Chapter 48

Ying Jiao was silent for a while.

While the ugly bastard was crying, she put it back in the bag.

"You haven't had enough before?"

She thought that with so much nutrient solution, the worm would never be hungry again, but her imagination was still not bold enough.

The worm could eat more than she thought.

For a while, the ugly egg was crying so hard that it couldn't stop, but it dared not answer Yingjiao's question, so it could only sob and say: "I-hiccup! Before me, hiccup- drank a lot of nutrition Liquid, belch~ No, not very hungry. I was always hungry when I was a child, belch~ I’m used to it, but today I saw so many delicious ones, I couldn’t hold back—beep!”

"I'm the wrong master, don't want me! Hiccup—"

The worm was crying too sadly, Ying Jiao didn't bother to comfort him, and directly pulled up the chain of the backpack.

Putting the rest of the nutrient solution on the bottle, Ying Jiao finally asked, "Are you full?"


"Tell the truth."

"A little bit." Ugly Egg's voice was a little shy: "I can eat a lot at once, and then digest it slowly. If my stomach is full, I can go without eating for several days!"

Ugly is a little proud.

This is a skill that it has evolved for hundreds of years. Since its stomach has become full, it has tried to eat when there is food, so that even if it is unlucky for a few days and cannot find food, it does not have to starve up!
This is one of the most important skills for it to survive smoothly, so old!

Ying Jiao: "Go back and buy you a nutrient solution, the insects here are not allowed to eat anymore."

The nutrient solution ugly egg also likes it very much.

Human food is much better than some Zerg.


"Master, will this cost too much money?"

Money is very important to human beings. It has seen many human beings throw away their pets because they ate too much and couldn't keep them.

"Master, in fact, I can eat less..." Don't lose me!
Ugly Egg now eats, drinks and sleeps. At present, it still likes this master very much, and doesn't want to be thrown away at all.

Ying Jiao didn't know what the ugly guy had come up with, so he just explained casually: "I still have some money."

She can't even afford to feed a worm.

"Then, thank you master..." I will eat less when you run out of money.



In the afternoon, Ying Jiao and the others encountered significantly more Zerg.

Those in the know know that these insects are specially attracted to them by the "red dots" around them in order to consume their energy.

Only Zhu Xingchen felt that their team was lucky, and they could meet points with just a few steps.

In the evening, Ying Jiao and the others had just taken out the nutrient solution to prepare for dinner. Before they could take a sip, several light guns fired at the same time in the distance.


The nutrient solution of Ying Jiao, Lu Yuan and the others was fine, but Qi Shen's dinner suffered a disaster and was broken into several pieces.

A small piece of it was in his hand, and the rest fell to the ground.

The broken glass slag is embedded in the soil mixed with nutrient solution.

Qi Shen looked up, and the red dots on the monitor finally appeared—hundreds of senior veterans surrounded them. They didn't drive mechas, but each held a lightsaber in their hands.

Hundreds of lightsabers brought a little light to the originally dark evening.

"I didn't expect that, Yingjiao."

Lan Ye came out from the crowd, "I have studied all your battle videos, and I have to say that your sword skills are very superb, even if we drive a mech, we are no match for you. But now, you still dare to use a lightsaber Cut us like you cut mechs?"


Should be proud and silent.

She really wanted to ask, how did Lan Ye convince these hundreds of people to listen to his arrangement?

Is it because of his not-so-bright mind?
"He has money." Seeing her doubts, Lu Yuan whispered in her ear to explain.

It turned out to be the case.

As the richest man in the interstellar family, Lan Ye's surname is now Lan, so it's not surprising that he has some financial resources.

"How about it, Ying Jiao, do you want to kneel down and apologize to us? If you kneel well, maybe we can let you go today."

Lan Ye held the lightsaber in his hand, imitating Ying Jiao's previous posture of holding the sword and waved it around.

I feel pretty cool about myself.

"What nonsense are you talking about! You let it go? I won't let it go!" Liang Wenxun led hundreds of other people out from the other end.

All of these people are driving mechs, and their brains are much better than Lan Ye's.

Liang Wenxun turned up the mech amplifier to the maximum.

He shouted at the front: "Ying Jiao, I advise you to hand over your badges quickly, or we will be rude!" Today, he must avenge the last photoshoot!
The deafening sound resounded through the mountains.

As a war scumbag, Qi Shen had never seen such a scene.

At this moment, he finally knew why Teacher Qu Fei had to practice marksmanship so hard in the first place—this group of combat students really lived up to their reputation as "animals".

In this scene, he, a frail homeboy of the mecha department, would really be afraid.

Today's scene is not small, Ji Hanyu and Zhu Xingchen also immediately took out the mecha and entered the cockpit.

Ying Jiao Lu Yuan didn't have mechas.

Ying Jiao handed Qi Shen over to Zhu Xingchen in the mecha, and asked him to protect her final exam results, and asked Lu Yuan and Ji Hanyu to form a team to resist the weaker Lan Ye first.

Then pull out the lightsaber.

"I also advise all the seniors, there is still time to run."

Ying Jiao is sincerely persuading.Although she knew they were unlikely to listen, that didn't stop her from telling the truth.

But her truth, in the eyes of everyone in the senior grades, is to be stubborn and arrogant even when death is imminent.

Lan Ye, in particular, was angry and contemptuous, "Ying Jiao, don't think that by climbing up to Ji Ershao and Zhu Ershao, you can become an enemy of the entire senior class! Let me tell you, there is not even a single freshman in the First Military Academy." Arrogant!"

"It's not the turn of the new students?"

Ying Jiao smiled and activated the lightsaber, "I'm sorry, but I'll join the queue today and stand in front of everyone."

With so many people today, Ying Jiao felt that he could give them a face by using the ability of the power department.Although she wanted to keep a low profile, she couldn't help it. She was alive, so she couldn't fight.

Of course, the most important thing is that she doesn't like someone teaching her how to do things.

Anyway, it's just using the power system ability to speed up and increase the strength.

The strength department is not the fire department, as long as she speaks hard enough, she will have no abnormalities.

After finding an excuse, Ying Jiao stepped forward with confidence.

The first person she met was Liang Wenxun.

Liang Wenxun had a serious fight with Ying Jiao before, and he knew Ying Jiao's strength, so he was vigilant enough from the beginning.

He thought he was well prepared, no matter what, he would be able to accept Ying Jiao's move, so as to facilitate the support of his alumni at the same level.


This time, Ying Jiao cut off the leg of his mecha neatly with only one sword. During the whole process, Liang Wenxun had no time to blink, and his mecha lost its mobility.

Liang Wenxun was a little confused.

——Obviously last time he could barely see Ying Jiao's action trajectory, but why this time he only felt that his mecha had to be repaired again when his eyes were blurred?

(End of this chapter)

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