.

The ugly egg was trembling with fright.


"Say it!"

"I..." I dare not say it!

Although it was promised when I left the house that it was a spider pendant, there are so many delicious bugs wandering around here... It's like seducing it fiercely!It's just unbearable...

It doesn't want to either!
But who made this insect so fragrant!It was seduced by those bugs, it has nothing to do with its ugly bastard!
"Don't say? It seems that you want to eat grilled bugs."

"NO!!!" I don't want to eat grilled bugs! !
Ugly Egg knows the power of roasting worms, and the taste makes them so painful that they can't hurt anymore.

It never wants to try again.

But in the blink of an eye, Ugly Egg balanced his gains and losses, turned around and hugged Ying Jiao's fingers without saying a word.

"Wow!!! I'm wrong master!"

This time it shed tears so fiercely that Ying Jiao couldn't help but frown.

What the hell did this bug do to cry so hard?
Ying Jiao intuited that the ugly guy caused a lot of trouble.

She took a deep breath and calmly put the ugly egg on the ground, "Tell me, what did you do? You'd better tell the truth, otherwise..."

The grilled bugs are arranged.

The calm before the storm frightened the ugly egg half to death, and it couldn't control its feet back again and again.


"Say!" Ying Jiao's patience was running out.

Ugly didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately explained everything, "Because the worms in this place are so delicious, I couldn't help but..."

"Just what?"

"I just... just ate a little bit."

The ugly egg flicked anxiously with its two feet, trying to prove to Ying Jiao that it really only ate a little bit!

A little bit?

Of course Ying Jiao couldn't believe it.

This worm ate more than she did. No matter how fat the worms brought by the military were, one or two would still be enough for it to fit between its teeth.

This worm ate the problems used in the school competition, and ate a lot.

You should be proud to come to this conclusion.

She felt that it was time for her to take a closer look at this worm, she hadn't noticed that she was able to eat it under her nose.

This bug's ability to sneak around is not ordinary.

"Master, master..." Ugly took a sneaky look at Ying Jiao.

Nothing could be seen.

Ying Jiao's expression was indifferent. Although he looked very different from usual, he didn't show any anger.

"How much did you eat?" she asked calmly.

"At once……"

"to be frank."

"Just a few hundred..."

hundreds of...

Ying Jiao hardened her fist.

The worms transported by the military were only a few thousand, and tens of thousands of students killed the thousands of worms. The competition was already fierce.

Hundreds of them were eaten by this bug!
It can be imagined that those missing bugs would be strange if they were not suspected!

Ying Jiao kept silent, the ugly guy was about to die of fright.

It rushed up and hugged Ying Jiao's feet, and shed tears from the bottom of its heart, "Wow!! I wronged my master, and I won't dare to do it again next time. Forgive me! Don't drive me away!"

(End of this chapter)

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